View Full Version : One of those bankroll questions again........

08-28-2007, 08:11 PM
So you're grinding up from NL2 using the 20 BI rule and you move to NL5....when do you move to NL10 if BI for NL5 and NL10 are equal. This is more a question about what the common approach has been.....

08-28-2007, 08:14 PM
What site are you playing on?

Generally the max buy-in for NL5 is $5, and NL10 is $10.

If your poker site is making you buy-in for $10 at NL5, then I would skip NL5 and move to NL10 (assuming you have a $200 bankroll).

If your poker site is making you buy in for $5 at NL10, then I would change poker sites.

(Note: You generally want to buy-in for the max amount)

08-28-2007, 08:17 PM
Playing at Stars. Built my roll up from $100 at 1c/2c and just shy of the $200 mark at the moment. Should I just jump straight to 5c/10c then?

08-28-2007, 08:17 PM
I'm assuming you play on stars rjacobs?

5NL and 10NL play pretty similar on stars IMO so I would just skip 5NL but there is nothing wrong with playing a couple thousand hands at 5NL though just for the sake of adjusment purposes.

08-28-2007, 08:23 PM
Yeah thanks Mundy. Might go with building up to 30 BI at NL5 before moving to NL10. Will be slightly over-rolled but I reckon that's ok

08-29-2007, 07:13 AM
I moved to 0.02/0.05 (10NL) with 100$, then move to 0.05/0.10 (10NL) with 200$, move to 25NL with 500$, move to 50NL with 1200$, move to 100NL with 3000$. worked for me.

Also, you will probably loose when you move up a level. for example, if you moved up to 25NL with 500$, stay there until you have lost and are down to about 350$, grind back up at 10Nl to 500$, move to 25NL again etc ... until robusto. GL

08-29-2007, 08:42 AM
Thanks cleaner. Yip that's my plan as well. If I drop to 30 buy-ins' at the previous level, I'm going to drop down and grind back up to 20 buy-ins at the next level before moving up again. What's your take on skipping 0.02/0.05 given that I've ground up to nearly $200 at 0.01/0.02? Also, how many hands did it take you to make these level-ups....quite curious. It's taken me around 20k hands to get to almost $100 up at 0.01/0.02.

08-29-2007, 08:47 AM
question I play 10NL on stars but never have payed much attention to 5NL what do peoplle buy in for the 10 bucks or mostly less? just curious if this game played deep then could be better than 10NL lol.

08-29-2007, 08:53 AM
No idea. Only found out yesterday that there were 2 levels of NL10 on Stars. Bit odd but interesting question on the deep stacks play.

08-29-2007, 10:30 AM
I would not skip the 0.02/0.05 level. When I was playing them I asked myself the same question. 0.05/0.10 plays different since when buying in full you are 200bb deep in the first one and 100bb deep in the second one. first one it`s easier to make money, since most of your oponents play worse postflop and you can stack a lot of donks with sets etc, but you see the flop cheaper. Once you have the bankroll you should switch to 0.05/0.10c 10NL to adjust to being 100bb deep, wich is the same you will encounter from then on ... 25NL, 50NL etc. Feel free to pm me with questions. GL

08-29-2007, 10:43 AM
Just buy-in for $5 at .02/.05. I know PokerStars lets you buy-in for 200BBs, but who cares? Just buy-in for 100. It's not like they force you to do it.

08-29-2007, 01:23 PM
BI for 10NL and 5NL are equal but i dont think you necessarly need $200 to play 5NL like you should for 10NL. Id play 5NL even though the buyin is 200BB w/ a 100 roll. If you think you arent at an edge at 5NL and dont feel comfortable buyin in 200BB deep then just buy in 100BB deep. If you think you are better than most at 5NL then there is no reason to buyin for less than max buyin. That would be losing money cause fish are buyin in 200BB deep while your only 100BBs.

I would recommend gridin 5NL and go 200BB deep as long as your not a donk yourself and actually feel comfortable w/ it cause like I said if not your losing money.

08-29-2007, 02:47 PM
After having a couple of failed attempts, this was my last - so far successful method :

earn $200 at 01/02

play 02/05 with $5 buy-in until $250.00 - move to $10.00 buyin at 02/05 until $300

play .05/.10 NL with $300.00 until $500.00 - where I will try .10/.25 .

The $5 buyin was very good for me - since it lowered my variance and most people have small stacks at 02/05 anyways! When I first heard about it from a fellow player, my first impression was that it was wasting profit opportunity, but since I ended up back down at 01/02 anyways - I obviously wasn't making a whole lot of profit to waste.

I have a -$50.00 threshold where if I go back $50.00 - I go down a level and re-earn back up while trying to improve.

Some of the higher level players discount these levels and say they are all the same, but I think there are significant differences between the levels, which require adjustments.

08-29-2007, 04:52 PM
Dickie I like your route and will follow something similar. Might do the full BI at 02/05 though

08-29-2007, 06:03 PM
It seems to me that I have a lot more trouble at 5nl than I do at 2nl. I have played more at 2nl so the sample size at 5nl is much smaller. I just cant figure out if I am playing bad or what. I buy in for $5 when I play 5nl, I don't see a point in buying in for more than that. I don't buy in for more than $2 at 2nl.

08-29-2007, 06:06 PM
A $10 buyin at $0.05/$0.10 is exposed to greater variance than a the same buyin at $0.02/$0.05 right?

08-29-2007, 07:01 PM
At FT I usually have 40+ buy-ins, not taking shots at the next level til I have 25-30 buy-ins for the new level. This was my only online poker bankroll.

I was recently given $10 at stars for a deck of cards I made at FT. I opted for a different strategy at stars. Played 1 session of full-ring with a friend and lost almost a buy-in. Then opted to 4 table nl2 with my whole BR. Ran good, and then hovered between $20-$30 for a while.

Then I decided 5 buy ins was enough and started 4 tablin nl5. I was given another donation, this time $25. Now I had 10+ buy-ins for nl5 and started 6 tabling. This was last night.

I started out planning on using this account for tilt-control when I am running bad at FT. I play maybe 30-60 minutes a day on it. If I keep runnin this good playin with 10 buy-ins, it might turn into more than that.

The graph and stats are all my hands at stars.




/activate doomswitch

08-29-2007, 08:26 PM
I buy in for $5 when I play 5nl, I don't see a point in buying in for more than that. I don't buy in for more than $2 at 2nl.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a point in buyin in full.

Ex: table is full of fish that are bought full 200BBs deep (at 5NL very likely) most likely you are better than them yet you are only bought in for half (100BBs). Since you are better than them you are losing potential money b/c when you get AI ahead(more often than not) you gain 100BB instead of 200BB.

08-30-2007, 03:40 AM
I buy in for $5 when I play 5nl, I don't see a point in buying in for more than that. I don't buy in for more than $2 at 2nl.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a point in buyin in full.

Ex: table is full of fish that are bought full 200BBs deep (at 5NL very likely) most likely you are better than them yet you are only bought in for half (100BBs). Since you are better than them you are losing potential money b/c when you get AI ahead(more often than not) you gain 100BB instead of 200BB.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with this. I've stacked so many players at NL2 and would really have missed out if I'd only been $2 deep....

Harry Fong
08-30-2007, 04:22 AM
Nice thread and good advice guys! Keep up the good work.

When i first came to 2p2 uNL some of my original posts recieved comments stating that the reader did not bother to spend to much time at these lower limits. I took this advice to some extent and began to move up the levels too fast. If only I this thread was around 2 months ago...

09-02-2007, 05:12 PM
I play nl2 with $2 on the table. Seems donks are lot more likely to call when I shove if they have me covered. I will buy in for nl5 the same way.

09-02-2007, 05:41 PM
what's the question?

09-02-2007, 06:10 PM
I played NL2 with $3 buyin an always found that someone with $5 got me well over $5 within fifteen minutes. I bought in with $6 at NL5 and I would almost always have over ten within 20 minutes. I might not be up four but I would have over ten. The only way I was able to ever get $5 in the pot at NL2 was to overbet or someone shove on me preflop. NL5 was a bit different but I rarely if ever had a pot over $20 and getting allin was mostly the nuts and a second best hand.