View Full Version : what's the connection between iMEGA and G911?

09-12-2007, 12:04 PM
I know the G911 regularly quotes "sources" inside of iMEGA, but when I was reading the news about the response brief on Imega.org yesterday, I noticed that the PDF of the brief, provided by iMEGA, was hosted on gambling911.

I might just be in the dark, but is there a formal connection between these two that I didn't know about?

09-12-2007, 01:47 PM
Since iMEGA doesn't list the members they have on their site, G911 could be a member as they are in the affiliate biz. However G911 also has a bad habit of copying verbatim from press releases and stuff on the iMEGA and other gamlbing sites without stating the fact that all they are doing is copying and pasting, or providing a direct link to same. Presumably this is to give the false impression of special inside knowledge. G911 is worth reading, but you shouldn't ever believe anything there unless corroborated by other sources. They're a little too quick to jump on rumours to get such rumours out first.

09-13-2007, 10:17 AM
no, i guess i wasn't clear. i'm aware that g911 is a hack site.

what i'm saying is that on imega.org, in the bit they have on THEIR front page announcing the filing of the response brief, there's a link to the full brief in pdf form. that link is to a pdf file hosted on g911.

09-13-2007, 10:22 AM
Originally they had the PDF file hosted independantly on their own site but it was very blurry. The same was hosted on the G911 site. Then the G911 site got a better version that was much more readable and apparently the iMEGA site just relinked to that. Also note that I said above that G911 as an affiliate farm could well be a member of iMEGA.

09-13-2007, 12:20 PM