View Full Version : WIll I be able to clear bonus at a reasonable rate?

09-13-2007, 02:49 PM
I am wanting to deposit @ $70 to a new site to get bonus and start working on increasing my bank roll. Problem is I played Full-tilt and Bodog a few years back when I was clueless... err more clueless.

So I have been clearing some existing money on Ultimate Bet w/ no rakeback and am looking to improve my situation.

I guess I am primarialy left with Absolute, Cake (w rake) and PokerStars (no Rake, especially at my level). I am looking to play about 10k hands per month, but initially these will be at the lowest stakes.

Will I be able to clear the bonuses at any of the above sites?

PS I have cleared about 1/2 of my bonus at Ultimate w/ @9k hands, but no rakeback is painful (even at this level).

Any better suggestions for my next step?


09-14-2007, 02:34 AM
You could get PStars through PSO to get some extra cash, that should help you out a bit to start.

09-14-2007, 10:40 AM
Don't whore UB for just bonus dude that is just bad value.
Are you a US player? It's important if you need help finding a new site.

09-14-2007, 11:25 AM
Yep. I am in the US.

Went ahead w/ Absolute.

Played micros 300+ hands and cleared no Bonus. Read structure in more detail and decided SNG's are the only way to clear it reasonably quick (At my roll level).

Played 9 player 6.1 and won it. Only 349 more to go to clear bonus. lol. I am a little nervous as my roll is only $100 now.

This will either quicken my roll development, or.... NOT. lol

Looking at Pokerstars after this.