View Full Version : Danish Bank Account

07-27-2007, 07:17 PM
Since Denmark has ruled poker a game of skill (see http://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/article/9355 ), can anyone with a Danish bank account legally & easily transfer funds to and from that bank account to various poker sites?

If so, could an American set up a Danish bank account and use it to legally transfer funds to and from that account to the poker sites they play on?

Then, transfer money from the Danish bank account to an American bank account legally?

Am I missing something? It doesn't appear I would be breaking any laws in either country.

08-02-2007, 08:17 PM

08-03-2007, 04:21 AM
That ruling has nothing to do with creating a bank account in Denmark. It only has something to do with whether it is illegal to stage a poker tournament outside casinos or not.

It is fully legal to transfer money to and from internet gambling sites from a danish bank account. And seen from the point of danish law it is fully legal to transfer money to and from an american bank account, though a lot of red tape will come into it to prevent money laundering.

Your problem is that no law requires them to open a bank account for you. How much money are they going to make from you as a customer? You will have a small balance in that account. Not worth anything to them. Oh, and they probably heard about Neteller and somehow decide that you are not a customer worth taking on.