View Full Version : Is it worth stacking off at this level with top two pair?

09-14-2007, 01:02 AM
Don't have the HH with me, but I just dropped an entire buy in and a bit more at NL25 with the following hand:

Folded around to the button (sitting with around $30, just sat down a few hands previous, no reads), who raises the pot. I look down at AK (suits aren't important here, rainbow flop, no flush possibility arriving on the turn or river) and reraise to $2. He calls and the flop comes A K 9. Acting first, I raise to about 3/4 the pot and he calls. I'm thinking he has an Ace of some description, hopefully AQ. Turn's a dead card, I get a bit more serious and bet $7 which with what I've already put in means I've put in almost 30% of my stack. He calls, which has me suspicious, but I've got no reason to not believe I've got the best hand here. River's another brick - no straights, no flushes, nothing scary on the board. I go for another $10 and he re-raises all-in which I obviously have to call and he turns over pocket 9s to take the pot.

It seems like I lose big on pots like these a LOT and it kills my BR because one big hand like that can really damage a day's work. Is it possible to get away from hands like this? Should I have just checked the river? Could I have even folded to a strong bet with the amount already in the pot and the strong likelihood that I had the best hand?

09-14-2007, 01:07 AM
On turn, the pot is like $10-11. I would bet more, like 8 or 9. I guess since there are no draws, and you have an awesome hand that he isn't likely to improve to beat on river, letting him off for cheap here is fine too. I just make my river bet bigger, like 16ish (should be 'bout 25 in pot at this point), and call a shove.

No, there is no way I'm checking that river with top 2 on a dry board. Hell, I probably would still value bet with AK even if the board was like AJxxx instead.

09-14-2007, 01:25 AM
You should never be folding top two in a situation like you described. I can't even really think of a situation in which I would fold top two anything on a dry board in a pot that was raised preflop.

In you're example, wouldn't a9 play the hand the same exact way?

09-14-2007, 01:48 AM
why the preflop min reraise

09-14-2007, 01:56 AM
why the preflop min reraise

[/ QUOTE ]

That's the biggest mistake of the hand right there.

Yes, you go broke with top 2 every time here. You're usually winning; it only sticks in your mind because you got smoked this time.

pf mr was what got you in trouble. You gave him the odds to hit his set and stack you: he did. Don't give him the odds, and overall when you get stacked here, you're still making money.