View Full Version : Other sources of info

07-28-2007, 10:43 PM
The thing is, this post is great, cardrunners is good too. Finished reading the theory of poker, and am re-reading it for the 2cnd time out of the 3 times i will read this book.

But, as this post is self-evident in its point : you all know about those sources of info, hence making them less effective.

Id like to have some other good sources of info, or methodology about SSNL that helped you tremendously but
most of us might be unaware of. thanks

07-28-2007, 11:53 PM
The thing is, this post is great , cardrunners is good too. Finished reading the theory of poker, and am re-reading it for the 2cnd time out of the 3 times i will read this book.

But, as this post is self-evident in its point : you all know about those sources of info, hence making them less effective.

Id like to have some other good sources of info, or methodology about SSNL that helped you tremendously but
most of us might be unaware of. thanks

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no it's not

07-28-2007, 11:59 PM
The thing is, this post is great , cardrunners is good too. Finished reading the theory of poker, and am re-reading it for the 2cnd time out of the 3 times i will read this book.

But, as this post is self-evident in its point : you all know about those sources of info, hence making them less effective.

Id like to have some other good sources of info, or methodology about SSNL that helped you tremendously but
most of us might be unaware of. thanks

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no it's not

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stop being an [censored] i'm really starting to hate you. you're now on my list of worst posters on this site.

OP, just play hands. the best thing you can do is figure things out on your own, because then you can be sure you understand teh concepts behind it. just think about poker even when you're not playing and things will come naturally

07-29-2007, 12:00 AM
lol, what i meant was that this forum was great, post for me is the ability to post our hands and get info. geez. get over yourself

07-29-2007, 12:02 AM
lol, what i meant was that this forum was great, post for me is the ability to post our hands and get info. geez. get over yourself

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm over myself. now what?

07-29-2007, 12:03 AM
btw mr "this post is great," maybe you should be getting over yourself too

07-29-2007, 12:04 AM

<font color="red">hi i'm bored how are you? </font>

07-29-2007, 12:06 AM
bottom line : misunderstanding about what i meant with "this post is great"

ill try to explain it for the third time : This post is great means : this forum is great, the ability to post hands and read other posts is a valuable asset to any poker players arsenal of theory and information

now X cannot be non-x right?
then X( "this post is great") cannot be by definition a referal to itself as you seem to be understanding.

We are equivocating the word, hope my new definition will be of help.

07-29-2007, 12:07 AM
bottom line : misunderstanding about what i meant with "this post is great"

ill try to explain it for the third time : This post is great means : this forum is great, the ability to post hands and read other posts is a valuable asset to any poker players arsenal of theory and information

now X cannot be non-x right?
then X( "this post is great") cannot be by definition a referal to itself as you seem to be understanding.

We are equivocating the word, hope my new definition will be of help.

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="brown"> my head hurts </font>

<font color="pink"> post is not the same as </font> <font color="#666666">forum </font>

<font color="yellow"> i am sexy. you are probably not. </font>

07-29-2007, 12:07 AM
althou i strongly feel like bashing you verbally right here on this post, i totally refuse to do so here. i am asking you do the same.

07-29-2007, 12:08 AM
but off the record, your a [censored].

07-29-2007, 12:09 AM
if you dont understand that cennsored, ill gladly define it in great detail.

07-29-2007, 12:09 AM
althou i strongly feel like bashing you verbally right here on this post, i totally refuse to do so here. i am asking you do the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

plz bash me verbally. plzzzzlzlzlzlzlzlz

07-29-2007, 12:10 AM
lol, good night.

07-29-2007, 12:11 AM
althou i strongly feel like bashing you verbally right here on this post, i totally refuse to do so here. i am asking you do the same.

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plz bash me verbally. plzzzzlzlzlzlzlzlz

[/ QUOTE ]

can you please stop cluttering the forum with your [censored] honestly, hes asking a legit question jesus.

07-29-2007, 12:13 AM
althou i strongly feel like bashing you verbally right here on this post, i totally refuse to do so here. i am asking you do the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

plz bash me verbally. plzzzzlzlzlzlzlzlz

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can you please stop cluttering the forum with your [censored] honestly, hes asking a legit question jesus.

[/ QUOTE ]

i gave him a legit answer. play more hands and think about things on your own. everybody reads these forums, everybody reads the same books. talk to a small group of friends and go over your hands and improve a million %. i swear it works, i've tested it

Bill 1337
07-29-2007, 12:19 AM
restlys has a small weener

07-29-2007, 12:20 AM
restlys has a small weener

[/ QUOTE ]



07-29-2007, 12:30 AM
god forbid im trying to take an extra step
ive seldom seen anyone try to be an obstacle to my desire to become better at poker, could i ask you not to reply to any of my post obiedman, although you potentially could help up to now you are the first and only one actively trying to do the opposite.

07-29-2007, 12:32 AM
god forbid im trying to take an extra step
ive seldom seen anyone try to be an obstacle to my desire to become better at poker, could i ask you not to reply to any of my post obiedman, although you potentially could help up to now you are the first and only one actively trying to do the opposite.

[/ QUOTE ]

this is a reply

07-29-2007, 12:36 AM
what do you want? ask me a question about poker and i promise i will answer it seriously. if you want to know how to learn the quickest, i already told you. play hands and think. posting on here and stuff is alright, but it becomes more of a crutch than anything if used too much. you stop thinking and you become a "standard 2p2 tag". THINK THINK THINK. that's where the money is. become creative. do things you've never even thought of before. c/r two opponents on the flop with air because they know you have to have a set. most importantly, just play hands man. that's really the best you can do. play hands, and find somebody who you can tlak to about them all. talk to them so much that it pisses them off on some days. ask them questions every chance you get, and always tell them about some hand you played a week ago, or an hour ago, or whatever. believe me, it works. i have an aim buddy list just for poker players, and i use that more than my normal one. talk, think, play, play, think think think think talk play think play talk talk talk think play. sleep, rinse, repeat.

07-29-2007, 12:59 AM
lol, cut the guy a break. we've all miscommunicated on the internet before.

as far as other sources of info, i'm not sure i get your question. the internet has provided many places for us to learn about the game, but the real interesting concept behind it all is how the players you face are using all of this information to their advantage.

the best 'other source of info' i can think of is a good coach, because they've seen the hands, know the concepts, and will probably be able to communicate positively with you.

07-29-2007, 01:29 AM
that sense picture is priceless.

07-29-2007, 06:16 AM
You have read 4+ years of archived posts from uNL, SSNL, MSNL?