View Full Version : Question regarding gambling in England

08-23-2007, 06:08 PM
Does anyone know who I should contact regarding this issue:

Day 1a of WSOP europe is September 10th, 1b is the 11th, and they draw for seats on September 9th which means that all players must be registered by the 9th.

This means that if someone turns 18 on the 10th or 11th(in my case the 11th), they won't be able to play despite being of age when the tournament starts.

I contacted the people who run WSOP Europe, and they said that the governing body there is very strict regarding their gambling laws, but I was wondering if anyone knows how I could contact them/whether I could reasonably appeal this.

08-24-2007, 04:49 AM
AFAIK the only relevant issue is that you can't enter the casino until the 11th. If it is a random draw split between the 2 days they obv won't let you enter, but if you are allowed to preselect your day, I don't see what the problem is.

BTW there used to be a lot of arcane rules about poker tournaments set by the Gaming Board e.g no late entries no alternates, but these are all being scrapped on Sept 1st, so there isn't any rule (other than one made by the organizers) that stops you entering late on day 2, just like the LV wsop.

08-24-2007, 09:28 AM
They are strict - you will net be allowed to be in the casino before your birthday. You can enter/register before then but would need to get the organisers to guarantee you day 1b. They could do this if they wanted and then you would be OK.