View Full Version : Lets talk variance...

09-25-2007, 08:16 AM
Hey guys.

As you can see I'm on a pretty bad breakeven stretch right now so I figured I'd post my lifetime graph from 50nl. This breakeven is really [censored] with confidence. I knew during the 0-150k that I wasn't that great so I dropped down, crushed 25nl for a while then moved back up. During 160-270k I was winning at >6ptbb/100 while 6+ tabling and feeling great about things. Now I can't seem to win over the last 30k+ hands which is obviously messing with my head. So the question is am I a good winner running badly, or a mediocre winner who ran hot for 100k hands?

If anyone who is a reg at 50nl wants to chime in with some advice/leaks of mine that'd be much appreciated. (I'm kizza_om obv)

Also if anyone wants to post a >100k hands graph from uNL it might be helpful to show some of the lower volume guys what variance really looks like.


Mods if this is too emo feel free to delete/move but figured it might generate some decent discussion.