View Full Version : Question about LAG stats

08-23-2007, 01:32 PM
I'm a micro-stakes grinder who has moved his way up from 10NL to 25NL to 50NL. I've played 14,700 hands at 50NL running at 2.66PTB/100. This seems a little low, but then again 15K hands isn't a massive sample.

I'm usually a LAG player but since getting HUD I've been particularly LAGGY. I'm at 34.4/29.3/3.44 for VPIP/raise/Tot AF. Can any other LAG players tell me if these stats are too extreme? I've had one player tell me they're fine and another tell me I couldn't possible be beating 50NL with them.

08-23-2007, 01:36 PM
If you can maintain a positive winrate playing 35/30 its awesome. Regulars don't know how to adjust to such players. Even if they do, they rarely have much experience dealing with them. I find 35/30 and similar to be extremely frustrating at the table when he has position on me.

ps At mid stakes these are standard lag stats.

08-23-2007, 01:58 PM
35/30 is extremely loose at any stakes.
30/21 are more standard laggy stats.

your wr figure is pretty meaningless.

08-23-2007, 02:01 PM
i would try to tighen up though at 50nl

08-23-2007, 03:21 PM
35 is right at the border of insane and 30 pfr lagtardish

at smaller stakes, you're likely losing a lot of value raising speculative hands OOP and having 1-2 callers behind you...even with a skill advantage, playing speculatives OOP is likely eating a BB or 2 off your win rate

30/21 is very ideal, I'm also struggling to get down from 34/22/1.7 to 28-30/20-22/2+
raising less hands I was running at 5.18BB's, and my most notable vpip reducer was not calling offsuit connectors in position vs one raiser, not calling drawy hands OOP, and repopping a smaller range from the small blind vs calling A7+ vs BTN raise, etc...

look at your biggest BB/Hand losers and figure out what spots are consistantly eating at your wr

also PM me to compare ranges, I think ours will be similar

08-23-2007, 04:11 PM

30/21 are more standard laggy stats.

[/ QUOTE ]

Errr ... No

Daniel LeClaire
08-23-2007, 04:12 PM
I'm curious, what is your WTSD% and W$ASD%?