View Full Version : Question regarding Iron Man Freeroll Tourneys

09-26-2007, 09:58 AM
I usually take the bonus medals because don't have the chance to play the freerolls (damned family always getting in the way on weekends). However, I'm going to be free to play next month and was considering entering the freeroll rather than taking the medals.

Can anyone tell give me rough estimates as to the following:

1. How many entrants were there in the Iron tourney last month?
2. How many spots paid?
3. Roughly what % of entrants actually show up?
4. What does finishing ITM pay?

09-26-2007, 10:57 PM
Going from memory...

1. 302
2. 96
3. Almost everyone shows up; maybe up to 20% of people show up late, as much as an hour.
4. $100 ITM, $300 to get to final 2 tables, then the payout starts climbing good.

09-26-2007, 11:46 PM
Thanks for the help.