View Full Version : Ron Paul Fundraising

10-03-2007, 03:41 PM
Found this pretty surprising and figured you guys might be interested:
Ron Paul Fundraising Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/politics_nation/2007/10/exclusive_paul_tops_5_mil_for.html)

10-03-2007, 04:10 PM
that is very good news that he raised that much. the article states that he should be able to be in it for the long haul and that he'll be starting tv commercials this week.

i'll be voting for him in the primary for sure. not because i think he has a chance to be the nominee, but because i want to send a message to the republican party. a message that the libertarian wing of the party -- that is still in favor of conservative fiscal policy and wants government to remain small and out of the personal lives of u.s. citizens -- is larger than expected. if there is enough of a ground swell for paul and his views perhaps in future elections going forward the g.o.p. will start to come back to this view.

10-03-2007, 04:40 PM
Found this pretty surprising and figured you guys might be interested:
Ron Paul Fundraising Numbers (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/politics_nation/2007/10/exclusive_paul_tops_5_mil_for.html)

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We'll know on the 15th when the reports are out in more detail who is in what fincial position. Total rasied numbers are good, but reading the reports will tell you things like how much they spent to raise that amount, how many of their donnors are capped, how much PAC money they took, and what they had left on hand at the end of the quarter.

I would imagine Paul will look good in all these respect, but would be a little concerned that this information wasn't in the campaign Press Release that Real Clear picked up.

D$D<--written a few campaing press releases

10-03-2007, 05:56 PM
Roger, I was just surprised at the total amount raised.

Raising $5 million doesnt do you much good if you are still in debt $2 million. Not that I expect that, but you are quite right that the overall report will tell more. Lord knows why such data wasn't in a release.

<--seen many terrible releases

10-03-2007, 08:47 PM
Because RP has an amateur campaign. He has no gd sense, takes no gd advice, and has no gd strategy other than that enough people wear tin foil hats to raise $5m. He had such an opportunity 6 months ago, maybe he still does, if he just had a good handler and control over his mouth.

10-03-2007, 09:02 PM
Because RP has an amateur campaign. He has no gd sense, takes no gd advice, and has no gd strategy other than that enough people wear tin foil hats to raise $5m. He had such an opportunity 6 months ago, maybe he still does, if he just had a good handler and control over his mouth.

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He does have Some Howard Dean in him....


10-03-2007, 11:39 PM
Here is a good comparison to show what chance Paul has of being anything other than a sideshow candidate. Thru the 2nd quarter Mitt Romney (the leading fundraiser at that time) had raised $44,432,349. Ron Paul at that time had raised $3,009,996. Rudy G had raised $34,222,701.

To put them all to shame Shillary had raised $63,075,926 with another 19 or 20 million in the 3rd quarter.


10-07-2007, 01:41 AM
I love that man to death.

10-07-2007, 01:42 AM
I like that nickname, Shillary, wish I thought it up.

10-07-2007, 12:04 PM
Here is a good comparison to show what chance Paul has of being anything other than a sideshow candidate. Thru the 2nd quarter Mitt Romney (the leading fundraiser at that time) had raised $44,432,349. Ron Paul at that time had raised $3,009,996. Rudy G had raised $34,222,701.

To put them all to shame Shillary had raised $63,075,926 with another 19 or 20 million in the 3rd quarter.


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The way I read the releases Shillary had only raised $53 mill total throught the end of the 3rd quarter. $10 mil she transfered from her Senate coffers.

Obama, the poker player, raised almost $75 mil with no transfer and no PAC money. He also has an average donnor amount of $214, if my math is correct. I bet Shillary's is closer to $1k if not above.


10-08-2007, 06:38 PM
Interview with Ron Paul: http://www.townhall.com/video/Campaign08/1450_AC100807

10-10-2007, 04:38 AM
While I enjoy that he is in support of online poker, here is what troubles me with supporting Ron Paul. (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=12438027&an=0&page=0#Pos t12438027)

10-10-2007, 05:26 AM
While I enjoy that he is in support of online poker, here is what troubles me with supporting Ron Paul. (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=12438027&an=0&page=0#Pos t12438027)

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Haha, you have trouble supporting Ron Paul yet your avatar is of one of the most well known racists in baseball.

That's rich.

10-10-2007, 06:14 AM
Haha, you have trouble supporting Ron Paul yet your avatar is of one of the most well known racists in baseball.

That's rich.

[/ QUOTE ]

I admit, it may be confusing to those who don't possess the cognitive ability to differentiate between "credible evidence" and "uncorroborated allegation".

Otherwise, you'd be able to see a stark difference. But, it's neither here nor there for the purpose of this thread.

10-10-2007, 08:39 AM
Haha, you have trouble supporting Ron Paul yet your avatar is of one of the most well known racists in baseball.

That's rich.

[/ QUOTE ]

I admit, it may be confusing to those who don't possess the cognitive ability to differentiate between "credible evidence" and "uncorroborated allegation".

Otherwise, you'd be able to see a stark difference. But, it's neither here nor there for the purpose of this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you want Ron Paul to come clean, why not ask Barry Bonds for the same? His response to the accusation that he wouldnt sign stuff for white people:

"Who is Kittle? How long did he play? He played in our league? Ha! Do you guys believe that? Do you guys know my life history a little bit? One, you insult my children, who are half-white. I was married to a woman who was white, so let’s get real. I don’t even know the guy. Tell him he’s an … idiot. Somebody said he wanted a piece of me. Tell him I’m at 24 Willie Mays Plaza and he can come get me anytime he wants to—with pleasure. Don’t insult my family."

-In stead of saying "That is not correct, of course I am more than happy to sign stuff for people of all colors, and always have been" he responds by asking how long Kittle played. Judging by how you see Ron Pauls lack of clear cut denials of the statements he made as evidence of him being racist Barry Bonds must be racist to.

But for some reason I kinda feel that you will excuse Bonds and go the opposite way with him.