View Full Version : Any word on Lee Rousso's hearing in Washington State?

09-21-2007, 03:19 PM
His law suit (https://pokerplayersalliance.org/pressreleases/newsandarticles_article.php?DID=195) was supposed to get a hearing today. I can't find mention of it anywhere... anyone have any updates?

09-21-2007, 11:26 PM
What Washington State is trying to do to him, is pretty disgusting. They are trying to use scare tactics to bully him out of the lawsuit. Read his update from the PPA site below, it gets interesting.:

The lawsuit has taken a small detour, but it is not one that has me too worried.

The bottom line is that I am in more of a hurry than the State to get this heard. Even though the lawsuit in purely legal in nature, the State has claimed it needs to gather facts (conduct discovery), which has so far slowed things down one month.

Last week the State served me with interrogatories (that's legalese for "questions") that were completely outrageous and inappropriate. Instead of seeking information related to my consitutional challenge, the State is attempting to collect information so that it can charge me with a crime. Actually, it's pretty appalling behavior on the part of the Attorney General's Office.

I'm hoping the court won't put up with this nonsense. Next week I will be filing a motion asking the court to strike the State's interrogatories, close discovery, and set a hearing date of October 26, 2007. I will also be asking the court to impose sanctions on the State for bad faith conduct of litigation. Allyn Shulman is helping me with my response to the State.

If I get the hearing date I am requesting, I will have to file my brief by September 28th. I think my consitutional arguments are rock solid, so the brief should make pretty good reading for PPA members. I will forward a copy, of course.

That's all for now. The motions next week might get some media attention. I think the actual hearing will get a lot of media attention. If we win it will make the front pages, of course.

Lee Rousso

09-22-2007, 01:42 PM
AAAARRRGGG!! The suspense was already killing me!

That said... thank god for Lee Rousso... /images/graemlins/smile.gif