View Full Version : Big draw on BTN vs. 3 opponents - Raise or call with odds?

07-24-2007, 09:10 AM
I am new to NL (limit player) and this hand was played live in a short buy in home game.

Blinds are .50-1.00 and stacks are $50 or so.

BB is the best player at the table, I know he plays NL live at the 1-2 level and knows what he is doing. UTG and UTG+1 have no clue what is going on. They overvalue top pair hands and are eager to "get it all in and gamble" with as little as ATo pre-flop. I have been playing very tight and BB knows this. This is a 6 handed game.

I am on button with Q9s and it is limped to me so I decide to take advantage of my tight image and pick up the pot. I make it $6 to go. BB calls (I have him on some PP or 2 big suited cards here), UTG calls (could be anything) and UTG +1 calls (same anything).

The flop comes 578 w/2 of my suit.

BB leads for $12, UTG calls, UTG+1 calls and it is $12 to me, with $60 in the pot. I have about $40 behind. Should I raise here with my 2 overs, flush draw and gut shot str8 or just call getting these great odds?

07-24-2007, 09:12 AM
most people will say ARRRR NNNNN here.

07-24-2007, 09:17 AM
All in, your stack is not deep enough to just call here. Are you honestly folding the turn if you miss after investing ~40% of it? By pushing you might also get called by one of the bad players with a single pair, making your Queen live also. You should know that play from limit, buying outs.

07-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Fold or Shove.

IMO. Shove.

07-24-2007, 09:21 AM
Push it!

07-24-2007, 09:39 AM
Thx for the replies.

Buying outs was a significant consideration when I was deciding what to do, but I didn't want a limit concept to cloud my thoughts. I didn't raise, I just called (I WILL shove next time, if only cause I would shove with a set and a big overpair as well). My concern was that BB flopped a set since he was leading into a preflop raiser and had bad relative position on me (c/r me would lose the rest of the field) - so I didn't think my Q would be good here. In Limit I would definitely raise here - I guess the same applies to NL.

I missed the turn but the turn action was strange as well: Turn is a J - giving me a double gutter along with my flush draw. BB CHECKS - UTG checks and UTG +1 makes it $10. Again I have great odds to draw to my hand but now have absolutely no folding equity and am sure I am up against a hand that can beat one pair (my Q is no longer live for sure). Now the only option is to call and hope I hit - or is this a good time to shove as well? (no fold equity, I am 99% sure)

07-24-2007, 09:41 AM
Dont shove the turn I made that mistake deep at a 1/2 game. That really hurt. You only have 1 card to catch your outs call. But I would call a crai too (not sure if that is correct though). I am also a limit guy trying to learn NL, so I like to put in my imput and see if everyone agrees with me.