View Full Version : Comments on Phil Gordon piece in LGB...

09-15-2007, 12:40 PM

In Little Green Book by Phil Gordon he talks about a player he calls "Big Online Winner" for the purposes of the story.

And says he is the most successful online player he has seen.

Anyway the cash game strategy that he says this player uses can be summarised as:

1) Get in the pots cheaply
2)Massively overbet with some premium draws
3)Massively overbet with the nuts or top hands

What are views of this forum on these ideas?

Anyone tried these concepts?


09-15-2007, 12:59 PM

2)Massively overbet with some premium draws

[/ QUOTE ]

This line can be very profitable vs a thinking opponent. Usually when someone massively overbets into a draw heavy board it's to protect their hand. Which means you use your fold equity to force the thinking opponent off of a decent hand. Also when a scare card comes, which actually completes your draw, a thinking opponent may often be inclined to represent the now made draw, as they have just check called the whole way so obviously the line makes sense, to push you off say, your apparent TPTK.

Also vs a donk this line allows us to get all our money in on either the flop or the turn while we still have outs vs hands that would fold if a scare card was to fall - i.e. tptk - on the turn or river.