View Full Version : Free poker leagues in Illinois question

08-26-2007, 11:44 PM
I run a free Texas Holdem' league in St. Louis, and I was trying to find the exact laws that say my type of game in Illinois is illegal. I have about a dozen players that come across the river to play in my games in Missouri, and they tell me that I could have about three or four bars running games over there if it was legal.

My tournaments are free, with no buy-in money required, no purchase requirements, (you don't have to buy a beer or something to eat to play), and I strictly prohibit any cash on the table, even if it's to pay for a drink that's been ordered. The bars pay me for running the game and pay me just like they would be hiring a band to play. Out of that money, I pay for any prizes won by the players.

The St. Clair County Procuting Attorney told me even if it's free, it's still gambiling. I think this is a bunch of crock. I'm looking for some help in finding the law where they come line of B.S.

Thanks for your help,


08-27-2007, 04:05 PM
This link (http://www.gambling-law-us.com/State-Laws/Illinois/) takes you to the Illinois specific page of a site often referenced on these forums as a source of information about gambling law.

I'm not a lawyer so I'm not qualified to interpret the statute. However as a layman it looks to me as if the key is the meaning of the first statement in the definition of gambling (does "playing for money or other thing of value" mean you have to pay to enter or does just winning something of value count). Even if it does the exceptions in b2 might be a plausible exemption (the skill part) especially since you aren't charging an entry. There are lawyers around here that might reply with a better informed opinion.

FWIW, I live in a small city in Idaho where there are two seperate bar leagues that as far as I can tell from your post operate exactly the same as you. The Idaho law with regard to playing poker for money is very clearly against (more so than most states). These leagues have had absolutely no problems whatsoever.