View Full Version : Overpairs - Any Advice?

08-19-2007, 01:24 AM
Hi all,

One of my bigger weakness's at the moment are playing mid PP's (77-TT) on a lowish board. I've been slowly making my way through the NL Anthology which is an awesome resource, but unfortunately there is nothing I could find on there dealing with this subject. Can anyone link a decent thread or discussion on the topic?

Main issues I'm having are - (all assuming low board)

* Should I build the pot on the flop / try and take it down on the flop? (Assuming yes)

* Should I be scared of the higher PP's as it seems I am at the moment? (Always worried once facing resistance with a marginal over pair such as 99 vs JJ - QQ etc.)

* How to deal with scare cards coming, how much more dangerous are A / K vs Q / J?

* What type of flops should I be happy betting out on? One over card is a good flop?

* How good are these PP's in 6max for preflop strength? Three bet with something like TT?

I honestly know there are so many factors in these questions, villain, stacks, position, history, texture of the board etc etc etc but I would be grateful of any nice threads out there.