View Full Version : Some general Nl 25 6max Questions

09-12-2007, 07:30 PM
These situations come alot and I am curious to see how others typically play them. Obviously the correct play is going to largely depend on the tendencies and playing styles of the other people at table. However, for the sake of arguement lets assume that you have not played enough hands at the table to have a soldid read on the table. I am going to give to the situation and then say how I would normally play it. If there is a situation that you play significantly differnt an explanation of why you play it the way you do would be greatly appreciated. Also if any of my reasoning is off, but the play is correct an explation why would be very help ful

Situtation 1:The table fold to me when I have Ax in the cut off: raise 3-4 bb. Seems pretty straight forward.

Siutation 2: There is a limper in the cutoff. I am in the button with KJ+,Ax, or any pocket pair: raise 5bb. Limping in cut off seems really weak so its likley that the raise will likley take down the pot. If it dosen't I have position and reasonable hand to play with after the flop.

Situation 3: small pocket pairs utg and in 2nd position. UTG fold 22-66. raise 77+ 4-5 bb. In 2nd position if utg didn't raise, I'll raise 4-5 bb with 66+. 66+ is a fairly strong hand 6 handed, but ideally with smallish you'd like take it down preflop. Even if the raise is called it is likley that an opponent will miss the flop and a c-bet on a nonthreatening flop can often take down the pot. Additionally you'll ocassionally hit a set and possibly win a massive pot

Situation 4:small suited and gapped connectors in the sb after its been folded around to be. with 65s-T9s and 97s-J9s I'll typically limp. The pot is offering good odds for the call, but I don't want to raise the pot because I'll be first to act for the rest of hand, and I'm normally only going ot called by better hands, and possibly be reraise which would force me to fold.

Thanks in advance for any helpful responses

09-12-2007, 07:39 PM
After a couple hundred thousand hands played at 100NL & 50NL, I have failed to produce positive numbers with low unsuited aces, and have since stopped playing them as aggro as I used to from CO/Button. I used to isolate limpers with A2-A8 if I was in LP. I guess I'm a donk, because I can't seem to show profit when I do that, so I stopped. I'll open raise them from Button, but that's about it. KJ & pp I iso raise.

No, do not fold any pocket pair UTG or anywhere. Open raise from any position. Raise limpers from any position other then blinds. Look up the 5/10 rule for more pocket pair stuff (when to call when reraised).

Do not open complete in the SB, ever. Either raise or fold. Same thing in BB, if SB open completes, raise most hands.

Further advice: If you are having trouble playing some of these hands, such as scs, gappers, small aces in situations as described above (CO with limper, blind battle), then just don't. Fold them. As you get better, you can add them gradually to your game.

09-12-2007, 08:28 PM
I agree with Mookboi, I never open fold any pocket pairs. I raise any pocket pair from any position if no raises in front of me. This includes 22 utg. I also don't like the complete in the SB if it is folded to me. So many times a raise preflop will take it down. If not, tons of people at these levels will fold to cbets.

09-12-2007, 08:48 PM
I'd always raise 3.5x in an unopened pot. I never limp in the pot, because you end up limp/calling a raise somehwat often and c/f a flop... always raise yourself and take the initiative in an unopened pot.