View Full Version : Ron Paul- Will he place 2nd or better in today's Iowa straw poll?

Jay Cohen
08-11-2007, 10:24 AM
I think he has a shot.

08-11-2007, 10:33 AM
Let's hope so. It would be a great message to send to the party (of course, we'll be sending the real message next Nov.)

08-11-2007, 10:59 AM
I think one of the guys not participating will have a decent shot at finishing 2nd, although the Iowa caucus folk aren't real pleased about their not being involved with it.

Of the 2nd+ tier guys, I think Huckabee will take 2nd. Romney wins with ~32%

08-11-2007, 12:51 PM
any chance of paul as the 3rd candidate to swing the election to the democrat ala RP

08-11-2007, 01:11 PM
any chance of paul as the 3rd candidate to swing the election to the democrat ala RP

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he's already said he wont run as an independent. he doesnt want to help hillary or obama get into office (and neither do i)

08-11-2007, 03:13 PM
A giuliani or Romney presidency would be an unmitigated disaster. Quite possible we could wind up with 7 ChristaNazi jurists on the Supreme Court. Every Fed Dept will be run by a kid Dobson molested at Summer Camp. Poker players will be forced to wear burkas picking up trash on the highway to apologize to jesus. The Dems flirted with becoming totally irrelevant. but somehow the REpublicans screwed the pooch. As much as I hate the idea, a Dem in office is better than anyone in the Rep field plus Thompson minus Ron Paul. I pray for a total defeat in 08 and the implosion of the [censored] the Republican Party has become, and that Dobson dies old, alone, shocked, and wondering why God deserted him while the gates of Hell open wide for him.

08-11-2007, 10:45 PM

Gov. Mitt Romney: 31.5 percent (no rating)
Gov. Mike Huckabee: 18.1 percent (F)
Sen. Sam Brownback: 15.3 percent (F-)

Tommy Thompson came in 6th and likely will leave the race.

Greg Miller
08-12-2007, 12:26 AM
any chance of paul as the 3rd candidate to swing the election to the democrat ala RP

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Pollsters don't like to put zeros in their results, so they list Ron Paul with an asterisk in the polls. Polls typically don't have large enough sample sets for him to even register any support.

He isn't swinging any elections to anyone, and he wouldn't want to swing an election to someone at the opposite extreme of the political spectrum, like Hillary or Obama.

It would almost be worth seeing him get elected just to watch Democrats sputter on TV after he vetoed 40 or 50 bills in a row. /images/graemlins/wink.gif If nothing else, he could unite career politicians in both parties against him.

The real question is whether or not enough conservative candidates drop out quickly enough to hand the nomination to Thompson. If so, it could be a tight general election. If not, Giuliani likely wins over Hillary in a walk.

Giuliani is a little too authoritarian for my tastes, but there's nobody on the Democratic side that would be any better.

08-12-2007, 12:39 AM
The same guiliani who is trailing hillary by between 5-7 points in every poll i have seen recently is gonna win in a walk?

i hope not even though i cannot stand her

08-12-2007, 06:07 AM
If not, Giuliani likely wins over Hillary in a walk.

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Not in this lifetime.

Hillary would crush Giuliani.

08-12-2007, 10:25 AM
Iowa Straw Poll Results

Mitt Romney: 4,516 / 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 2,587 / 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 2,192 / 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 1,961 / 13.7%
Ron Paul: 1,305 / 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 1,039 / 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 203 / 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 183 / 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 174 / 1.2%
John McCain: 101 / 1.0%
John Cox: 41 / .1%

14,302 Total Votes

26,000 Total Tickets Sold

08-12-2007, 01:47 PM
If not, Giuliani likely wins over Hillary in a walk.

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Not in this lifetime.

Hillary would crush Giuliani.

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Look at anyones sample polls of hypothetical matchups of Rep and Dem contenders. Giuliani is the only Republican with any support nationally and any hope of winning AS IT STANDS.
Romney loses to almost any Dem. McCain coupld possibly lose
an election to Kucinich at this point. The Super Tuesday results will probably make Giuliani uncatchable by a Republican contender without drop outs. Romney can't get a large sample without massive spending and work, and people are already highly unfavorable to him. Huckabee and Brownback think he is a heathen, which is why i expect them to not drop out before they keep the Fundamentalists from rallying behind him. Between them they can keep Romney behind Giuliani. Once Rudy wins delegates on Super Tuesday, its over. Where does Fred Thomspon go? He is mulling going at Rudy on terrorism, where he will lose, or going ChristaNazi, where he doesnt have abortion credentials. He is a sort of No Man's Land candidate in the primaries. SO get used to Rudy unless we have a new entry or McCain recovers.

The Bandit Fish
08-12-2007, 04:42 PM
Iowa Straw Poll Results

Mitt Romney: 4,516 / 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 2,587 / 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 2,192 / 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 1,961 / 13.7%
Ron Paul: 1,305 / 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 1,039 / 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 203 / 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 183 / 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 174 / 1.2%
John McCain: 101 / 1.0%
John Cox: 41 / .1%

14,302 Total Votes

26,000 Total Tickets Sold

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL @ Giuliani

08-12-2007, 05:42 PM
And, FWIW, I think RP could poll 15% nationally. More depending on the Rep and Dem nominees. He is a pull out NOW candidate. That alone would get votes/$. No Dem frontrunner is promising a pullout, only one with any support is Richardson. Romney especially with the nomination, there WILL be a 3rd candidate. Giuliani shuts out a wide range of third candidate options though.

08-12-2007, 08:38 PM
Some help from anybody.
I am sure I saw a post or maybe a link to an article saying Obama finished with around 6% of the votes in a recent Iowa REPUBLICAN poll. Did anybody else see this? Was it a joke?

I found the page almost immediately after posting this:

08-12-2007, 09:36 PM

Tommy Thompson came in 6th and likely will leave the race.

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That guy had big, strange-looking ears anyway. Hardly presidential. No loss.

08-12-2007, 10:15 PM

Tommy Thompson came in 6th and likely will leave the race.

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That guy had big, strange-looking ears anyway. Hardly presidential. No loss.

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He just dropped out.

08-12-2007, 10:58 PM
I think its exciting to see ron paul got so much of the vote. 9.1% isn't great but its not bad either. He's extremely popular on the internet. He's a longshot yes, but he is getting stronger the closer we get.

08-13-2007, 09:37 AM
Normally I move threads like this to Politics, but as long as you guys play nice and keep the political ranting out of it I'll give this one a pass since I'm in a good mood /images/graemlins/smile.gif

08-13-2007, 10:05 AM
Iowa Straw Poll Results

Mitt Romney: 4,516 / 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 2,587 / 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 2,192 / 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 1,961 / 13.7%
Ron Paul: 1,305 / 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 1,039 / 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 203 / 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 183 / 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 174 / 1.2%
John McCain: 101 / 1.0%
John Cox: 41 / .1%

14,302 Total Votes

26,000 Total Tickets Sold

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LOL @ Giuliani

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Are these numbers correct? I saw 2.3 for RP%. Source for these numbers?

The Bandit Fish
08-13-2007, 11:29 AM

Are these numbers correct? I saw 2.3 for RP%. Source for these numbers?

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The Iowa state republican party and AP?

The Bandit Fish
08-13-2007, 11:35 AM
I think its exciting to see ron paul got so much of the vote. 9.1% isn't great but its not bad either. He's extremely popular on the internet. He's a longshot yes, but he is getting stronger the closer we get.

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Sadly it's not half as exciting as it seems. Giuliani and Mccain didn't even go. Huckabee, Tancredo and Brownback placed higher than RP and they have even less chance of being elected than RP.

08-13-2007, 12:06 PM
9.1% at least keeps Paul's name out there, and makes it a slight bit harder for the major media to completely ignore him.

The current republican party will NEVER nominate the guy though, which says an awful lot about the current horrors of being a republican.


08-13-2007, 01:07 PM
9.1% at least keeps Paul's name out there, and makes it a slight bit harder for the major media to completely ignore him.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're still doing a pretty good job at ignoring him. This was linked in the Politics forum:


08-13-2007, 01:19 PM
9.1% at least keeps Paul's name out there, and makes it a slight bit harder for the major media to completely ignore him.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're still doing a pretty good job at ignoring him. This was linked in the Politics forum:


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08-13-2007, 01:42 PM
OK, so lets ALL e-mail Fox n Friends and voice our displeasure.


My letter:
While I appreciate your coverage of the Iowa Straw poll, I am greatly disappointed in my ‘Friends’ at leaving off your diagram Ron Paul, R. Texas who polled at 9.1%, ahead of Gov. Thompson who withdrew from the race.

Your tally board should reflect his efforts, even if you do not like him, what happened to, WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE? How is one to decide when the news is edited, guess I’ll have to return to CNN to get the complete, unbiased news.


08-13-2007, 01:51 PM
Normally I move threads like this to Politics, but as long as you guys play nice and keep the political ranting out of it I'll give this one a pass since I'm in a good mood /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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We're way ahead of you. Link (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=politics&Number=11617249& page=0&fpart=1) Link (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=politics&Number=11632107& page=0&fpart=1)

Nate tha\\\' Great
08-13-2007, 02:00 PM
Iowa Straw Poll Results

Mitt Romney: 4,516 / 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 2,587 / 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 2,192 / 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 1,961 / 13.7%
Ron Paul: 1,305 / 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 1,039 / 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 203 / 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 183 / 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 174 / 1.2%
John McCain: 101 / 1.0%
John Cox: 41 / .1%

14,302 Total Votes

26,000 Total Tickets Sold

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LOL @ Giuliani

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Are these numbers correct? I saw 2.3 for RP%. Source for these numbers?

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Giuliani didn't campaign for the straw poll, which is quite important since this is quite literally an exercise in buying votes.

Overall a bit of a missed opportunity for Paul IMO. A second or third place finish would have really gotten him some attention. He's trading at 4.7% on Intrade right now but I think that's high.

08-13-2007, 03:26 PM
He's trading at 4.7% on Intrade right now but I think that's high.

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Is there an easy way to get $ on Intrade right now?

Nate tha\\\' Great
08-13-2007, 04:10 PM
He's trading at 4.7% on Intrade right now but I think that's high.

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Is there an easy way to get $ on Intrade right now?

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No idea -- I don't have cash on there. I'm not even sure if it's in the same category as poker as far as the legality issues go.

08-15-2007, 01:26 AM
Here's a source for these numbers, which are correct:


If you saw 2.3% for RP, it was probably on Fox News--they report, you decide! /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Iowa Straw Poll Results

Mitt Romney: 4,516 / 31.5%
Mike Huckabee: 2,587 / 18.1%
Sam Brownback: 2,192 / 15.3%
Tom Tancredo: 1,961 / 13.7%
Ron Paul: 1,305 / 9.1%
Tommy Thompson: 1,039 / 7.3%
Fred Thompson: 203 / 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani: 183 / 1.3%
Duncan Hunter: 174 / 1.2%
John McCain: 101 / 1.0%
John Cox: 41 / .1%

14,302 Total Votes

26,000 Total Tickets Sold

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL @ Giuliani

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Are these numbers correct? I saw 2.3 for RP%. Source for these numbers?

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08-15-2007, 03:24 AM
9.1% at least keeps Paul's name out there, and makes it a slight bit harder for the major media to completely ignore him.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're still doing a pretty good job at ignoring him. This was linked in the Politics forum:


[/ QUOTE ]

This is just [censored] ridiculous.

I am so mad right now.

Ron Burgundy
08-15-2007, 04:24 AM

Let's email this to countdown@msnbc.com. Keith Olberman basically makes a living by making fun of Fox News. He's also extremely anti-war. Countdown airs in the same time slot as O'Reilly. If they get a bunch of emails about this, there's a very good chance this could get some airtime.

08-15-2007, 07:41 AM
No idea -- I don't have cash on there. I'm not even sure if it's in the same category as poker as far as the legality issues go.

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At one point, the DOD was developing a terror futures market (http://www.mongabay.com/external/pentagon_terror_futures.htm) where people could trade contracts similar to Intrade on world events. Also, its my understanding that Intrade split off from Tradesports. Is there a chance that the split was because of legality issues that that Tradesports is hoping Intrade will be US legal?