View Full Version : Question about ur preference with shortstackers

09-24-2007, 12:29 PM
When Im playing and a shortstacker sits in the seat to the left of me I usually just finish the rest of the round and then get up when the blinds come back around. IM wondering if anyone else does this. I just hate having a shorty behind me and just figure Id be better off without them sitting to the left of me. What are ur thoughts about this? Do u have trouble with the shorties, doesnt matter either way?

09-24-2007, 12:36 PM
Isnt it better to have the money on your right, and no money on your left?

I want to have position on a fullstacked player, if a shortstack is behind me, i dont bother.

09-24-2007, 12:56 PM
I prefer to have shortstackers on my left if there are gonna be any at all. A couple reasons:

1. Money flows to the left and its nice to have big stacks on your right. You will have position on the big stacks.
2. Short stacks on left usually mean one of 2 things. First you get to steal alot of blinds with little/minimal confrontation, or shortstacks are pushing/giving money away.
3. Bad shortstacks do alot of calling raises, and fold to cb's so many times. You can bet at any board and expect a push/fold from the shorty. Easy decisions.
4. With shortstacks on your right, I find that I get put in spots where you have to start folding some hands since if a shortstack raises in front of you, there are some hands that you want to play that you cant raise/call a push, or call/fold to a missed flop. A10/AJ/KQ come to mind since playing 40bb's preflop with them is just meh IMO.

For the most part I wont leave tables if there is a shortstack or 2 present, but if the whole table shortens out, I am gone.