View Full Version : another group to look out for...

09-24-2007, 02:49 PM

funding from the southern baptists convention; right now one of their big pushes is fighting against the lifting of the buy in limit in missouri.

09-24-2007, 02:52 PM

funding from the southern baptists convention; right now one of their big pushes is fighting against the lifting of the buy in limit in missouri.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG our poker "responses" to their spotlight issues write themselves!!!!!!!!!


09-24-2007, 03:02 PM
Some fun changes to their letter writing campaign.

I have a list of MO addresses you can use....LOL


I have recently learned of an alarming trend…many Republican and Democratic candidates, elected officials, and legislative committees have been the recipients of tens of thousands of dollars from ANTI-gambling special interests. I believe that this amount of special interest influence in our state is inappropriate.

As your constituent I am asking you to publicly commit to being willing to do the WILL OF THE PEOPLE OF MISSOURI. Just recently, an organization called Casino Watch, sent a package to every elected member of the Missouri General Assembly which details the financial contributions casinos made in the last election cycle. Included with that package was a pledge that I would like you to IGNORE!!!!!!!!!!.

MY pledge is:
I, _____________ commit to the people of the ___ District of the State of Missouri and to all the people of this State, that I will not accept campaign contributions from any contributor who represents ANIT-gambling interests. In addition, I will not support the practice of laundering campaign contributions from ANTI-gambling interests to and/or through other campaign committees, AND CHURCH GROUPS who play BINGO all the time.

I am looking forward to hearing from you or a member of your staff with the good news that you have NOT signed the pledge and have publicly committed to being above the influence of ANI-gambling special interests.

I have encouraged my friends, family and co-workers to contact their elected officials with the same request. It is important to me that the politicians that I have elected are committed to people of their district and not to special interests WHAT SO EVER!!!!!.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and learning that you signed the pledge.


09-24-2007, 03:07 PM
Its my understanding they have been around a while. And, mostly an instate group. Missouri has some really gay buy in rules everyone was circumventing, last I had any contact with people gaming in St Louis.

09-24-2007, 03:12 PM
who cares just play online u can buyin for 100bbs or more on FT. send them that.

09-24-2007, 05:29 PM
I thought that the bill to eliminate the loss limit failed. At first, I heard that the pols had agreed with the casinos to eliminate the loss limit in exchange for more taxes or head fee per visitor. Then I heard that the whole thing ran out of time.
Consider that MO enacted horse racing with such high taxes that no race track exists in MO.