View Full Version : I'm lost

10-12-2007, 10:46 AM
Yesterday I played 10NL. I had AQs was faced by a 3bet from villain with 10% pf raise. Guessing that he holds JJ+ (KK+ more likely). But I didn't know what to think, what to consider etc.
I looked in the sticky but couldn't find anything (or maybe I was looking in the wrong place).
From Pokerstove I get that I have a chance of 33,7%. But considering KK+ and AA+ are more likely, my chances have to be less. Let's say 25%. So it would be correct to call if I had to call 1$ more when 3 are in the pot? I've read a thread from the SSNL forum concerning hand ranges and how to use them, but I don't know if same applies pf when considering calling a 3bet. I'm sorry if this is newbie. Is there anything else to consider in such a situation?

10-12-2007, 11:07 AM
I suggest you don't call AQ OOP 3bet pot. You could very well lose all your stack if an A comes on flop. (Against AK)

10-12-2007, 11:16 AM
Ye id normally jus fold AQ OOP to a 3-bet, especially at NL10

10-12-2007, 11:28 AM
You can call AQo out of position against a knwon player, you just gotta be prepared to fold.

10-12-2007, 12:06 PM
I don't think that calling AQ for your 3 to 1 pot odds is a good idea. When you hit your A, you can't stack in with it every time because i.) if they have JJ or QQ, they probably won't get all in on an A high board and ii.) you could be up against AA or AK, which won't help you - but those hands *will* get all in on a Q high board.

10-12-2007, 12:10 PM
Pokerstove showing an equity of 33% or whatever is a bit misleading. For a start this 33% assumes a showdown which you might not be able to reach

The critical fact though is that if AQ is good you wont get any action from the hand you beat (JJ) because you will have made a higher pair. However should you hit TP you could still lose a bundle to AA, KK, QQ or AK.

Your chances of winning a showdown is only a small consideration in choosing whether to play a hand.