View Full Version : Politicians For and Against Online Poker, August 29, 2007

08-29-2007, 06:33 PM
Politicians For and Against Online Poker

TheEngineer_2007 at yahoo dot com

August 29, 2007

Many Americans oppose attempts by the federal government to ban Internet poker. This includes not only folks who enjoy a hand or two of cards after work, but also millions of non-gamblers who support liberty and freedom from federal tyranny on general principle. Despite this, and despite the fact that opponents of allowing people to spend their own money in their own homes lacked the votes in the Senate, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA) was sneaked into the Safe Ports Act, where it was safe from debate and discussion. As a result, reform measures like HR 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act, and HR 2610, the Skill Game Protection Act, have been introduced.

The enemies of freedom are working hard to take your liberty. Are you willing to work hard to keep it? If you’re like most of us, you are ready, willing, and able to work hard for what’s right!

So, if you enjoy your freedom to play poker and other games online, or if you simply support freedom on general principle, please write to your senators and representatives today. You may wish to use this to see where they stand, as well as your guide for the upcoming elections.

2007 Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

The 2008 elections actually kick off in November 2007, with the off year Kentucky governor’s race. This is a great election for freedom-lovers for a number of reasons. First, the election has essentially turned into a referendum on gaming (including poker), and Steve Beshear [D], the pro-casino challenger, is the heavy favorite over Gov. Ernie Fletcher [R], the scandal-plagued incumbent nanny-stater (57.3% to 36.7%). Additionally, the fact that it’s off year adds to the visibility of the election. If we win in this traditionally red state, we carry awesome momentum into 2008 while simultaneously putting pressure on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. If we lose, anti-poker, statist groups like Focus on the Family will have the momentum.

Fletcher’s reelection campaign website, www.erniefletcher.com (http://www.erniefletcher.com), does not list any of his accomplishments over the past four years. Maybe there were none. Rather, it contains only articles on the so-called "evils of gambling". Basically, Fletcher wants the votes of the big-government nanny-staters. He also wants to distract people from his many transgressions, and he apparently thinks WE are good scapegoats for his corruption.

U.S. House
Based on the way things look now, here's a close look at the U.S. House:

A+: actively working for us
A: cosponsor of IGREA (Rep. Barney Frank's Internet gaming regulation bill) or SGPA (Rep. Robert Wexler's "skills game" bill)
A-: voted against HR 4411, the Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act (the bill that became UIGEA), not cosponsoring IGREA or SGPA
B: cosponsoring Rep. Shelley Berkley's study bill
?: no voting record
?- : voted for HR 4411, but no other action.
F*: cosponsored HR 4777 (Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s ban bill)
F: cosponsored HR 4411 and/or strong public statements against Internet gaming
F-: leader of efforts against us...zealot


<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>110<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>73
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>114

A+ (5 total, 4 Democrats and 1 Republican):

Berkley, Shelley [D-NV], Carson, Julia [D-IN], Frank, Barney [D-MA], Paul, Ron [R-TX], and Wexler, Robert [D-FL].

A (36 total, 33 D and 3 R):

Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI], Ackerman, Gary [D-NY], Baca, Joe [D-CA], Berman, Howard [D-CA], Capuano, Michael [D-MA], Carnahan, Russ [D-MO], Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO], Cohen, Steve [D-TN], Crowley, Joseph [D-NY], Engel, Eliot [D-NY], Filner, Bob [D-CA], Fossella, Vito [R-NY], Gutierrez, Luis [D-IL], Hastings, Alcee [D-FL], Honda, Michael [D-CA], Israel, Steve [D-NY], King, Peter [R-NY], Larson, John [D-CT], McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY], McDermott, Jim [D-WA], McGovern, James [D-MA], Melancon, Charlie [D-LA], Moran, Jim [D-VA], Perlmutter, Ed [D-CO], Rodriguez, Ciro [D-TX], Rothman, Steven [D-NJ], Ryan, Tim [D-OH], Sanchez, Linda [D-CA], Schiff, Adam [D-CA], Thompson, Bennie [D-MS], Towns, Edolphus [D-NY], Watt, Mel [D-NC], Weiner, Anthony [D-NY], Woolsey, Lynn [D-CA], Wynn, Albert [D-MD], and Young, Don [R-AK]

A- (59 total, 50 D and 9 R):

Andrews, Robert [D-NJ], Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI], Becerra, Xavier [D-CA], Brown, Corrine [D-FL], Capps, Lois [D-CA], Conyers, John [D-MI], Cummings, Elijah [D-MD], Davis, Danny [D-IL], Delahunt, William [D-MA], Dingell, John [D-MI], Dreier, David [R-CA], Eshoo, Anna [D-CA], Farr, Sam [D-CA], Flake, Jeff [R-AZ], Gonzalez, Charles [D-TX], Grijalva, Raul [D-AZ], Hastings, Doc [R-WA], Holden, Tim [D-PA], Hoyer, Steny [D-MD], Inslee, Jay [D-WA], Jackson, Jesse [D-IL], Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX], Johnson, Eddie [D-TX], Kennedy, Patrick [D-RI], Kildee, Dale [D-MI], Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D-MI], Kind, Ronald [D-WI], Kucinich, Dennis [D-OH], Lee, Barbara [D-CA], LoBiondo, Frank [R-NJ], Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA], Mack, Connie [R-FL], Markey, Edward [D-MA], Matsui, Doris [D-CA], Miller, George [D-CA], Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY], Napolitano, Grace [D-CA], Neal, Richard [D-MA], Olver, John [D-MA], Pastor, Edward [D-AZ], Poe, Ted [R-TX], Porter, Jon [R-NV], Rangel, Charles [D-NY], Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX], Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA], Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA], Rush, Bobby [D-IL], Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA], Schakowsky, Janice [D-IL], Scott, Robert [D-VA], Serrano, José [D-NY], Solis, Hilda [D-CA], Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA], Tauscher, Ellen [D-CA], Tiberi, Patrick [R-OH], Tierney, John [D-MA], Udall, Tom [D-NM], Velazquez, Nydia [D-NY], and Watson, Diane [D-CA]

B (27 total, 25 D and 2 R):

Bean, Melissa L. [D-IL], Boyda, Nancy [D-KS], Clyburn, James [D-SC], Costa, Jim [D-CA], Costello, Jerry [D-IL], Faleomavaega, Eni (Del) [D-AS], Giffords, Gabrielle [D-AZ], Green, Al [D-TX], Heller, Dean [R-NV], Hill, Baron [D-IN], Hinchey, Maurice [D-NY], Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH], Langevin, James [D-RI], Lewis, John [D-GA], Maloney, Carolyn [D-NY], Meek, Kendrick [D-FL], Meeks, Gregory [D-NY], Moore, Dennis [D-KS], Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ], Payne, Donald [D-NJ], Peterson, Collin [D-MN], Ruppersberger, Dutch [D-MD], Sessions, Pete [R-TX], Taylor, Gene [D-MS], Thompson, Mike [D-CA], Walz, Timothy [D-MN], and Yarmuth, John [D-KY].

? (58 total, 41 D and 17 R):

Altmire, Jason [D-PA], Arcuri, Michael A. [D-NY], Bachmann, Michele [R-MN], Braley, Bruce L. [D-IA], Broun, Paul [R-GA], Buchanan, Vern [R-FL], Carney, Christopher P. [D-PA], Castor, Kathy, Florida, 11th [D-FL], Christian-Christensen, Donna M. (Del) [D-VI], Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY], Courtney, Joe [D-CT], Davis, David [R-TN], Donnelly, Joe [D-IN], Doyle, Mike [D-PA], Ellison, Keith [D-MN], Ellsworth, Brad [D-IN], Fallin, Mary [R-OK], Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY], Hall, John J. [D-NY], Hare, Phil, [D-IL], Hastert, Denny [R-IL], Hinojosa, Rubén [D-TX], Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI], Hodes, Paul W. [D-NH], Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. [D-GA], Jordan, Jim [R-OH], Kagen, Steve [D-WI], Klein, Ron [D-FL], Lamborn, Doug [R-CO], Lampson, Nick [D-TX], Loebsack, David [D-IA], Mahoney, Tim [D-FL], McCarthy, Kevin [R-CA], McHenry, Patrick T. [R-NC], McNerney, Jerry [D-CA], McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY], Miller, Brad [D-NC], Mitchell, Harry E. [D-AZ], Murphy, Christopher S. [D-CT], Murphy, Patrick J. [D-PA], Norton, Eleanor Holmes (Del) [D-DC], Roskam, Peter J. [R-IL], Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL], Ryan, Paul [R-WI], Sali, Bill [R-ID], Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD], Sestak, Joe [D-PA], Shea-Porter, Carol [D-NH], Shuler, Heath [D-NC], Sires, Albio [D-NJ], Slaughter, Louise [D-NY], Smith, Adrian [R-NE], Smith, Chris [R-NJ], Space, Zachary T. [D-OH], Sutton, Betty [D-OH], Walberg, Timothy [R-MI], Welch, Peter [D-VT], and Wilson, Charles A. [D-OH]

?- (121 total, 66 D and 55 R):

Allen, Tom, [D-ME], Baird, Brian [D-WA], Barrow, John [D-GA], Barton, Joe [R-TX], Biggert, Judy [R-IL], Bilbray, Brian P. [R-CA], Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL], Bishop Jr., Sanford D. [R-GA], Bishop, Rob [D-UT], Bishop, Timothy [D-NY], Blackburn, Marsha [R-TN], Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR], Bono, Mary [R-CA], Boren, Dan [D-OK], Boswell, Leonard [D-IA], Boyd, Allen [D-FL], Brady, Robert [D-PA], Brown-Waite, Virginia [R-FL], Butterfield, G.K. [D-NC], Calvert, Ken [R-CA], Campbell, John [R-CA], Cannon, Chris [R-UT], Carter, John [R-TX], Castle, Michael N. [R-DE], Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO], Cole, Tom [R-OK], Cooper, Jim [D-TN], Cuellar, Henry [D-TX], Davis, Artur [D-AL], Davis, Susan [D-CA], DeGette, Diana [D-CO], DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT], Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL], Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA], Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX], Doolittle, John [R-CA], Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL], English, Phil [R-PA], Fattah, Chaka [D-PA], Ferguson, Michael [R-NJ], Garrett, Scott [R-NJ], Gerlach, Jim [R-PA], Gordon, Bart [D-TN], Graves, Sam [R-MO], Harman, Jane [D-CA], Hensarling, Jeb [R-TX], Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [D-SD], Higgins, Brian [D-NY], Holt, Rush [D-NJ], Issa, Darrell [R-CA], Jefferson, William J. [D-LA], Johnson, Sam [R-TX], Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL], Kanjorski, Paul E. [D-PA], Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH], Kline, John [R-MN], Knollenberg, Joseph [R-MI], Lantos, Tom [D-CA], Larsen, Rick [D-WA], LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH], Levin, Sander [D-MI], Lipinski, Daniel [D-IL], Lowey, Nita [D-NY], Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA], Manzullo, Donald [R-IL], Marshall, Jim [D-GA], Matheson, Jim [D-UT], McCollum, Betty [D-MN], McHugh, John M. [R-NY], Mica, John [R-FL], Michaud, Michael [D-ME], Miller, Candice [R-MI], Miller, Gary [R-CA], Mollohan, Alan B. [D-WV], Moore, Gwen [D-WI], Murphy, Tim [R-PA], Murtha, John [D-PA], Nunes, Devin [R-CA], Oberstar, James L. [D-MN], Obey, David R. [D-WI], Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX], Pallone Jr., Frank [D-NJ], Pearce, Steve [R-NM], Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA], Pickering, Charles W. "Chip" [R-MS], Pomeroy, Earl [D-ND], Price, Tom [R-GA], Pryce, Deborah [R-OH], Radanovich, George P. [R-CA], Rahall, Nick [D-WV], Reichert, David G. [R-WA], Renzi, Rick [R-AZ], Rogers, Harold [R-KY], Ross, Mike [D-AR], Royce, Ed [R-CA], Salazar, John T. [D-CO], Saxton, Jim [R-NJ], Schmidt, Jean [R-OH], Schwartz, Allyson Y. [D-PA], Sensenbrenner, F. James [R-WI], Sherman, Brad [D-CA], Simpson, Mike [R-ID], Skelton, Ike [D-MO], Smith, Adam [D-WA], Snyder, Vic [D-AR], Spratt, John [D-SC], Stearns, Cliff [R-FL], Stupak, Bart [D-MI], Tancredo, Tom [R-CO], Tanner, John [D-TN], Turner, Michael [R-OH], Udall, Mark [D-CO], Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD], Visclosky, Peter [D-IN], Wamp, Zach [R-TN], Waters, Maxine [D-CA], Waxman, Henry [D-CA], Weller, Jerry [R-IL], Whitfield, Ed [R-KY], Wu, David [D-OR], and Young, C.W. Bill [R-FL].

F* (97 total, 14 D and 83 R):

Aderholt, Robert [R-AL], Alexander, Rodney [R-LA], Baker, Richard [R-LA], Bartlett, Roscoe [R-MD], Berry, Robert [D-AR], Bonner, Jo [R-AL], Boozman, John [R-AR], Boucher, Frederick [D-VA], Boustany, Charles [R-LA], Brady, Kevin [D-TX], Brown, Henry [R-SC], Burgess, Michael [R-TX], Burton, Dan [R-IN], Buyer, Stephen [R-IN], Camp, David [R-MI], Cantor, Eric [R-VA], Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV], Cardoza, Dennis [D-CA], Chabot, Steven [R-OH], Chandler, Ben [D-KY], Coble, Howard [R-NC], Conaway, Michael [R-TX], Cramer, Robert [D-AL], Crenshaw, Ander [R-FL], Cubin, Barbara [R-WY], Culberson, John [R-TX], Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA], Davis, Lincoln [D-TN], Davis, Thomas [R-VA], Deal, Nathan [R-GA], DeFazio, Peter [D-OR], Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL], Drake, Thelma [R-VA], Duncan, John [R-TN], Edwards, Thomas [D-TX], Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO], Etheridge, Bob [D-NC], Everett, Terry [R-AL], Feeney, Tom [R-FL], Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA], Fortuño, Luis (R.C.) [R-PR], Foxx, Virginia [R-NC], Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R-NJ], Gallegly, Elton [R-CA], Gingrey, John [R-GA], Gohmert, Louis [R-TX], Goode, Virgil [R-VA], Granger, Kay [R-TX], Green, Raymond [D-TX], Hall, Ralph [R-TX], Hayes, Robin [R-NC], Herger, Walter [R-CA], Hobson, David [R-OH], Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI], Hulshof, Kenny [R-MO], Hunter, Duncan [R-CA], Jindal, Bobby [R-LA], Jones, Walter [R-NC], Keller, Ric [R-FL], King, Steve [R-IA], Kingston, Jack [R-GA], Kuhl, John [R-NY], LaHood, Ray [R-IL], Lewis, Jerry [R-CA], Lewis, Ron [R-KY], Linder, John [R-GA], Lucas, Frank [R-OK], Lungren, Daniel [R-CA], Marchant, Kenny [R-TX], McCrery, James [R-LA], McIntyre, Mike [D-NC], McKeon, Howard [R-CA], McMorris Rogers, Cathy [R-WA], Miller, Jeff [R-FL], Moran, Jerry [R-KS], Musgrave, Marilyn [R-CO], Myrick, Sue [R-NC], Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX], Peterson, John [R-PA], Price, David [D-NC], Putnam, Adam [R-FL], Regula, Ralph [R-OH], Rehberg, Dennis [R-MT], Reynolds, Thomas [R-NY], Rogers, Mike [R-AL], Scott, David [D-GA], Shimkus, John [R-IL], Shuster, William [R-PA], Smith, Lamar [R-TX], Sullivan, John [R-OK], Thornberry, William [R-TX], Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS], Walden, Greg [R-OR], Weldon, David [R-FL], Westmoreland, Lynn [R-GA], Wilson, Heather [R-NM], and Wolf, Frank [R-VA].

F (32 total, 3 D and 29 R):

Akin, Todd [R-MO], Barrett, James [R-SC], Blunt, Roy [R-MO], Boehner, John [R-OH], Bordallo, Madeleine (Del) [D-GU], Davis, Geoff [R-KY], Dent, Charles [R-PA], Ehlers, Vernon [R-MI], Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R-NE], Franks, Trent [R-AZ], Gilchrest, Wayne [R-MD], Gillmor, Paul [R-OH], Hooley, Darlene [D-OR], Inglis, Bob [R-SC], Kirk, Mark [R-IL], Latham, Thomas [R-IA], McCaul, Michael [R-TX], McCotter, Thaddeus [R-MI], Pence, Mike [R-IN], Petri, Thomas [R-WI], Pitts, Joseph [R-PA], Platts, Todd [R-PA], Ramstad, James [R-MN], Rogers, Michael [R-MI], Shadegg, John [R-AZ], Souder, Mark [R-IN], Terry, Lee [R-NE], Upton, Frederick [R-MI], Walsh, James [R-NY], Wasserman Shultz, Debbie [D-FL], Wicker, Roger [R-MS], and Wilson, Joe [R-SC].

F- (3 total, 0 D and 3 R):

Bachus, Spencer [R-AL], Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA], and Shays, Christopher [R-CT].

I'd strongly consider voting against any incumbent not A or B rated, even if the opponent is equally (but not more) anti-gambling, as incumbents have much more power than freshmen.

L-rated candidates (most vulnerable opponents, i.e, most likely to be "Leached"). These representatives are strongly against us, and most won their last two elections by less than 55%. With their vulnerability, they may be more receptive to our letters. If no change of heart, it's Leach time! Don't let me click my mouse, lose your seat in the House!

Shelley Moore Capito (R.-WV). Won in 2006 with 57% of vote. Likely to be challenged by pro-gaming Democrat John Unger II.

Steve Chabot (R-OH). Ohio is a good state for us, I think. It's becoming more progressive and libertarian, especially with regards to social conservatism. Chabot is a foe of ours.

William Jefferson (D-LA). He voted against us while having $90K in cash hiding in his freezer. Besides the hypocrisy, the fact that the current Congressional Black Caucus is 61% A or B rated means his opponent (or the candidate running for the open seat if Jefferson is gone by then) is likely to be excellent for freedom and liberty.

Barbara Cubin (R-WY): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Ric Keller (R-FL). Consistently against us. Appears he'll have strong challengers in 2008.

Mark Kirk (R-IL): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Joe Knollenberg (R-MI). He sent a 2+2 poster a strongly anti-Internet gaming letter. Plus, as a Michigan Republican, he'll have a tough challenger in '08.

Randy Kuhl (R-NY): F*-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO). The Christian Coalition has ranked Musgrave's voting record at '100%' in support of the pro-Christian Coalition legislation listed on their scorecard (which includes Internet gaming).

Jean Schmidt (R-OH). She memorably called 38-year Marine Corps veteran Rep. John Murtha a coward for advocating leaving Iraq, which weakened her significantly. As for Internet poker, she's definitely an opponent of ours.

Chris Shays (R-CT). Good target here, especially as he's so vehemently against us. New England is turning against Republicans, while the Republican Party is turning against RINOs. He's in trouble in '08.

Mark Souder (R-IN). Brags about cosponsoring HR 4777 on his website. "U.S. Rep. Mark Souder joined a number of his House colleagues yesterday in cosponsoring H.R. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, legislation designed to crack down on the growing problem of illegal, offshore gambling, as well as illegal gambling that crosses state lines via phone lines and the Internet."

Jim Walsh (R-NY): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Heather Wilson (R-NM): F*-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

U.S. House, by Region:

<font color="white">.....................</font> With Us<font color="white">.....</font>Neutral/Unknown<font color="white">.....</font>Against us
Northeast<font color="white">............</font>40%<font color="white">.....................</font>48%<font color="white">..................</font>11%
West<font color="white">...................</font>41%<font color="white">.....................</font>41%<font color="white">..................</font>18%
Midwest<font color="white">..............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>45%<font color="white">..................</font>30%
Territories<font color="white">............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>25%<font color="white">..................</font>50%
South<font color="white">..................</font>18%<font color="white">.....................</font>34%<font color="white">..................</font>47%

The Northeast has 83 reps (plus one vacant seat), the West has 97 reps (plus the other vacant seat), the Midwest has 100 reps, the territories (Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) have four delegates, and the South has 154 reps.

As can be readily seen, the South is strongly against us. There are 284 non-Southern reps: 35% with us, 44% neutral/unknown, and only 21% against us. Of the 132 congressmen rated F, F*, or F-, 73 are Southern (56%). As one of the main opponents of allowing people to choose to play Internet poker is Focus on the Family, this should not be surprising (http://www.citizenlink.org/FOSI/gambling/A000004244.cfm and http://www.citizenlink.org/pdfs/fosi/gam...AX_to_HOUSE.pdf (http://www.citizenlink.org/pdfs/fosi/gambling/08-02-07_Internet_Gamb_GroupSign_Letter_8-1-07_Final_FAX_to_HOUSE.pdf)).


2008 U.S. Senate Races

34 seats in the Senate will be contested on November 4, 2008 – 12 Democratic seats and 22 Republican ones. Per the latest Cook Political Report, 3 Democratic seats and 8 Republican seats are in play. Democrats currently have a two-seat advantage (i.e., both independents caucus with the Democrats).

Solid Democratic (9): Biden (D-DE), Harkin (D-IA), Durbin (D-IL), Kerry (D-MA), Levin (D-MI), Baucus (D-MT), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Reed (D-RI), and Rockefeller (D-WV).

Likely Democratic (2): Pryor (D-AR) and Johnson (D-SD).

Leaning Democratic (1): Landrieu (D-LA)

Tossup (1): Allard (R-CO) -- retiring

Leaning Republican (2): Collins (R-ME) and Coleman (R-MN).

Likely Republican (5): Stevens (R-AK), Sununu (R-NH), Dole (R-NC), Domenici (R-NM), and Smith (R-OR).

Solid Republican (14): Sessions (R-AL), Chambliss (R-GA), Craig (R-ID) [though Craig himself will likely be gone], Roberts (R-KS), McConnell (R-KY), Cochran (R-MS), Hagel (R-NE), Inhofe (R-OK), Graham (R-SC), Alexander (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Warner (R-VA), and Enzi (R-WY).

08-29-2007, 09:55 PM
thank you!

08-29-2007, 10:25 PM
Thanks for all your hard worh SIR. /images/graemlins/heart.gif

08-29-2007, 11:48 PM
http://thehill.com/campaign-2008/edwards...2007-03-01.html (http://thehill.com/campaign-2008/edwardss-gambling-stance-expected-to-hurt-his-chances-in-nevada-caucus-2007-03-01.html)

Campaign 2008

Edwards’s gambling stance expected to hurt his chances in Nevada caucus
By Bob Cusack
March 01, 2007

Former Sen. John Edwards’s (D-N.C.) strong support of prohibiting gambling on college sports is expected to hamper his chances in the Nevada presidential caucus.

Lawmakers in the Silver State have long criticized the legislation; in 2003, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called it “anti-Nevada.”

“If Edwards stays firm on that, it will hurt him,” said Eric Herzik, a political scientist at the University of Nevada in Reno.

Edwards was one of a handful of Senate Democrats who backed the bill championed by Sens. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.). But the negative effect the measure may have on Edwards is more acute than with his 2008 GOP counterparts because Democrats have moved Nevada’s race up in the nomination process, sandwiching it between Iowa and New Hampshire on Jan. 19.

Edwards, a formal cosponsor of the bill, didn’t hold back when lobbying for it. During a March 29, 2000 hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, Edwards said, “Instead of rooting for a university because of loyalty, bookies in Nevada … root for a team for one reason, and only one reason: money.”

He later added, “We will hear today from folks in Nevada about how well-regulated the gaming industry is … We will not hear much, though, about the millions of dollars they give annually to politicians. You will not hear them talk about the influence their money has in Washington.”

Edwards said enactment of the bill would prevent Nevada casinos from “raking in close to a billion dollars annually on amateur athletics.”

Reid and other Nevada legislators testified that day in fervent opposition to the measure, saying it would create an economic burden on thousands of Nevadans. The senator, a former chief gaming regulator for the state of Nevada as well as an ex-chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission, pointedly asked why the backers of the bill were targeting his state.

“It is easy because it is something you can pick at,” Reid said at the time, “and the NCAA, this has been fun for them because it diverts attention from their incompetence … Since 1994, Nevada, more than any other state in the union, has been targeted for federal initiatives that are anathema to the people of Nevada.”

Herzik said the rhetoric from lawmakers matches those shared by Nevada voters: “The issue of gambling is pretty well-settled in Nevada.” He added that most people in the state believe the industry is a well-regulated, legitimate source of income.

The other problem Edwards faces, Herzik said, is that he has heavily courted labor leaders in Nevada, who are closely tied to the gaming industry.

Kenneth Fernandez, a political scientist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, predicted that Edwards would steer clear of his support of prohibiting gambling on college sports.

“He’ll downplay it,” Fernandez said, “and his challengers will play it up.”

However, Fernandez does not believe it will severely impact Edwards’s chances, noting that the gaming industry has higher sources of revenue than betting on college sports, such as slot machines.

Reid, meanwhile, has indicated he will not endorse a candidate before the general election. Rep. Shelley Berkley, who is the sole House Democrat from Nevada and represents Las Vegas, has not yet endorsed a White House hopeful in 2008.

Berkley backed Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) right before the Nevada caucus in 2004 while Reid stayed noncommittal. Kerry, who had all but locked up the nomination before the caucus, won 63 percent of the vote three years ago. Edwards finished third with 10 percent, behind former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and three points ahead of Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).

Edwards, describing his backing of the plan years ago, noted that legendary coaches in North Carolina such as Dean Smith and Mike Krzyzewski endorsed it.

Proponents of the legislation have pointed out that the 49 other states have banned gambling on college sports and that in Nevada, bets cannot legally be placed on Nevada college games.

The issue of prohibiting gambling has eased somewhat in recent years. McCain has not touched the matter since 2003 and Brownback has not reintroduced his measure since 2000. The NCAA is no longer lobbying for the proposal.

But almost every nominee’s positions in the race for the White House are put under a magnifying glass.

And clearly, Nevada lawmakers have strong feelings about the measure. Reid has chastised Congress for seeking to “trash” the 10th Amendment, “whether it’s nuclear waste or morality-based anti-gambling initiatives.”

In 2002, Edwards voted in favor of storing nuclear waste in Nevada, but he now opposes it, as do the other Democratic contenders for president.

Other Democrats who backed the 2000 Brownback gambling bill included Sens. Joe Lieberman (Conn.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Jack Reed (R.I.) and Dick Durbin (Ill.) — who is Reid’s deputy — as well as then-Sen. Charles Robb (Va.).

Edwards’s campaign did not return phone calls seeking comment.

08-30-2007, 12:04 AM
That's interesting. Harry Reid has made some comments in the past that seemed to be very anti-John Edwards. This issue might explain why.

08-30-2007, 12:29 AM
Great post, but some of your Cook Political Report race rankings are off:


08-30-2007, 12:49 AM

Another nice thread. Regarding the number on our side, I wonder how many of the B's are soft. Not necessarily that they are against us at all, but rather not for us *right now*. This especially could be the case if domestic gaming interests really do see a benefit in squeezing the offshore sites prior to legalization. However, if you count all the B's or better, then it appears that to actually pass Frank's or Weixler's bill, that all of the democrat neutrals have to break for us.

I was wondering about another matter as well. Which is how many of those in the F categories against us, also support horse racing. I see for example many reps from Texas which certainly has tracks. As I have opined in past threads, the horse racing industry has gotten a free ride with special treatment for too long. We need to find a way to squeeze them firmly into our camp by exposing them to serious harm as well. Perhaps by planting the idea in FOF's head that removing exemptions to horse racing (after all it *is* gambling!) is the path to compliance with the WTO issue (aside from the nuances of whether that is really 100% true), and which thus would remove one of our pillars of support. We need to make horse racing punters feel our pain and get in our camp.

08-30-2007, 08:37 AM
Great post, but some of your Cook Political Report race rankings are off:


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the heads-up. I wrote that section a few days ago, before the new report came out. I'll update it later today.

08-30-2007, 09:02 AM
Another nice thread.

[/ QUOTE ]


Regarding the number on our side, I wonder how many of the B's are soft. Not necessarily that they are against us at all, but rather not for us *right now*. This especially could be the case if domestic gaming interests really do see a benefit in squeezing the offshore sites prior to legalization. However, if you count all the B's or better, then it appears that to actually pass Frank's or Weixler's bill, that all of the democrat neutrals have to break for us.

[/ QUOTE ]

We still have our work cut out for us, no doubt. I wrote this not to sugarcoat our situation, but to use existing data to show where we stand.

The data show us a number of things. We see opposition to Internet gaming isn't really bipartisan, and it isn't homogeneous across the nation. With Republicans/Southerners out of leadership in the House and Senate, many of our opponents have been cut off at the legs. For example, I hear the latest FoF letter fell on deaf ears in this Congress. The NFL letter, OTOH, has gained traction. As Congress is no longer knee-jerk against us on general principle, our letters rebutting the NFL's letters are more likely to have an effect in this Congress than in the last one.

Finally, once a cause gets attention, sponsorship of a committee chair, and support from half of a chamber, compromise becomes an option. We may get the Frank bill added to must-pass legislation as part of the funding source under paygo. Or, these guys may get tired of us and give us the Wexler bill to get rid of us to save the rest of the prohibition (they can see the folks fighting back are primarily poker players) until they figure out what to do with the domestic industry. The Wexler bill also has a benefit of being more consistent with the laws of many states in terms of allowing skill-based gaming but not games of chance.

I was wondering about another matter as well. Which is how many of those in the F categories against us, also support horse racing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point. I hear the horse racing folks are getting concerned that some banks will block all gaming transactions once the UIGEA regs take effect, including horse racing. Although UIGEA excludes horse racing, as the act doesn't define illegal gaming, the Treasury Dept. cannot either. And, as the DoJ claims the IHRA didn't legalize Internet horse racing /images/graemlins/confused.gif, they're in murky territory as well.

To further pressure the equine industry, our letters have repeatedly pointed out that we can get out of the WTO issues by banning all Internet gaming, including them (we'd still owe for past noncompliance, of course).

08-30-2007, 09:26 AM
thank you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad to help. I hope we can all make good use of it.

08-30-2007, 09:30 AM
2008 U.S. Senate Races (update...improved for us since the last report)

34 seats in the Senate will be contested on November 4, 2008 – 12 Democratic seats and 22 Republican ones. Per the latest Cook Political Report, 2 Democratic seats and 9 Republican seats are in play. Democrats currently have a two-seat advantage (i.e., both independents caucus with the Democrats).

Solid Democratic (10): Pryor (D-AR), Biden (D-DE), Harkin (D-IA), Durbin (D-IL), Kerry (D-MA), Levin (D-MI), Baucus (D-MT), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Reed (D-RI), and Rockefeller (D-WV).

Likely Democratic (1): Johnson (D-SD).

Leaning Democratic (1): Landrieu (D-LA)

Tossup (1): Allard (R-CO) -- retiring

Leaning Republican (3): Collins (R-ME), Coleman (R-MN)and Sununu (R-NH).

Likely Republican (5): Stevens (R-AK), Craig (R-ID) [the seat itself if likely Rep., but Craig himself will likely be gone], Dole (R-NC), Domenici (R-NM), and Smith (R-OR).

Solid Republican (13): Sessions (R-AL), Chambliss (R-GA), Roberts (R-KS), McConnell (R-KY), Cochran (R-MS), Hagel (R-NE), Inhofe (R-OK), Graham (R-SC), Alexander (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Warner (R-VA), and Enzi (R-WY).

08-30-2007, 09:45 AM
PPA gave me a spot on their site for the scorecard, at https://pokerplayersalliance.org/news/newsandarticles_article.php?DID=237 . I'm under no PPA editorial control for this article or for the action items I post there (i.e., I answer only to you guys). I have remote access and can update it instantly.

Also, having a spot on the PPA site helps us if we choose to use the ratings when contacting our congressmen.

08-30-2007, 10:48 AM
What about traffic at the forums? Is the PPA at all going to try to drive some traffic there? Its no good having a spot there if no one sees it. Try to get Pappas to do two things.

1. Send a mass email written by one of us encouraging people to visit. Check out to see what they can do.

2. Have him ask FT, Stars, etc send an email as well encouraging site visitation. I.E. the PPA has decided to increase activity and here is where you can visit to do your part.

I am not sure if affiliate forums are willing to encourage another site, but they should jump on too. I think we could easily go from hundreds working together to thousands in a couple of weeks.

08-30-2007, 11:01 AM
Forums are a good source, though i have found they do not like to work together, I post and update weekly at several different ones.

Only problem, I keep getting invites to play in too many games on too many 'skins' of the same sites.

Oh well, worth the effort though as I have built a bit of action from a few and along the way picked up a few easy $$$ too!


08-30-2007, 11:06 AM
I'm not sure what category John Warner is in (R-VA) other than solid republican, but he may be retiring. If he does, Mark Warner (no relation, former Governor of VA, D) may run, though he will not run against John Warner. Also, George Allen, former Sen, R will likely run, but he just lost to Jim Webb as the incumbent with Webb basically having no prior political experience of note.

Also, fwiw, John Warner does not like abusing the system with things like riders and wouldn't let Frist attach UIGEA to his bill to ramrod it through. I honestly don't know where he stands on internet gambling, but he is one of the few politicians in Washington who seems have dignity.

08-30-2007, 06:00 PM
One of my friends was an intern for Dennis Hastert-IL and told me that he was vehemently anti gambling.

08-30-2007, 06:48 PM
I'm going to publish this on Daily Kos today at 7:30 ET (I'll post the URL at that time, when I have it). Can you all try to post comments to promote it (cut and paste letters to Congress, the NFL, etc)? Thanks.

08-30-2007, 06:51 PM
Yes, I have a membership and my 24 hour comment wait requirement is passed now.


08-30-2007, 07:26 PM
Yes, I have a membership and my 24 hour comment wait requirement is passed now.


[/ QUOTE ]

Cool. It's at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/8/30/192542/747

08-30-2007, 07:30 PM
Ill sign up later tonight. Wow, my friends better not find out I signed up at Dailykos or I will have hell to pay.

08-30-2007, 07:38 PM
Ill sign up later tonight. Wow, my friends better not find out I signed up at Dailykos or I will have hell to pay.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe. I post it at Townhall.com as well to balance it out. The url there is http://internetpokerrights.townhall.com

08-30-2007, 07:56 PM
done engineer.


08-30-2007, 07:58 PM
done engineer.


[/ QUOTE ]

Saw it, thanks. Also, please recommend my comments to bump the rating a bit.

That site is slow today....I usually get a lot more comments. Oh, well.

08-30-2007, 08:25 PM
Ill sign up later tonight. Wow, my friends better not find out I signed up at Dailykos or I will have hell to pay.

[/ QUOTE ]

Signed up also, I now have to wait 24hrs to post. I shocked my old co-workers I haven't seen in years telling them I now lean a tad to the left at the moment and how I voted for all Democrats in 2006.

08-30-2007, 10:33 PM
I know the feeling, my family was unhappy I voted straight dem in 06 for the first time in my life.

I will, on occasion, vote for one but never the straight ticket.

As a note, our County Commissioner Conley, a 20 year guy, R of course went down in flames too.

He opposed placing on the ballot should we allow table games in our county, it passed 62.5% though no games yet and that was 1 1/2 years ago.


08-31-2007, 11:50 AM
Ill sign up later tonight. Wow, my friends better not find out I signed up at Dailykos or I will have hell to pay.

[/ QUOTE ]


08-31-2007, 12:50 PM
thanks for this resource, i posted it over on Part Time Poker News and in the forums at NeverBeg.

care to do an interview for PTP?

08-31-2007, 01:35 PM
Neverbeg is growing large, I have checked it out, I think it would be a great place to recruit some activism. Nothing like bored, broke 19yo kids headed back to college to help make phone calls and write Congress.

09-01-2007, 12:54 AM
What about traffic at the forums? Is the PPA at all going to try to drive some traffic there? Its no good having a spot there if no one sees it. Try to get Pappas to do two things.

1. Send a mass email written by one of us encouraging people to visit. Check out to see what they can do.

2. Have him ask FT, Stars, etc send an email as well encouraging site visitation. I.E. the PPA has decided to increase activity and here is where you can visit to do your part.

I am not sure if affiliate forums are willing to encourage another site, but they should jump on too. I think we could easily go from hundreds working together to thousands in a couple of weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been communicating this need to PPA for the past couple of months (rather adamantly, actually, given that I went through the effort of populating the forums with some posts). I believe they will be reminding their members of the forums in the near future.

As for us, having the guide hosted on the PPA site does help us to use it for advocacy efforts, so that's cool. Hopefully we'll get folks there to look at it, as it's not Googling well at all yet.

09-01-2007, 10:38 AM
What about traffic at the forums? Is the PPA at all going to try to drive some traffic there? Its no good having a spot there if no one sees it. Try to get Pappas to do two things.

1. Send a mass email written by one of us encouraging people to visit. Check out to see what they can do.

2. Have him ask FT, Stars, etc send an email as well encouraging site visitation. I.E. the PPA has decided to increase activity and here is where you can visit to do your part.

I am not sure if affiliate forums are willing to encourage another site, but they should jump on too. I think we could easily go from hundreds working together to thousands in a couple of weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been communicating this need to PPA for the past couple of months (rather adamantly, actually, given that I went through the effort of populating the forums with some posts). I believe they will be reminding their members of the forums in the near future.

As for us, having the guide hosted on the PPA site does help us to use it for advocacy efforts, so that's cool. Hopefully we'll get folks there to look at it, as it's not Googling well at all yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

The number of views is pathetic. Take out the regular posters in this forum, and its even more pathetic. I havent even tried googling them. We can try to make some post headings to move up a bit. How well linked from other places is it? I am far from a website pro. I don't think its something a professional redo can't fix.

09-01-2007, 03:43 PM
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) has resigned, effective Sept. 30. Idaho Gov. C.L. Butch Otter will appoint Idaho Lieutenant Governor James E. Risch (R) to serve out the remainder of Larry Craig's term.

09-01-2007, 03:45 PM
Lieutenant Governor Jim Risch is a rancher and attorney from Ada County. He attended the University of Idaho where he obtained his Bachelor of Science in Forestry in 1965. He continued his education at the University of Idaho, receiving his Juris Doctor in 1968. From 1970 to 1974 Lieutenant Governor Risch worked as the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney; during this period he also taught law at Boise State University.

In 1975 he was first elected to the Idaho State Senate, a position he held for 22 of the next 28 years. He spent 12 years as Majority Leader and six years as President Pro Tem. Jim was elected Lieutenant Governor of Idaho in November 2002.

Lieutenant Governor Risch is involved in many community activities. He is a member of the Idaho Cattleman’s Association, American and Idaho Angus Association, American and Idaho Bar Associations, Ducks Unlimited and the National Rifle Association. He has also received many awards and honors including National Conference of State Legislators Leadership Award, Idaho Farm Bureau “Friend of Agriculture” and is a member of the Idaho Republican Hall of Fame. Jim has been married to his wife Vicki for 37 years. They have three sons James, Jason and Jordan, as well as five grandchildren.

09-01-2007, 03:56 PM
Do we know Idaho's election law concerning the seat? Will Risch get the whole term's remainder or will he have to survive a special election? I think most places will only let
a nominee survive a year or so , since the Constituition was amended for democratic election of Senators.

09-01-2007, 04:08 PM
Do we know Idaho's election law concerning the seat? Will Risch get the whole term's remainder or will he have to survive a special election? I think most places will only let
a nominee survive a year or so , since the Constituition was amended for democratic election of Senators.

[/ QUOTE ]

Craig was up for reelection in '08, so it's not a big deal either way. It looks like Risch's appointment is good through the election from the article I read in the NY Times, but I imagine the reporting will be clearer in the next couple of days.

09-01-2007, 07:43 PM
A good Post article on the '08 Senate elections, at GOP Faces Dimming Prospects in '08 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/01/AR2007090100592.html):

Republican campaign operatives are privately fretting about a political environment that could remain deadly for their party.

"About the only safe Republican Senate seats in '08 are the ones that aren't on the ballot," a GOP operative with extensive experience in Senate races said. "I don't see even the rosiest scenario where we don't end up losing more seats."

[/ QUOTE ]

09-01-2007, 08:10 PM
As of June 30, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee had $20.4 million on hand, while the National Republican Senatorial Committee had $5.8 million in its bank account.

"If Republicans are investing significant money in Idaho, that means they are losing at least five seats in 2008," Gonzales said. "If Idaho ends up the fire wall, they are in deep trouble."

[/ QUOTE ]

This is amazing. When you donate money to support pro poker Congressmen, let the RNC and DNC why you are doing so.

09-08-2007, 10:30 PM
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), intends to announce on Monday he will not seek a third term.

Rep. Paul Gillmor (R-OH), the ranking Republican on the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee, passed away on Sept. 5. Rep. Gillmor was an F-rated, staunch opponent of ours, and was a powerful voice on the House Financial Services Committee. Despite his opposition to our freedoms, I do feel he served his nation with distinction, and I extend my sympathies to his family. His passing leaves the House with two vacant seats (the other is in Mass.).

One vacant seat, California's 37th district, was recently filled by Laura Richardson (D). I don't know where she stands on Internet poker. She is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, which is the only caucus with a majority in favor of our freedoms. I'll rate her a "?".

09-08-2007, 10:35 PM
Summary (9/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>108<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>114

09-08-2007, 11:50 PM
Summary (9/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>108<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>114

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you done any math on most vunerable of those against us, and a look at the netrual? I'd be happy to help if you want.


09-09-2007, 12:06 AM
Have you done any math on most vunerable of those against us, and a look at the netrual? I'd be happy to help if you want.


[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what you mean by "math on the neutral". If you can help assign a rating to them, I'd appreciate it.

Here are the most vulnerable of those against us, from the OP:

L-rated candidates (most vulnerable opponents, i.e, most likely to be "Leached"). These representatives are strongly against us, and most won their last two elections by less than 55%. With their vulnerability, they may be more receptive to our letters. If no change of heart, it's Leach time! Don't let me click my mouse, lose your seat in the House!

Shelley Moore Capito (R.-WV). Won in 2006 with 57% of vote. Likely to be challenged by pro-gaming Democrat John Unger II.

Steve Chabot (R-OH). Ohio is a good state for us, I think. It's becoming more progressive and libertarian, especially with regards to social conservatism. Chabot is a foe of ours.

William Jefferson (D-LA). He voted against us while having $90K in cash hiding in his freezer. Besides the hypocrisy, the fact that the current Congressional Black Caucus is 61% A or B rated means his opponent (or the candidate running for the open seat if Jefferson is gone by then) is likely to be excellent for freedom and liberty.

Barbara Cubin (R-WY): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Ric Keller (R-FL). Consistently against us. Appears he'll have strong challengers in 2008.

Mark Kirk (R-IL): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Joe Knollenberg (R-MI). He sent a 2+2 poster a strongly anti-Internet gaming letter. Plus, as a Michigan Republican, he'll have a tough challenger in '08.

Randy Kuhl (R-NY): F*-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO). The Christian Coalition has ranked Musgrave's voting record at '100%' in support of the pro-Christian Coalition legislation listed on their scorecard (which includes Internet gaming).

Jean Schmidt (R-OH). She memorably called 38-year Marine Corps veteran Rep. John Murtha a coward for advocating leaving Iraq, which weakened her significantly. As for Internet poker, she's definitely an opponent of ours.

Chris Shays (R-CT). Good target here, especially as he's so vehemently against us. New England is turning against Republicans, while the Republican Party is turning against RINOs. He's in trouble in '08.

Mark Souder (R-IN). Brags about cosponsoring HR 4777 on his website. "U.S. Rep. Mark Souder joined a number of his House colleagues yesterday in cosponsoring H.R. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, legislation designed to crack down on the growing problem of illegal, offshore gambling, as well as illegal gambling that crosses state lines via phone lines and the Internet."

Jim Walsh (R-NY): F-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

Heather Wilson (R-NM): F*-rated. Cook Political Report lists this seat as “in jeopardy”.

09-09-2007, 12:08 AM
thank you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad to help. I hope we can all make good use of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you see Warner R-VA decided not to seek re-election?



09-09-2007, 12:12 AM
thank you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad to help. I hope we can all make good use of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you see Warner R-VA decided not to seek re-election?



[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the link. Yes, we posted it somewhere here when John Warner made his announcement.

I don't know where Mark Warner stands, but it should improve our overall situation.

09-09-2007, 12:59 AM
Summary (9/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>108<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>114

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you done any math on most vunerable of those against us, and a look at the netrual? I'd be happy to help if you want.


[/ QUOTE ]

D$D, I analyzed the Cook report's take on "vulnerable" seats about a month ago. There is a new one out with a few minor changes, feel free to use the Aug 06 and update it if you have time, I can do it tomorrow if you want.

Some good news folks, Cook Politcal Report published their first 2008 House report seats in jeapordy and 9 "F rated" reps are at risk:

Feel free to copy this anywhere you wish, I think it's some good info.


Here is the list with Engineer's ranking for at risk seats. As things get closer we should look at pouncing on the following: CO-04 Marilyn Musgrave F* ,CT--04 Christopher Shays F-, IL-10 Mark Kirk F, NM-01 Heather Wilson F*, NY-25 Jim Walsh F, NY-29 Randy Kuhl F*, NC-08 Robin Hayes F*, OH-01 Steve Chabot F*, WY-AL Barbara Cubin*# R F-

Republicans in a fight for their seat

AK-AL Don Young*# A
CA-04 John Doolittle# ?-
CO-04 Marilyn Musgrave F*
CT--04 Christopher Shays F-
IL-10 Mark Kirk F
NV-03 Jon Porter A-
NJ-07 Mike Ferguson ?-
NM-01 Heather Wilson F*
NY-25 Jim Walsh F
NY-29 Randy Kuhl F*
NC-08 Robin Hayes F*
OH-01 Steve Chabot F*
OH-15 Deborah Pryce ?-
PA-06 Jim Gerlach ?-
WA-08 Dave Reichert ?-
WY-AL Barbara Cubin*# R F-

For the Democrats they list 13 in jeapordy, mostly neutral except for Nancy Bodya, a "B"

Democrats in a fight for their seat

AZ-05 Harry Mitchell ?
CA-11 Jerry McNerney ?
FL-16 Tim Mahoney ?
GA-08 Jim Marshall ?-
KS-02 Nancy Boyda B
NH-01 Carol Shea-Porter ?
NY-19 John Hall ?
NY-20 Kirsten Gillibrand ?
OH-18 Zack Space ?
PA-04 Jason Altmire ?
PA-10 Chris Carney ?
TX-22 Nick Lampson ?
WI-08 Steve Kagen ?

09-09-2007, 01:11 AM
Does anyone find it funny that Texas is against online Texas Hold 'em?

09-09-2007, 02:02 AM
I think if we can't get a behind the scenes promise form the Dems we may have to oppose 2-3 for the sake of appearance. And, I think a lot of us are trying not to gag at the thought of handing the Dems the biggest functional majority in Congress since FDR.

And the part about Hagel not running again, do you read into that a Presidential/VP run. I know he gets along with Bloomberg, and he has some of the best anti-Iraq credentials among Republicans with standing.

09-12-2007, 08:12 PM
One more current Republican Senate seat in trouble....

www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0907/Warner_announcing_run_for_Senate_tomorrow.html (http://www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0907/Warner_announcing_run_for_Senate_tomorrow.html)

Warner announcing Senate run

Former Virginia governor Mark Warner (D) will announce that he will be running for the Senate tomorrow morning, according to two sources familiar with Warner's thinking.

“He’s been weighing his options very heavily, and he feels like the biggest challenge for him right now is in the Senate,” a source close to Warner told the Politico.

He will not be making a public announcement tomorrow, only sending his e-mail announcement to supporters tomorrow morning informing them of his decision to run for the Senate.

Warner’s entry in the race gives the Democrats a golden opportunity to capture a Senate seat that has been in GOP hands for the past three decades. In his 2001 race for governor, Warner not only won the vote-rich Northern Virginia suburbs by large margins, but also carried traditionally Republican strongholds in rural Southwest Virginia.

Democrats had been heavily recruiting Warner to run for the Senate seat, as he mulled between that and running for governor again in 2009. They are hoping he can repeat his political success at the Congressional level in a state that has been trending Democratic in recent years.

09-13-2007, 12:40 AM
TE, Good work, and thanks. FYI, John Conyers of Michigan, introduced some legislation to study online gambling, a few times in the early years of this decade.

09-18-2007, 06:27 PM
I just got a snail mail letter back from my congressman. It was hand signed too (not by computer, but an actual blue marker). Not sure if that is normal.

Dear XXXX:

Thank you for contacting me regarding you support of Internet gambling. I appreciate you making me aware of your views on the issue.

Last year I voted against legislation to restrict Internet gambling at the federal level because I do not believe the federal government should regulate interstate or international gambling that takes place over the internet. This provision was later included in a larger port security bill, which passed by a large margin. The legality and regulation of gambling is first and foremost a matter of state law that varies considerably from state to state.

While I do not serve on the House Energe and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over legislation relating to the regulation of internet gambling, you may be certain that I will keep your concerns in mind should further legislation regarding this matter come before the full House of Representatives for a vote.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future on any matter of importance to you.

Sincerely, Doc Hastings

Hastings is currently an A-.

09-18-2007, 07:08 PM

Former Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen has confirmed a report published last night on the Union-Leader's website that she plans to seek a rematch with first-term GOP Sen. John Sununu. Her announcement puts another Republican-held Senate seat into the Toss Up column.

Shaheen's announcement caps off an extraordinary week of good news for Democrats. Nebraska GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel's announcement Monday that he would retire opens up a potential opportunity for Democrats, particularly if former Sen. Bob Kerrey runs. On Thursday, former Democratic Gov. Mark Warner announced he would seek the open seat in Virginia where GOP Sen. John Warner is retiring, giving the party a tremendous boost there

09-19-2007, 07:42 PM
Constituent letter:

Dear Fnurt:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on H.R. 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007. As your representative in Congress I appreciate hearing from you, and welcome the opportunity to respond.

The Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007 would establish an internet gaming licensing program that would make internet gambling legal again, and create a means to regulate it. H.R. 2046 has been referred to the subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Should this bill come to the floor of the House for a vote, I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Again, I thank you for sharing your views with me. Please be in touch in the future regarding this or any other issue.


Carolyn B. Maloney [NY-14]

[/ QUOTE ]

For your information, of course.

09-19-2007, 08:02 PM
TE, Good work, and thanks. FYI, John Conyers of Michigan, introduced some legislation to study online gambling, a few times in the early years of this decade.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, and thanks for the PMs and other posts. The Conyers actions look to have some potential.

09-19-2007, 08:03 PM
Constituent letter:

Dear Fnurt:

Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts on H.R. 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007. As your representative in Congress I appreciate hearing from you, and welcome the opportunity to respond.

The Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007 would establish an internet gaming licensing program that would make internet gambling legal again, and create a means to regulate it. H.R. 2046 has been referred to the subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Should this bill come to the floor of the House for a vote, I will keep your thoughts in mind.

Again, I thank you for sharing your views with me. Please be in touch in the future regarding this or any other issue.


Carolyn B. Maloney [NY-14]

[/ QUOTE ]

For your information, of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. Was hoping she'd start to come around. Oh, well. We'll all have to keep writing to her.

09-20-2007, 06:22 PM
H.R.2610, the Skill Game Protection Act (Wexler's bill) gained one new cosponsor -- Rep. Connie Mack [R-FL] -- bringing the total to 14. Rep. Mack (son of former FL Senator Connie Mack) voted against HR 4411. He is a conservative who apparently still believes in limited government. He moves from A- to A.

If you live in or near his district, please send him a thank-you letter.

His fiance, Mary Bono [R-CA], voted for HR 4411 and has taken not cosponsored any of the pro-Internet poker legislation pending (rated "?-"). If you live in her district, please consider writing to her about the merits of the SGPA.

09-20-2007, 10:43 PM
Have you done any math on most vunerable of those against us, and a look at the netrual? I'd be happy to help if you want.


[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what you mean by "math on the neutral". If you can help assign a rating to them, I'd appreciate it.

[/ QUOTE ]

By math on the neutral, I mean of those we don't know there exact view which are looking at toss-up races or vulnerable races in '08.

The reason for the effort is to look further into their positions and campaign support to glean a feeling their position before approaching them.

These people are the votes in the undecided column and likely subject to the most pressure for support now and whom we have the most to offer or scare by backing their up coming primary opponent in the spring.

In other words opposing foes helping supporters we have to do at some level regardless of their vulnerability. The more vulnerable they are the more personal leverage we have with them individually and in a “master plan” collectively they are the candidates we cost our opponents’ talent pools and war chests. I know this is a bit above retail politics but the way we might want to think as a new limited budget and talent new organization.

With neutrals we get more immediate returns in getting answers to solving their unknown stance and potential support in current legislation as any potential support or opposition in an upcoming race is more valuable to them. Since they don't have a concrete position they can change their minds if already set against us with out the flip-flop factor. These are the people we have both the most immediate leverage with and our future support or opposition carries the most leverage or bang for the buck.

These people are the ones we should be concentrating our behind the scenes effort upon IMPO. This is where I would be putting most of my missionary leg work on the Hill if it were me. Also given that we seem to have more unknowns 190 than either for 127 or against 131 us it would seem to be fertile ground. With limited time, budgets, and personnel this might be the best place for our efforts beyond working with our allies.


09-20-2007, 10:57 PM

Some good news folks, Cook Politcal Report published their first 2008 House report seats in jeapordy and 9 "F rated" reps are at risk:

Republicans in a fight for their seat


CA-04 John Doolittle# ?-

[/ QUOTE ]

Take CA-04 for example:

Charles Brown might challenge vulnerable John Doolittle again in '08.

Brown ran as a fiscal conservative, calling for balancing the federal budget and emphasizing policy issues and personal character over party affiliation. He had himself been a life-long Republican until he felt that the party’s leadership abandoned its core values of security, integrity, prosperity, and conservation.

Brown defined his number-one issue as “the Constitution, including the Second Amendment” and questioned whether the Republican leaders in the George W. Bush administration and the 109th Congress genuinely believed in individual liberties in light of policies allowing spying without a warrant on American citizens; or in small government given huge and ineffective bureaucracies; or in fiscal responsibility having run up huge deficits. He criticized the incumbent, John Doolittle, for his connections to Jack Abramoff and Mark Foley.

Given his stance, especially the irony that he’d be taking a position to some one linked to Abramoff who has been tarred for it, he seems like someone we might want to contact if he announces.


09-21-2007, 05:37 PM
U.S. Rep. Jerry Weller [R-IL], who voted for HR 4411 and who was recently named one of the most corrupt members of Congress by a watchdog group, announced Friday that he will not seek an eighth term. Don't let the door hit your corrupt backside on your way out, Weller. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

09-21-2007, 06:53 PM
Wow, seems to be at least one announcement per week for the Republicans.

Weller makes 8th Republican to say he isn't seeking reelection (compared to 2 Democrats).

On the Senate side hopefully Ted Stevens (R-AK) will get the boot soon.

09-21-2007, 08:29 PM
I think they ALL sense the looming Armageddon. AND, a 2010 Census is coming with realigned gerrymandering. Some of them may be positioning themselves for perceived new districts and avoiding the tag of having "lost" an election. Look for them to sneak back in safer parts of their states watching for shifts in districts and a new political landscape.

09-25-2007, 05:45 PM
Frank's bill gained a 37th cosponsor yesterday. William Delahunt [D-MA] added his name to the list. Prior to, he was rated as an A-.

He lives in a rented house with a bunch of other democrats, so maybe it will make dinner conversation? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

If you live in or near his district, make sure to give him a thanks.

09-25-2007, 05:49 PM
Also, Pete Sessions {R-TX}, added his name to the Wexler Bill, bringing the total to 15. He was a B rated representative.

Make sure to tell him thanks!

09-27-2007, 07:49 PM
Adios to F* rated Everett, Terry [R-AL]:


Terry Everett won with 70% of the vote in past elections, so the retirement opens up a seat that was probably a lock.

09-28-2007, 06:06 PM
Rep. Don Young [R-AK] has just cosponsored the Wexler bill, bringing the number of cosponsors to 16. Young, also a cosponsor of IGREA, remains "A" rated.

09-28-2007, 07:07 PM
Have any ?- or worse Representatives came over to our side, at all?

09-28-2007, 08:53 PM
Have any ?- or worse Representatives came over to our side, at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

James Moran has switched over although it was after Engineer's first ratings. I believe Peter King allowed UIGEA onto his bill and is now against what has become of it.

09-28-2007, 11:33 PM
Have any ?- or worse Representatives came over to our side, at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

Crowley, Joseph [D-NY], King, Peter [R-NY], Larson, John [D-CT], McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY], Melancon, Charlie [D-LA], Moran, Jim [D-VA], Ryan, Tim [D-OH], Thompson, Bennie [D-MS], Wynn, Albert [D-MD], Bean, Melissa L. [D-IL], Clyburn, James [D-SC], Costa, Jim [D-CA], Costello, Jerry [D-IL], Green, Al [D-TX], Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH], Langevin, James [D-RI], Lewis, John [D-GA], Maloney, Carolyn [D-NY], Meek, Kendrick [D-FL], Meeks, Gregory [D-NY], Moore, Dennis [D-KS], Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ], Payne, Donald [D-NJ], Peterson, Collin [D-MN], Ruppersberger, Dutch [D-MD], and Taylor, Gene [D-MS] (26 in total) voted for HR 4411 and subsequently cosponsored IGREA, the Wexler bill, or the study bill.

Jim Moran not only voted for HR 44111 - he cosponsored HR 4777, the Goodlatte ban bill. Since then, he cosponsored the Wexler bill, so that's a big turnaround for us.

09-28-2007, 11:45 PM

Jim Moran not only voted for HR 44111 - he cosponsored HR 4777, the Goodlatte ban bill. Since then, he cosponsored the Wexler bill, so that's a big turnaround for us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well done all!!!


10-05-2007, 03:05 AM
Raul M. Grijalva [D-AZ] has cosponsored IGREA, bringing the total number of cosponsors to 38. Rep. Grijalva voted against HR 4411. He moves from A- to A.

10-05-2007, 03:21 AM
Ive seen several stories saying Domenici is retiring. Not sure how serious they are. Sad he was such a good guy in the 80s to now be Kyl's circle jerk buddy.

10-05-2007, 03:27 AM
Ive seen several stories saying Domenici is retiring. Not sure how serious they are. Sad he was such a good guy in the 80s to now be Kyl's circle jerk buddy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hear it's pretty certain he'll retire.

10-06-2007, 06:53 PM

Congresswoman dies after cancer fight (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071006/ap_on_re_us/obit_davis)

10th open Republican seat vs. 2 Democratic in upcoming election.

Ms. Davis was rated F*

10-12-2007, 06:17 PM
Some more good news becoming official soon?

Ralph Regula (F* Republican) - 18 term Ohio Congressmen set to retire.


10-12-2007, 07:35 PM
Some more good news becoming official soon?

Ralph Regula (F* Republican) - 18 term Ohio Congressmen set to retire.


[/ QUOTE ]

If this was insiders selling previously restricted stock from a start up after the IPO I would be selling puts on the stock on margin and looking to re-fi the house, sell the cars and my wife's jewelery!!!

D$D&lt;--smells blood in the water

10-12-2007, 07:53 PM
Some more good news becoming official soon?

Ralph Regula (F* Republican) - 18 term Ohio Congressmen set to retire.


[/ QUOTE ]

If this was insiders selling previously restricted stock from a start up after the IPO I would be selling puts on the stock on margin and looking to re-fi the house, sell the cars and my wife's jewelery!!!

D$D&lt;--smells blood in the water

[/ QUOTE ]

I never know what you are talking about.

10-12-2007, 11:20 PM
Some more good news becoming official soon?

Ralph Regula (F* Republican) - 18 term Ohio Congressmen set to retire.


[/ QUOTE ]

If this was insiders selling previously restricted stock from a start up after the IPO I would be selling puts on the stock on margin and looking to re-fi the house, sell the cars and my wife's jewelery!!!

D$D&lt;--smells blood in the water

[/ QUOTE ]

I never know what you are talking about.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of the list of retiree's almost all are republicans.

Are they retiring because they want to or did they look at the polling data and decide to quit rather than be embarased in their up comming race. Now is the time before they start raising money to decide.

A politican who quits in office has something of a value after politics a defeated incumbent very little on average.

I compared the number of republican retirees to major stock holders of a start up company that had gone public. They hold stock that is restricted for 6 to 18 months that can't be sold until that time is up. If you bought the stock on the Initial Public Offering(IPO) you watch for things like that, when the restricted stock owners start to bail all at once. It usually means the company is in trouble and the share price will soon fall when the financials become public the next quater out or so, or the trouble shows it self in decling sales or what ever.

The most leveraged "bet" you can make is a put option to sell the stock to another for a set price. You get to "put" the stock in the others hands for a fee. Margin is borrowing from the brokerage firm against the assets in your account usually about 50% is the limit depending on the marginability of the assets. If fully marginable you can double your "bet" for a fee (prime plus or minus). Totally leveraged would be doing a re-finance of 125% and selling any disposable assets to further leverage more "bets" hence the term bet the farm, but here betting something like 3 times the value of the farm with leverage. You loose a fully personally leveraged deal of this magnitude and you are debt sometimes for life!

Sorry for the long post.

Hope it helps,


10-13-2007, 11:40 AM

Clear your inbox, I need to ask you a question about the Washington trip. Mrs Fish is beating me up /images/graemlins/tongue.gif and I need to clarify something.


10-13-2007, 11:56 AM

Clear your inbox, I need to ask you a question about the Washington trip. Mrs Fish is beating me up /images/graemlins/tongue.gif and I need to clarify something.


[/ QUOTE ]


10-13-2007, 01:56 PM
I'd argue that the reason you are seeing a lot of republican retirements is that these guys are simply old and now have significantly less power than they did a year ago--it's just not worth it anymore, especially after tasting the top.

Are there cases where electorally they are in trouble and maybe are trying to save face? Sure--see Rep. Deb Pryce (OH)

I don't see that in most of these races.

10-13-2007, 05:47 PM
The 90s electoral shift/gerrymandering is wearing out Berge.
The Republicans overachieved and carved up some nice districts. They controlled some states in both houses. The Bush administration is playing hardball with The Census Bureau
right now over the 2010 count and methodology. First time in my life I can recall funding was frozen and not continued for the next count. Im not privy to what exactly the RNC wants done, but something has them fighting dirty. Contracted firms to do the count had to be delayed. Maybe they see a shift into blue states of electors that may make the electoral map impossible for a Republican national win.
2000 was won even more so by NH voting Bush than Florida which he won outright. 4-5 electors going to NY, California, or a blue stronghold its over for the politicians in power now to run in 2012. If places like Utah, Missouri, Ohio, Virginia, or Georgia lose a district, it will be a Republican one.

These retirements by established Republicans are by some in their political prime who intend to move residence instate into anticipated reduced Republican districts and fight it out in 2012. Losing a race is a lot harder to outrun that a simple retirement. Lobby some, earn some cred with the hardcore primary votes. Current districts that were safe in 04 simply don't have the same makeup partisan-wise because of internal migration. I.E., its not a safe win and if its trending away, it will be someone else's district.

10-13-2007, 06:21 PM
I don't disagree with that assessment necessarily. It is true in certain districts across the country, particularly suburban areas that were once Republican strongholds that have shifted significantly the last 5 years.

Seats like Ohio 15 (Pryce), Illinois 11 (Weller), Minnesota 3 (Ramstad) are clearly going to be difficult fights for the incumbant and may well have led to them choosing to retire.

Certainly there may be other districts in similar situations, but I haven't seen the numbers to suggest that beyond a handful of districts that the main reason Republican incumbents are retiring is because they read the tea leaves as being unable to win in their district as D$D suggested.

A Ray LaHood or Dennis Hastert would win if they sought re-election. So would a Ralph Regula or Chip Pickering.

10-13-2007, 09:17 PM

Reged: 05/27/05
Posts: 67
Loc: midwest Re: Politicians For and Against Online Poker, August 29, 2007 [Re: Berge20]
#11897059 - 08/31/07 12:50 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

thanks for this resource, i posted it over on Part Time Poker News and in the forums at NeverBeg.

care to do an interview for PTP?

Post Extras:


Reged: 05/05/07
Posts: 603
Re: Politicians For and Against Online Poker, August 29, 2007 [Re: chrisptp]
#11897587 - 08/31/07 01:35 PM Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply

Neverbeg is growing large, I have checked it out, I think it would be a great place to recruit some activism. Nothing like bored, broke 19yo kids headed back to college to help make phone calls and write Congress.

so whats new on this, im a member of neverbeg too. when are u gonna be interviewed on the site or come and make some help wanted posts over here??

10-16-2007, 07:57 PM
"Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison (of Texas) said Tuesday she will not seek re-election after her current Senate term and is weighing other options, which could include a bid for governor."

Will the last Repubican incumbent up for reelection this year to bow out be sure to turn the lights out?

10-16-2007, 08:15 PM
KBH isn't up again til '12

It is widely speculated she'll step down prior, likely in '09 to run for governor.

10-16-2007, 09:05 PM
And there is zero chance she would lose. I even had a crush on her ten years ago.

10-16-2007, 09:25 PM
She's always looking for new men to carry her purses and bags along with her as she roams the halls....still time to make that dream a reality!

10-16-2007, 09:47 PM
She's always looking for new men to carry her purses and bags along with her as she roams the halls....still time to make that dream a reality!

[/ QUOTE ]

Will she molester me on AIM?

10-16-2007, 10:38 PM
Not after the Foley scandal last year....

10-16-2007, 11:50 PM
She's always looking for new men to carry her purses and bags along with her as she roams the halls....still time to make that dream a reality!

[/ QUOTE ]

Will she molester me on AIM?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not bad for a 64 year old, but......

10-17-2007, 12:02 AM
Tsongas (D) wins special election (http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/politics/view.bg?articleid=1038553)

This was an interesting race as a Republican from Mass. had a so-so chance of gaining a seat, but couldn't pull off the impossible.

Anyone from her district (MA-5) introduce her to our ideas?

10-18-2007, 04:14 PM
IGREA gains another cosponsor. Rep. Steve Cohen [D-TN-9] has become the 39th cosponsor. Rep. Cohen was already sponsoring the Wexler bill and the study bill, so he remains rated A.

Nine other representatives are also sponsoring/cosponsoring all three bills. They are:

Berkley, Shelley [D-NV]
Wexler, Robert [D-FL]
Ackerman, Gary [D-NY]
Capuano, Michael [D-MA]
Hastings, Alcee [D-FL]
Sanchez, Linda [D-CA]
Thompson, Bennie [D-MS]
Towns, Edolphus [D-NY]
Weiner, Anthony [D-NY]

10-18-2007, 04:27 PM
I think we should write to Ron Paul and ask him to cosponsor the Wexler bill.

10-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Brownback is out of the presidential race. Will announce tomorrow per report on local side of "All Things Considered" on NPR. No links yet. Cited lack of $ as reason for departure.

Bad news for me though because, according to report, he will run for Governor in 2010. Ugh!!!

10-18-2007, 05:39 PM
Brownback is out of the presidential race. Will announce tomorrow per report on local side of "All Things Considered" on NPR. No links yet. Cited lack of $ as reason for departure.

Bad news for me though because, according to report, he will run for Governor in 2010. Ugh!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Great news for America, but not so good for you. That would be a bad beat for sure if he wins the governor's race. Let's hope he gets crushed in that election.

10-27-2007, 03:54 PM
IGREA gains another cosponsor. Rep. James Moran [VA-D] has become the 40th cosponsor. Rep. Moran was already sponsoring the Wexler bill and the study bill, so he remains rated A.

Sweet James
10-27-2007, 04:06 PM
I didn't read the rest of the thread so I'm sure this has been mentioned, but Ron Paul is our greatest ally.

10-27-2007, 07:40 PM
I didn't read the rest of the thread so I'm sure this has been mentioned, but Ron Paul is our greatest ally.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why admit you are spamming and expect to be taken seriously.

D$D&lt;--too stupid to ignore a spammmer!

10-27-2007, 09:25 PM
I didn't read the rest of the thread so I'm sure this has been mentioned, but Ron Paul is our greatest ally.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why admit you are spamming and expect to be taken seriously.

D$D&lt;--too stupid to ignore a spammmer!

[/ QUOTE ]

At least he's an honest spammer -- most don't admit that they don't read the threads to which they post/spam.

It is funny that they're now spamming the sites that generally support Ron Paul.

10-27-2007, 10:29 PM
Minor setback in the scheme of things. Bobby Jindal(sp) won in Louisiana. Big time ChristaNazi Bushie rubber stamp Republican will be governor. A lot had to do with Katrina and the lack of Dem votes in NO. Not sure if gambling is high on his radar, but he is a bible thumper and a half. Probably goes to the same whorehouse Vitter does.

10-27-2007, 10:32 PM
Minor setback in the scheme of things. Bobby Jindal(sp) won in Louisiana. Big time ChristaNazi Bushie rubber stamp Republican will be governor. A lot had to do with Katrina and the lack of Dem votes in NO. Not sure if gambling is high on his radar, but he is a bible thumper and a half. Probably goes to the same whorehouse Vitter does.

[/ QUOTE ]

True. At least he'll be out of the House now (where he cosponsored Goodlatte's ban bill and voted for HR 4411).

11-05-2007, 06:31 PM
Rep. Steve Israel, Steve [D-NY], has cosponsored the Wexler bill, bringing the number of cosponsors to 18. Rep. Israel is now cosponsoring all three bills and remains A rated.

11-06-2007, 06:59 PM
Here is Jerry Moran, R-KS, on the F* list. He mentions poker and gambling separately, although it is clear from the second instance he does this that he views poker as lumped in with gambling. The weak part is that it seems he would only be willing to go so far as to consider a study bill. This is actually pretty good in a state where the prevailing view is that dinosaur museums are frauds. He is careful to say that UIGEA cuts off money outbound, so that is good detail.

* * * * *

Dear flight2q:

Many Kansans play poker and gamble on the Internet. I appreciate you sharing with me your concerns about the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006.

The legislation that you referenced, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), was signed into law by President Bush last year with the intention of strengthening security at our nation's ports. Included in this bill were provisions that cut off the flow of money to poker and other gambling websites. Congress is currently considering legislation that would provide for an analysis of this new law's impact. The Internet Gambling Study Act Internet Gambling Study Act [sic], H.R. 2140, requires the National Research Council to conduct a comprehensive study of Internet gambling, including the impact of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act on gambling in the United States. I will keep your thoughts in mind as Congress considers this legislation.

I am thankful for the opportunity Kansans have given me to try to make a difference for them in Washington, D.C. Any time you have suggestions on how I can do my job better, please let me know.

Very truly yours,
Jerry Moran

11-06-2007, 11:32 PM
not much different than the letters i got from senator roberts and brownback which i posted here on 2+2

11-08-2007, 05:55 PM
The study bill has two new cosponsors, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Rep. Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr. [D-GA], bringing the number of cosponsors up to 66. Rep. Scott is cosponsoring IGREA as well; he remains "A" rated. Rep. Johnson moves from "?" to B.

11-08-2007, 06:02 PM
House Summary (11/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>113

11-09-2007, 06:23 AM
House Summary (11/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>113

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice statistics to counter those Republicans who come on here every so often saying anti-IG legislation is not a partisan thing (at least on the federal level).

11-09-2007, 10:43 AM
House Summary (11/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>113

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice statistics to counter those Republicans who come on here every so often saying anti-IG legislation is not a partisan thing (at least on the federal level).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. Until I did the first iteration of this, we really had no data showing the partisan divide. The extent of it was eye-opening, for sure.

11-09-2007, 10:53 AM
House Summary (11/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>113

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice statistics to counter those Republicans who come on here every so often saying anti-IG legislation is not a partisan thing (at least on the federal level).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. Until I did the first iteration of this, we really had no data showing the partisan divide. The extent of it was eye-opening, for sure.

[/ QUOTE ]

IMO this is indeed partly due to political philsophies but I feel it can be overcome by a slight change in our overall strategy.

For example in our meeting with Tom Davis' (R-VA-11th District) staffer, the freedom and skills case was getting no traction. When the discussion changed to the billions of new tax revenue and uncollected existing taxes ANNUALLY, in fact made even more difficult to collect by the UIGEA I felt and noticed a change in the staffer's attention to the overall discussion.

Just a thought,


11-09-2007, 10:59 AM
House Summary (11/8/07):

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>112<font color="white">......</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">......</font>72
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.....</font>113

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice statistics to counter those Republicans who come on here every so often saying anti-IG legislation is not a partisan thing (at least on the federal level).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. Until I did the first iteration of this, we really had no data showing the partisan divide. The extent of it was eye-opening, for sure.

[/ QUOTE ]

IMO this is indeed partly due to political philsophies but I feel it can be overcome by a slight change in our overall strategy.

For example in our meeting with Tom Davis' (R-VA-11th District) staffer, the freedom and skills case was getting no traction. When the discussion changed to the billions of new tax revenue and uncollected existing taxes ANNUALLY, in fact made even more difficult to collect by the UIGEA I felt and noticed a change in the staffer's attention to the overall discussion.

Just a thought,


[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of it is also driven by the opposition of social conservative organization to any gaming. Dems aren't nearly as concerned about their Christian Coalition ratings as Republicans are. Hopefully we can show these reps that the social conservatives aren't as strong as they like to make themselves appear to be.

11-09-2007, 12:25 PM

I think a lot of it is also driven by the opposition of social conservative organization to any gaming. Dems aren't nearly as concerned about their Christian Coalition ratings as Republicans are. Hopefully we can show these reps that the social conservatives aren't as strong as they like to make themselves appear to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well we'll never get those deeply entrenched who owe those groups their political lives. Even Reps like Davis will never be co-sponsors.

But there are plenty like Davis who if shown for example like GB and New Zealand that regualted gaming is the only solution that really provides help to those adversely affected from problem gaming and add to that a new revenue stream we have a better chance of getting over the top, IMO.

Right now we have a pretty clear idea of who is with us and who will oppose us to the end. We're at the fun hard part. We get to play in the middle.

The middle is also where the action really is as it is there that we have the most leverage politically if we are a real force.


11-09-2007, 02:12 PM

I think a lot of it is also driven by the opposition of social conservative organization to any gaming. Dems aren't nearly as concerned about their Christian Coalition ratings as Republicans are. Hopefully we can show these reps that the social conservatives aren't as strong as they like to make themselves appear to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well we'll never get those deeply entrenched who owe those groups their political lives. Even Reps like Davis will never be co-sponsors.

But there are plenty like Davis who if shown for example like GB and New Zealand that regualted gaming is the only solution that really provides help to those adversely affected from problem gaming and add to that a new revenue stream we have a better chance of getting over the top, IMO.

Right now we have a pretty clear idea of who is with us and who will oppose us to the end. We're at the fun hard part. We get to play in the middle.

The middle is also where the action really is as it is there that we have the most leverage politically if we are a real force.


[/ QUOTE ]

Agree. If we give folks like Davis enough reasons to back our proposals, we may get movement from opposition to neutrality. For example, the anti-gaming movement has (mostly) moved away from advocating prohibition of all gaming to resisting expanded gaming. This is a pragmatic position on their part. Hopefully poker can get included under this umbrella of pragmatism via things like what you mentioned.

11-10-2007, 01:48 AM
Two more Republicans announced their retirements today. Cubin was in a rough spot if she ran, but Saxton had been a long term Congressmen who probably would have been safe. That's another seat that the Republicans need to defend.

Barbara Cubin (F* R-WY) set to retire (http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000002625454)

Jim Saxton (?- R-NJ) to retire (http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20071109_N_J_s_Congressman_Saxton_to_retire.html)

11-10-2007, 12:39 PM
Hopefully poker can get included under this umbrella of pragmatism via things like what you mentioned.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rudi in Vegas........ (http://www.lvrj.com/news/11142456.html)

A bit of a pragmatic stance on guns and possibly a model for poker for Rudi, although the Robertson endorsment might preclude that......

Too bad we couldn't get a gaming question in here....


11-14-2007, 03:27 PM
Bobby Scott [D-VA] and Steve Cohen [D-TN] spoke strongly for our right to play at today's hearing, moving them from being strong supporters to being advocates. Accordingly, I'll move each move from A to A+. John Conyers [D-MI] addressed us at the Fly-In and stood for us at today's hearing as well. As a powerful committee chair who put today's hearing on his calendar, he also moves from A to A+.

Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX] voted against UIGEA but has cosponsored only the study. I'll leave her A- for now and see if she cosponsors one the other bills as a result of today's hearing.

Lamar Smith [R-TX] drops from F* to F. Bob Goodlatte [R-VA] has nowhere lower than F- to go, so there he remains -- the lowest of the low.

11-14-2007, 03:29 PM
Bobby Scott [D-VA] and Steve Cohen [D-TN] spoke strongly for our right to play at today's hearing, moving them from being strong supporters to being advocates. Accordingly, I'll move each move from A to A+. John Conyers [D-MI] addressed us at the Fly-In and stood for us at today's hearing as well. As a powerful committee chair who put today's hearing on his calendar, he also moves from A to A+.

Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX] voted against UIGEA but has cosponsored only the study. I'll leave her A- for now and see if she cosponsors one the other bills as a result of today's hearing.

Lamar Smith [R-TX] drops from F* to F. Bob Goodlatte [R-VA] has nowhere lower than F- to go, so there he remains -- the lowest of the low.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you live in or near the disticts of the reps above, I hope you'll write them to either thank them or to tell them what you really think. Thanks.

11-19-2007, 01:16 AM
Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR] has cosponsored IGREA, bringing the number of cosponsors of that legislation to 41. Rep. Blumenauer voted for HR 4411, so was rated "?-". As he's seen the light, he moves to "A".

11-19-2007, 03:21 AM
I posted the updated article at http://pokerplayersalliance.org/news/newsandarticles_article.php?DID=237 . I'll format it for posting here sometime tomorrow.

11-19-2007, 12:43 PM
Let's post replies to this topic to the updated thread, at Representatives and Senators For and Against Online Poker, 11/19/07 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=13028006&amp;an=0&amp;page=0#Pos t13028006). Thanks.