View Full Version : why are my only profitable hands aa,kk,qq,jj,ak?

08-30-2007, 12:47 AM
is that normal??

08-30-2007, 12:51 AM
Umm...no....many other hands should be profitable and all pairs should be relatively hugely profitable. What's the sample size?

Sorry but from reading your posts I don't think you are good at poker and I don't think I'm the only one.

08-30-2007, 12:55 AM
Looking at my last 71,165 hands at 50NL, 1904 at 100NL, 6 at 25NL, and 80 at 200NL I am profitable with:

AA,AKo,KK,JJ,QQ,AQo,TT,99,AJo,AJs,77,A8s,AQs,KJs,8 8,KTs,QTs,66,A5o,KQo,64s,44,KTo,53s,A4s,74s,K3s, A7s,85s,55,QJo,K6s,K2s,K4s,Q9s,22,JTo,A8o,A3s,96s, A2o,98s,J3s,T7s,33,43s,QJs,AKs,K8s,ATo,K9s,52s,65s ,76o,J6s

08-30-2007, 12:59 AM
Umm...no....many other hands should be profitable and all pairs should be relatively hugely profitable. What's the sample size?

Sorry but from reading your posts I don't think you are good at poker and I don't think I'm the only one.

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i'm looking at hands i raise pf not including aa,kk,qq,jj,ak and i'm only a little over half a buyin ahead in my last 10k hands

08-30-2007, 01:02 AM
Post PT screen shots and we might tell ya why.

08-30-2007, 01:09 AM
Umm...no....many other hands should be profitable and all pairs should be relatively hugely profitable. What's the sample size?

Sorry but from reading your posts I don't think you are good at poker and I don't think I'm the only one.

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i'm looking at hands i raise pf not including aa,kk,qq,jj,ak and i'm only a little over half a buyin ahead in my last 10k hands

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Ok still many more hands should be profitable....in fact more hands should be profitable if you only look at hands you raised pre-flop. Looking at the same sample but only at hands I raise pre-flop I am profitable with:

AA,AKo,KK,JJ,QQ,AQo,TT,AJo,A8s,99,AJs,77,AQs,A5o,6 6,KJs,
KTs,88,KTo,KQo,A4s,A3o,55,A2o,Q9s,85s,QJo,K6s,22,Q Js,65s,
53s,73s,A7s,A3s,K3s,K5o,64s,ATo,A8o,A6o,87o,K2s,K9 s,44,98o,
54s,43s,K3o,K4s,ATs,QTs,Q8s,T7s,A6s,AKs,54o,K8s,T5 s,K6o,
63o,93s,76o,95o,95s,A5s,Q7o,83s,97o,Q9o,63s,T3s,T4 s,T3o,

08-30-2007, 01:12 AM
play 50k hands, and if these are still your only profitable hands, quit poker or find a coach.

08-30-2007, 01:17 AM
Post PT screen shots and we might tell ya why.

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all other hands that i raised pf

08-30-2007, 01:19 AM
Umm...all those hands are green....you're profitable with all of them.

And nobody can really tell you anything from that. Post your general stats

08-30-2007, 01:20 AM
when are you going to learn how to play poker?

08-30-2007, 01:24 AM
Umm...all those hands are green....you're profitable with all of them.

And nobody can really tell you anything from that. Post your general stats

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sorry i wasn't counting +$1 as profitable

08-30-2007, 01:26 AM
Dude, are you leveling us?

Post stats. The main bar of your PT is what I'm looking for - hands played, vpip, etc.

08-30-2007, 01:32 AM
Umm...all those hands are green....you're profitable with all of them.

And nobody can really tell you anything from that. Post your general stats

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sorry i wasn't counting +$1 as profitable

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Well it's relative to # of hands you play. Your lowest BB/100 hands is .35 with ATo.

08-30-2007, 01:33 AM
Umm...all those hands are green....you're profitable with all of them.

And nobody can really tell you anything from that. Post your general stats

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sorry i wasn't counting +$1 as profitable

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Well it's relative to # of hands you play. Your lowest BB/100 hands is .35 with ATo.

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but i'm only up .1bb/hand over all that is brutal

08-30-2007, 01:36 AM
Umm...all those hands are green....you're profitable with all of them.

And nobody can really tell you anything from that. Post your general stats

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sorry i wasn't counting +$1 as profitable

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Well it's relative to # of hands you play. Your lowest BB/100 hands is .35 with ATo.

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but i'm only up .1bb/hand over all that is brutal

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yea if you're just looking at hand where you raised pre that's pretty bad. Mine is .8. If you are looking at everything overall it's pretty good: mine is .06.

You just have to improve your game.

08-30-2007, 01:37 AM

Post stats. The main bar of your PT is what I'm looking for - hands played, vpip, etc.

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Yea that's the bar that would help more.

08-30-2007, 02:08 AM

Post stats. The main bar of your PT is what I'm looking for - hands played, vpip, etc.

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Yea that's the bar that would help more.

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not sure why this would tell you anything about why i don't win when i raise pf with hands other than aa,kk,qq,jj,ak but here it is


08-30-2007, 02:17 AM
lol 3.6 BB/100 after 10K hands and your whining about winrate??? play 10K at -7BB's/100 and then start asking ?'s

08-30-2007, 02:19 AM
Are you playing full ring? You proabably should be raising more but I haven't played full ring in a long time.

08-30-2007, 02:20 AM
Raise more preflop.

I would say be more aggro on turn, but that kind of advice just gets you in trouble if you aren't sure how to apply it.

Basically, as I said, start off by raising more preflop. Your win rate is not bad, and you are making money with other hands. Reads the SSNL stickies, and try to get an idea about which hands you aren't raising enough of, and where.

08-30-2007, 02:27 AM
Looks like you are doing a lot of C-betting, and then calling on the turn and river quite a bit.

C-betting is good, but turn and aggression factor need to be higher if you want to improve your winrate. Basically that mean if the hand is good enough to call with generally you should continue betting the turn/river.

Likely you are c/c many rivers instead of vb, which is huge at this level.

That being said this is all general advice, and don't be in too big a hurry to make some drastic change to your game, if you are having success. Look to try one thing at a time, and as you master concepts include them in your repertoire.

08-30-2007, 02:28 AM
Are you playing full ring? You proabably should be raising more but I haven't played full ring in a long time.

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no i'm playing 6max

08-30-2007, 02:31 AM
lol 3.6 BB/100 after 10K hands and your whining about winrate??? play 10K at -7BB's/100 and then start asking ?'s

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wtf are you talking about? this is why posting the general stats was pointless. i'm saying that i'm not winning when i raise pf with hands other than aa,kk,qq,jj,ak and that doesn't seem right

08-30-2007, 02:31 AM
Post PT screen shots and we might tell ya why.

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all other hands that i raised pf

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Are these really the only hands you raised PF?????

08-30-2007, 02:38 AM

Post stats. The main bar of your PT is what I'm looking for - hands played, vpip, etc.

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Yea that's the bar that would help more.

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not sure why this would tell you anything about why i don't win when i raise pf with hands other than aa,kk,qq,jj,ak but here it is


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Your positional awareness looks terrible..VPIP=18.54 and an ATT to Steal at ONLY 13.02%..How is that even possible????

PFR%=6.25% this is ridiculous

Your throwing $$$$ away with these low PFR% and ATT To Steal #'s...Play your position a take advantage of it...

08-30-2007, 02:38 AM
Are you playing full ring? You proabably should be raising more but I haven't played full ring in a long time.

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no i'm playing 6max

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Then you should definitely be raising a bunch more. Your 18-6 spread is pretty bad....and you only attempt to steal blinds 13%. I raise like 17-18%. My attempt to steal blinds is more like 30%. Edit 2: It's 33% actually.
Edit: My volume voluntarily put in pot is like 20ish.

Your won $ when saw flop is low (30%)...probably because you're limping and calling so much instead of raising. My won $ when saw flop is like 39%-40%.

And you probably aren't aggressive enough on turn/river and/or you are calling too much on turn/river.

And 10K hands isn't much of a sample.

08-30-2007, 02:38 AM
Post PT screen shots and we might tell ya why.

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all other hands that i raised pf

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Are these really the only hands you raised PF?????

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if you do the math you'll see it comes out right

08-30-2007, 02:41 AM
jesus crimeony.....

a) fix ur VPIP/PFR
b) learn how to play postflop
b) Jesus c, the rake is ridiculous (if this is Full Tilt it's 10%, get outta there)
c) You don't understand variance
d) You're a weak Nitfish
e) learn how to use position (ie, you want to be in position as much as possible
f) this makes me sad and kittens have died

08-30-2007, 03:44 AM
Post PT screen shots and we might tell ya why.

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all other hands that i raised pf

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if you look at all of these hands that you raised, you show a nice profit. The ONE time that you raised T8s or the TWO times you raise w/ 98s you made 5bb. Maybe you should start raising hands other than premium hands IP. I have read numerous posts from you, and understand that you are a struggling player. Your winrate at the level that you are playing is really OK for you skill level (I'm not beating $50NL for 3.5bb/100 yet). Open up your game from late position by slowly adding a few new hands. Quit limping and/or calling so many raises pre-flop. Keep posting hands and studying your game. I'm actually impressed that you are beating the game, and with some improvement, you will be able to beat it with a little confidence.

08-30-2007, 03:51 AM
Also 44, 55, 98s, and T8s show a better per hand profit for you than KK does. You just don't raise them as often.

08-30-2007, 08:55 AM

We have talked about it before. Stop limping. There is a reason that people run 16/12, 18/15, 20/18, 22/18. People that are winning and move up understand that you have to come in raising and defend your position alot. Limping just tosses money into the pot that you are not gonna get alot of it out when you hit, or you set yourself up to lose alot more by letting weaker hands in. If you dont believe that, look in the FTP SSNL regulars thread and find the screen shots that show all the players that have logged 20k - 30k hands and what their winrates, vpip & pfr stats are.

Looking at your screen shot it looks like your still trying to limp with AK and AKs and you should be raising/3betting. Get comfortable raising.