View Full Version : Instantly ejected from jury duty - you can interpet the law yourself.

08-09-2007, 04:29 PM
Had some fun in court after sitting through a painful 3 days of jury selection.

I was called to sit in a 3 week civil megabuck liability - traffic accident case - which I cant afford the time to do. On the third day of jury selection I had both plaintiff and defense attorneys tripping over themselves running to the bench to get me thrown off. All I did is quote some facts about jurors voting their conscience and not being required to follow the law or the judges instructions. Learned quite a bit about this from an Informed Jurors web site: www.fija.org (http://www.fija.org) Its an eye opener.

Basically the jury system was enacted in part to insure legislation is fair and jurors are not required to enforce a law they feel is unjust. You cant get in trouble for doing this. Its the real democratization of the legislative process. This is something the court will never tell you and they didn't in my case. Hopefully if there are any prosecutions for on-line gambling the jurors will be aware of this.

08-09-2007, 04:38 PM
Yes, jury nullification is a wonderful thing so long as you agree with the results.