View Full Version : 25NL: Underbetting the pot with monsters

08-18-2007, 06:23 PM
Is it my imagination or do a lot of 25NL lose their mind when you underbet the pot? I used to slow play flopped flushes, straights or boats, but in the last couple of days i've started making very week continuation bets on the flop into a single opponent in these situations. A lot of the time it's like waving a red flag at a bull, they smell weakness and they're over the top of me like a maniac, usually with air. If I ponder my call for a bit they've usually lead the turn too and have been pretty much stacking themselves. Is this common at 25NL or am I just having a weird run?

08-18-2007, 06:29 PM
When it works, it works well, but the rest of the time you lose value. Eventually it becomes transparent to better players. The last thing you want next to your name is a note that says "makes induce bets with monsters", because it means your big bets are fair game. Very exploitable. If you do it, mix it up good.

08-18-2007, 06:33 PM
A better strategy would be to overbet occasionally with monsters. As you do this you can pick up your opponent's tendencies and do this with semi-bluffs, too.

Usually, however, ABC poker is best and you just pot pot push with monsters.