View Full Version : Hand Reading: Is it even possible at the Micro Limits

09-24-2007, 04:50 AM
Ok, I have been playing poker off and on for over 2 years now. I have a decent understanding of poker, the cards,the preflop hands,and position. I am average to decent online(whereas live, I kill). I am trying to step my game up and become better, so I am practicing my hand reading skills. My question to the more experienced and accurate hand readers, is hand reading even possible at the micro limits?
Tonight, I was sitting at the 10NL and trying to guess what my opponents had, but it seems you have to ignore for the most part things like who is raising and from what position or actually who is in the hand for all that matters. The only thing that made sense was their betting patterns.

The players in the hand, limp,limp and limp
Flop goes 2 7 8
bet,call and call
Turn is a Queen
check,bet,bet and check raise allin

and "someone has a set" jumps out at me.

but as far as a range of hands, does any of you attempt to put the micro limit players on a range of hands or do you say, this player might have a pair or is drawing or hit a set or has big PP?

What say you?

09-24-2007, 05:08 AM
Most of the players at microlimits are somewhat straightforward, albeit bad. In otherwords, their range of likely holdings is easier to identify/ i.e. check/calling on drawy board and betting hard when scare card hits. Very often they have completed their draw.....conversely, these same players make obvious bluffs on river when draw misses, etc.
To answer your question, hand reading is probably easiest at micro-limits, given that if your oppenents were decieving and tricky post-flop, they probably wouldn't be playing 10NL. Betting patterns are probably your biggest asset when placing an opponent on a hand range.