View Full Version : PT, Position stats, check up

08-20-2007, 06:27 AM
I just went through my UTG position stats and found that all my broadways and small pairs 77> are losing money, 100k hands.
anyone have tips on how to fix this leak except folding them preflop?
my 6max stats are 16/13, and if I start folding them UTG, I dont wanna know how low my stats are gonna drop.
Im playing at a game with lots of 35+/x calling stations.

start limping them?
raise them preflop and DONT cb?

How's yours doing?

08-20-2007, 06:32 AM
tighten up OOP and loosen up in position, that's how the game is played
you could also post your position stats as a picture so it would be easier to spot the leaks

08-20-2007, 06:36 AM
What hands are you raising UTG? Are you limping any?

08-20-2007, 06:49 AM
obv im raising 22+ QKs+ ATs+ and sometimes SC
but all of them are loosers or slightly winners.
Maybe cuz im playing in a game with atleast 4 35+VIP donkeys who calls everything. not sure if I should just limp the pockets preflop and fold QKs?
My BB/100 is still pretty high, but I just wanna see how anyone else is doing UTG with those hands.

08-20-2007, 08:20 AM
i doubt you are losing big time with them, right?

you could get Setometer (free download) and see how you are running with respect to flopping sets.

Agree you should post an image of your position stats from PT.

08-20-2007, 08:28 AM
Saw a cardrunners video where Brian was talking about SC...He said the common mistake among players is to overvalue them oop.

Also how are you changing your range to fit your table??

08-20-2007, 08:43 AM
Hmmm....100k is quite a lot of hands to be having this problem over so must be something in the way you play these hands. On the pairs I like the pre-flop raise with 80 -90% CB'ing. That alone should be profitable so if you're losing money, you need to consider whether you're going too far with these hands - change your front page filter to saw Showdown for all of these hands and see what pops out. Chances are that's where your leak is.