View Full Version : Leading the flop at uNL.

09-23-2007, 11:47 AM
Ok i just want to make it clear that im talking here about uNL online specifically.

These days i dont find myself leading the flop much at all. I have been thinking about profitable reasons to do it and all i can really think is leading a good hand against the PFR to try and get it in on the flop. But i dont want this to be the only time i do lead, so i dont do it all the time.

I find i always prefer to c/c or c/r in most situations.

I know its going to be very general but can people give me some examples as to why they would lead the flop at uNL?

Sean Fraley
09-23-2007, 12:01 PM
THE MOST RELIABLE WAY TO START BUILDING A POT WITH A BIG HAND IS TO LEAD THE FLOP AND GET EITHER RAISED OR CALLED. If you want a big pot, you need to be the one taking action building it. You can never fully predict what your opponent is going to do. If you check, you can't rely on your opponent making a bet, and wind up making a bet on the turn that is much smaller than it should be because the pot didn't grow on the flop. To add to this if you never lead the flop, villain never has a chance to raise you.

The other issue is with the check-raising. Check-raising is a pretty strong move, and against all of the weakest players it will fold out marginal (and often medium strength) hands that would have called down if you had led. This pretty much guarantees that with hands like top pair, or two pair (and sometimes sets) on scary boards, you will only be getting any further action from hands that more likely to be beating you or that have a good chance of drawing to one that beats you. Therefore most of the pots you win will be very small, and a greater percentage of the ones you lose will be larger.

Leading the flop is almost always the way to go if you have a hand that you feel you want to make some money off of.

09-23-2007, 12:02 PM
Multiway. Especially with bad relative position on the raiser. Hu more or less never.

09-23-2007, 12:05 PM
What do you do with 88 on J62?

how about J92?

How about JJ2?

EDIT: Talking to OP and these are all HU pots

09-23-2007, 01:12 PM
I should of forgot to mention i was talking about HU, in a multiway pot i would lead out alot of times to narrow the field.

LT22, I guess on the first hand i would c/c as i cant stand a raise. I suppose its a weak play but i just feel like more of an idiot if i lead and get raised.

Second hand i will always c/r as most would fire at that pot, again if i bet and get raised do i think he has a J or does he just not believe i have one?