View Full Version : Problem with Frank bill

09-17-2007, 09:39 AM
I love the Frank bill. Don't get me wrong. It is momentum.

But, I think the Frank bill has a few potential problems. Right now, the U.S. is being sued by Antigua, to allow gambling. This applies to state and federal gambling laws. By making gambling a states rights issue, states are going to opt out, and we will still be in violation of the WTO.

To me, the states right in the Frank Bill is clearly in violation of the commerce clause of the consitution. The Federal Government is given the ability to to regulate all interstate commerce. The wagers will/are placed across state lines, making it the Federal governments responsibility. That is the basis for the Washington State law suit.

The sports league opts outs, and licensing/regulating system causes potential pitfalls, with the WTO.

I think these issues will be addressed, in the future, if the Frank bill passes. Through lawsuits, etc. But, there are clear problems with the bill. The Frank bill is wonderful, but is not without issues.

The most reasonable regulatory structure, is for the government to stay out. It avoids all problems and complications. But sadly, the government will never do that. It is going to take regulation and state opts outs to get the Frank bill passed. They are inevitable.

Let's not make this a bill bashing discussion, but a discussion of the negative and positives of the Frank bill, and the results if it passes. Or, what else could happen (WTO, Wexler bill, etc.)