View Full Version : For those who 9-12 table.....

08-28-2007, 12:45 PM
How many buyins do you prefer to have at the current level that you play.... I usually play 10-12 tables, and when I'm closer to 20 buyins, losing multiple buyins really gets to me, and it makes it a lot easier for me to tilt and chase my losses.... Just wondering what you all play with????

08-28-2007, 12:53 PM
Your comfortable BI for 1 tables * sqrt(number of tables)

For me its 15 * sqrt (4) = 30
For you it would be closer to 15 * sqrt(12) = 50

Thats assuming your winrate does not go down dramatically. If it does go down by say 25%, I'd recommend at least doubling the BI requirement. There is a specific formular for this, but it would be too complicated to put it here. But then 12tabling becomes beyond retarded cos if you have such a big roll your much better off moving up and cutting up on tables.

08-28-2007, 01:01 PM
I usually play 7-8 tables...sometimes 6 for a bit while looking for another good 1.

I have 42 buy-ins in my roll. It has nothing to do with the tables I play and I certainly could have a lot less, but I like my RoR to be close to 0 since I really have no other income unless I wanted to sub. teach. + just letting the roll grow if you can means you'll be able to move up when it's time.

If you're just looking for comfort level then it's really just what you like. If 20's too small try 25. Also just try to get that tilting thing out of your system. Just try to play hand by hand, don't keep track of money won or lost during a session. Just focus on continuing to make +ev plays.