View Full Version : Question about PT stats

Eric Yang
09-12-2007, 09:37 PM
I just had a question about some interesting stats I found in Pokertracker. I was looking over the hands that win/lose me the most money and messing around with the filters. This is over about 40k hands so it's a small sample size, but I was just wondering if it might mean something

Apparently I'm a huge winner at pocket pairs (+800), a small winner at everything else (+25 to 40 each) and terrible at unsuited non-connectors (-500). My question is whether the abysmal earnings of unsuited non-connectors is normal... or do I possibly have a serious leak in my game somewhere?

The sample is over about 30k hands of 10nl and about 10k hands of 25nl.

09-12-2007, 10:23 PM
You're probably just folding them all. So when you have them in the blinds, you lose a bit of money. Over 40k hands, that happens a lot, so you lose a lot

Sean Fraley
09-13-2007, 01:14 AM
Under what circumstances are you playing them? Calling a preflop raise with them against players who either a) won't fold to a semi-bluff/steal enough to make such moves profitable or b) don't have deep enough stacks to offer appropriate implied odds when you flop a draw is a problem that I used to have. Basically these are hands that seldom flop anything strong enough to consider going to war with and therefore should only be played in circumstances where you can steal pots often enough to make up for the times that you don't make a strong hand by showdown. Try and make sure that if you play them you will be very likely to have the button postflop and have the effective stacks more than 10 times the size of the starting pot on the flop. If you deviate from this, make sure that you only do so against players who are weak-tight postflop.