View Full Version : why not limp/call a raise here? NL10

09-23-2007, 10:45 AM
I've been taught not to limp/call a raise.

In this case I'm utg+1 though and by the book it's not a raising hand, but a playable hand. If somebody where to raise say 5bb's after me I have a decent sized set mine here, and good implied odds. Not in this situation, but if it were a decent sized stack, and a smaller raise.

So why exactly not limp, and call here (if it were a 5xbb raise -100+bbdeep stack)? Is it because it screams set mine, and has negative long run equity? Do I just limp with this hand from EP, and if someone rasies fold. Raising this hand is not a great option on this table either.

Converter's not working for me.


09-23-2007, 11:26 AM
its always been said, if youre gonna play it, raise it. limping here, especially in early position, screams small/ medium pocket pair or a very drawing hand. if you just limp, and everyone limps behind you, you have a crap pot and if you do hit your set, youre going to have a very hard time building up a pot. its important to raise your hands, especially in early position because you will be playing out of position so you dont want people to draw out on you either.

also in that particular hand, if you raise, and that short stack reraised all in, the guy with AA would probably have called instead of reraised from what it looks like. you could probably call that all in at that point anyways. shortstacks could be shoving anything preflop (and postflop too)

09-23-2007, 11:33 AM
i think raising is recommended because it will be hard to extract value from a set in an unraised pot oop

it also gives you the extra ability to take the pot down if everyone folds to your pf raise or your flop cbet

also, if you just limp low pocket pairs/draw hands ep and raise big hands 100% of the time you will become predictable

09-23-2007, 11:35 AM
In this spot it was obv fine. But it is not like everybody behind is going to just raise with aces. If you limp some TAGs is going to raise with stuff like ATo behind you, wereas they would probably fold that to a raise. A hand he probably won´t stack off with but that has very good equity vs your hand. And setmining in that spot is going to be a whole lot less profitable. Plus that 88 is a primo raising hand with wich you can win medium sized pots ui.

09-23-2007, 11:57 AM
Thanks a lot.

Some tables I would raise it, but at this table I was getting every c-bet called, people drawing to gutshots with pot sized bets, and no money left behind them etc.... So if I missed my set I had little chance of taking it down with a c-bet on the flop with a lot of calling stations. Didn't really know how to play it in this situation. Probably just folding it would have been better at this table in this position.

09-23-2007, 12:04 PM
Dude, raise that [censored] up!

Limping in and getting raised, you need close to 17-1 implied odds to make calling purely for set value profitable. If you have a bunch of stations I'd rather you raise and fold a flop if you miss than limp, call a raise, and fold the flop. You also have opponents calling you with close to nothing on the flop, and you do have a made hand, though marginal. Identify which ones are calling with nothing and take em to valuetown. You really want to lay down 88 preflop?

09-23-2007, 12:20 PM
88 is like a monster 6handed. Your like 97% have the best hand right now right here. Your crazy /images/graemlins/laugh.gif There is some merit in doing so with 22-55. But its very marginal, you need to balance it off and understand the table dynamics well to use it. Not when you playing 10nl in other words /images/graemlins/smile.gif

09-23-2007, 12:23 PM
Dude, raise that [censored] up!

Limping in and getting raised, you need close to 17-1 implied odds to make calling purely for set value profitable. If you have a bunch of stations I'd rather you raise and fold a flop if you miss than limp, call a raise, and fold the flop. You also have opponents calling you with close to nothing on the flop, and you do have a made hand, though marginal. Identify which ones are calling with nothing and take em to valuetown. You really want to lay down 88 preflop?

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, thanks. didn't want to lay it down. This table I was getting everything called like I said in my last post. My c-bets, and pot sized bets were getting called with pure spew, so I had no idea how to play this on this table since I would definitly get called...Have a 1/6 chance of hitting assuming I get my c-bet called by the turn...and have very little chance of taking it down with a c-bet.

09-23-2007, 07:38 PM
The example is from full ring. Check the FR forum for advice on limping small pairs.