View Full Version : Early House Report Card

07-22-2007, 12:21 PM
Based on the way things look now, here's my stab at House member ratings:

A+ (5): Barney Frank (D-MA), Robert Wexler (D-FL), Ron Paul (R-TX), Rep. Julia Carson [D-IN] (bonus points for the 6/8 performance), and Shelley Berkley (D-NV)

A (30):

Rep. Gary Ackerman [D-NY], opposed HR 4411, cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Howard Berman [D-CA] cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA], opposed HR 4411, cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Russ Carnahan [D-MO], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Steve Cohen [D-TN], not in the 109th Congress,cosponoring SPGA, not cosponsoring IGREA
Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay [D-MO], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Joseph Crowley [D-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Bob Filner [D-CA], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Vito Fossella [R-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Luis Gutierrez [D-IL], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Alcee Hastings [D-FL], opposed HR 4411,cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Michael Honda [D-CA], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Peter King [R-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. John Larson [D-CT], supported HR 4411, cosponoring SPGA, not cosponsoring IGREA
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Jim McDermott [D-WA], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. James McGovern [D-MA], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Charlie Melancon [D-LA], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. James Moran [D-VA], supported HR 4411, cosponoring SPGA, not cosponsoring IGREA
Rep. Ed Perlmutter [D-CO], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez [D-TX], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Steven Rothman [D-NJ], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Linda Sanchez [D-CA], opposed HR 4411, cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS], supported HR 4411, cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Edolphus Towns [D-NY], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Mel Watt [D-NC], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Anthony Weiner [D-NY], opposed HR 4411, cosponsoring IGREA and SGPA
Rep. Albert Russell Wynn [D-MD], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA
Rep. Don Young [R-AK], cosponsoring IGREA, not cosponsoring SGPA

A- (65):

(all opposed HR 4411 but are not cosponsoring IGREA or SGPA)

Rep. Robert Andrews [D-NJ], Rep. Joe Baca [D-CA], Rep. Tammy Baldwin [D-WI], Rep. Xavier Becerra [D-CA], Rep. Corrine Brown [D-FL], Rep. Lois Capps [D-CA], Rep. John Conyers [D-MI], Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD], Rep. Danny Davis [D-IL], Rep. William Delahunt [D-MA], Rep. John Dingell [D-MI], Rep. David Dreier [R-CA], Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY], Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA], Rep. Sam Farr [D-CA], Rep. Jeff Flake [R-AZ], Rep. Charles Gonzalez [D-TX], Rep. Raul Grijalva [D-AZ], Rep. Doc Hastings [R-WA], Rep. Tim Holden [D-PA], Rep. Steny Hoyer [D-MD], Rep. Jay Inslee [D-WA], Rep. Jesse Jackson [D-IL], Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX], Rep. Eddie Johnson [D-TX], Rep. Patrick Kennedy [D-RI], Rep. Dale Kildee [D-MI], Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick [D-MI], Rep. Ronald Kind [D-WI], Rep. Dennis Kucinich [D-OH], Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA], Rep. Frank LoBiondo [R-NJ], Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA], Rep. Connie Mack [R-FL], Rep. Edward Markey [D-MA], Rep. Doris Matsui [D-CA], Rep. George Miller [D-CA], Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY], Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA], Rep. Richard Neal [D-MA], Rep. John Olver [D-MA], Rep. Edward Pastor [D-AZ], Rep. Ted Poe [R-TX], Rep. Jon Porter [R-NV], Rep. Charles Rangel [D-NY], Rep. Silvestre Reyes [D-TX], Rep. Dana Rohrabacher [R-CA], Rep. Steven Rothman [D-NJ], Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA], Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL], Rep. Loretta Sanchez [D-CA], Rep. Janice Schakowsky [D-IL], Rep. Adam Schiff [D-CA], Rep. Robert Scott [D-VA], Rep. José Serrano [D-NY], Rep. Hilda Solis [D-CA], Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark [D-CA], Rep. Ellen Tauscher [D-CA], Rep. Patrick Tiberi [R-OH], Rep. John Tierney [D-MA], Rep. Tom Udall [D-NM], Rep. Nydia Velazquez [D-NY], Rep. Diane Watson [D-CA], Rep. Anthony Weiner [D-NY], and Rep. Lynn Woolsey [D-CA].

Looks like we could have 99 A rated Congressmen (out of 435), plus one A rated delegate. Not bad.

13 are Republicans (13/202, or 6.4%) and 87 are Democrats (87/232, or 37%).

B (28; 26 Democrats, 2 Republicans):

(cosponsoring HR 2140, the study bill, but not IGREA or SPGA)

Rep. Neil Abercrombie [D-HI], Rep. Nancy E. Boyda [D-KS], Rep. James E. Clyburn [D-SC], Rep. John Conyers [D-MI], Rep. Jim Costa [D-CA], Rep. Jerry F. Costello [D-IL], Del. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega [D-AS] (American Samoa….territories are allowed to vote, but not if their votes are within the margin of victory for a bill), Rep. Al Green [D-TX], Rep. Dean Heller [R-NV], Rep. Baron P. Hill [D-IN], Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey [D-NY], Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones [D-OH], Rep. James R. Langevin [RI-2], Rep. John Lewis [D-GA], Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney [D-NY], Rep. Kendrick B. Meek [D-FL], Rep. Gregory W. Meeks [D-NY], Rep. Dennis Moore [D-KS], Rep. Bill Pascrell [D-NJ], Rep. Donald M. Payne [D-NJ], Rep. Collin C. Peterson [D-MN], Rep. C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger [D-MD], Rep. Tim Ryan [D-OH], Rep. Pete Sessions [R-TX], Rep. Gene Taylor [D-MS], Rep. Mike Thompson [D-CA], Rep. Timothy J. Walz [D-MN], and Rep. John A. Yarmuth [D-KY].

Of the 127 A or B rated Congressmen and one delegate, 15 are Republicans (7.4%) and 113 are Democrats (49%). We have a majority in one caucus. Of the 41 Congressional Black Caucus members, 25 are A or B rated (61%). Additionally, Emanuael Cleaver (D-MO) spoke pretty well for IGREA during the 6/8 hearing.

F (34; 1 Democrats, 33 Republicans):

Rep. Todd Akin [R-MO] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Spencer Bachus [R-AL] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. James Barrett [R-SC] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Roy Blunt [R-MO] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
Del. Madeleine Bordallo [D-GU] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Chris Cannon (R-UT)
Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY)
Rep. Charles Dent [R-PA] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Vernon Ehlers [R-MI] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Jeffrey Fortenberry [R-NE] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Trent Franks [R-AZ] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest [R-MD] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Paul Gillmor [R-OH] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Darlene Hooley [D-OR] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Bob Inglis [R-SC] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Steve King (R-IA)
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Thomas Latham [R-IA] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Michael McCaul [R-TX] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter [R-MI] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Mike Pence [R-IN] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Thomas Petri [R-WI] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Joseph Pitts [R-PA] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. James Ramstad [R-MN] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Michael Rogers [R-MI] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. John Shadegg [R-AZ] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Mark Souder [R-IN] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Frederick Upton [R-MI] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. James Walsh [R-NY] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz [D-FL] (cosponsored HR 4411)
Rep. Roger Wicker [R-MS] (cosponsored HR 4411)

F- (2): Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]

Hopefully we can have a good guide for election day. I think I'd strongly consider voting against any incumbent not A or B rated, even if the opponent is equally (but not more) anti-gambling.

07-22-2007, 12:59 PM
L-rated candidates (most vulnerable opponents, i.e, most likely to be "Leached"). These representatives are strongly against us, and most won their last two election by less than 55%. With their vulnerability, they may be more receptive to our letters. If no change of heart, it's Leach time! Don't let me click my mouse, lose your seat in the House!

Shelley Moore Capito (R.-WV).. Won in 2006 with 57% of vote. Likely to be challenged by pro-gaming Democrat John Unger II.

Steve Chabot (R-OH). Ohio is a good state for us, I think. It's becoming more progressive and libertarian, especially with regards to social conservatism. Chabot is a foe of ours.

Geoff Davis (R-KY). Another good target, especially if former Rep. Ken Lucas runs against him again. Also, supports the horse carve-out for UIGEA. Would be good to get him off the House Financial Services Committee.

William Jefferson (D-LA). He had the nerve to vote against us while having $90K in cash hiding in his freezer. Besides the laughable hypocrisy, the fact that the current Congressional Black Caucus is 61% A or B rated means his opponent (or the candidate running for the open seat if Jefferson is in jail by then) is likely to be excellent for freedom and liberty.

Ric Keller (R-FL). Consistently against us. Appears he'll have strong challengers in 2008.

Joe Knollenberg (R-MI). You all read his letter to us. Plus, as a Michigan Republican, he'll have a tough challenger in '08.

Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO). The Christian Coalition has ranked Musgrave's voting record at '100%' in support of the pro-Christian Coalition legislation listed on their scorecard (which includes Internet gaming).

Deborah Pryce (R-OH). OSU, plus regular Ohio voters, make her seat vulnerable.

Jean Schmidt (R-OH). Memorably called 38-year Marine Corps veteran Rep. John Murtha a coward for advocating leaving Iraq. Definitely an opponent of ours.

Chris Shays (R-CT). Good target here, especially as he's so vehemently against us. New England is turning against Republicans, while the Republican Party is turning against RINOs. He's in trouble in '08.

Mark Souder (R-IN). Brags about cosponsoring HR 4777 on his website. "U.S. Rep. Mark Souder joined a number of his House colleagues yesterday in cosponsoring H.R. 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, legislation designed to crack down on the growing problem of illegal, offshore gambling, as well as illegal gambling that crosses state lines via phone lines and the Internet. The bipartisan bill was introduced in the House of Representatives on Thursday.... "

Heather Wilson (R-NM). Currently under a preliminary investigation by the House Ethics Committee over whether she made inappropriate contact with the United States Attorney for the District of New Mexico by inquiring, shortly before an election in which she faced a stiff challenge, on the status of a corruption investigation involving a Democratic politician.

07-22-2007, 01:17 PM
Please comment so we can expand the list. For example, if you received a letter openly hostile to Internet gambling, please post here so I can add them to the "F" list. Likewise, if there's a pro-Internet poker House member out there not on my list, let's get them added.

07-22-2007, 01:21 PM
haha I was supposed to go to a picnic at Joe Pitts house yesterday

next time i see him or his chief of staff should i run up and yell "you get an F!!!"

jk im in no position to do that because of who i intern with

07-22-2007, 02:40 PM
Shelley Moore Capito (R.-WV).. Won in 2006 with 57% of vote. Likely to be challenged by pro-gaming Democrat John Unger II.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have received 2 letters and a phone call from her office.

She is vulneable and likely will lose to Unger.

Proudly she supports the UIGEA and unfortunatly sits on the House Financial services Committee.
The sad part is she really had (now a least an understanding) no clue what UIGEA even was. In the phone call she believed it outlawed ALL Internet gambling.

Though I really wish the GOP would come around, I am going to be supporting Unger as will my wife. He will have wide spread support.

There are thousands of Poker players even here in my small county and the surrounding area from the turn out Friday for the WV state poker qualifier.

And yes, I was there (and no, I did not hit the lottery in the qualifier) and talked to several people support online Poker and gave them info on the PPA.


07-22-2007, 02:57 PM
*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow your more recent posts are making a lot more sense.

07-22-2007, 04:27 PM
I am getting excited for next November. I hope we can make a difference in a few of these races. My wallet is ready.

Nice work Engineer, I loved reading these posts

07-22-2007, 05:39 PM
Besides the ones I rated, HR 4777, the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, had 146 cosponsors. 119 of whom are still in office and have not yet been rated (13 Democrats and 106 Republicans). It's hard to assume they are all F-rated, as it seems Goodlatte simply got everyone willing to vote for the bill to cosign it. However, we should probably assume they are against us until they prove otherwise. They are:

Rep. Robert Aderholt [R-AL], Rep. Todd Akin [R-MO], Rep. Rodney Alexander [R-LA], Rep. Richard Baker [R-LA], Rep. James Barrett [R-SC], Rep. Roscoe Bartlett [R-MD], Rep. Robert Berry [D-AR], Rep. Roy Blunt [R-MO], Rep. Jo Bonner [R-AL], Rep. John Boozman [R-AR], Rep. Frederick Boucher [D-VA], Rep. Charles Boustany [R-LA], Rep. Kevin Brady [R-TX], Rep. Henry Brown [R-SC], Rep. Michael Burgess [R-TX], Rep. Dan Burton [R-IN], Rep. Stephen Buyer [R-IN], Rep. David Camp [R-MI], Rep. Eric Cantor [R-VA], Rep. Shelley Capito [R-WV], Rep. Dennis Cardoza [D-CA], Rep. Steven Chabot [R-OH], Rep. Ben Chandler [D-KY], Rep. Howard Coble [R-NC], Rep. Michael Conaway [R-TX], Rep. Robert Cramer [D-AL], Rep. Ander Crenshaw [R-FL], Rep. Barbara Cubin [R-WY], Rep. John Culberson [R-TX], Rep. Jo Ann Davis [R-VA], Rep. Lincoln Davis [D-TN], Rep. Thomas Davis [R-VA], Rep. Nathan Deal [R-GA], Rep. Peter DeFazio [D-OR], Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart [R-FL], Rep. Thelma Drake [R-VA], Rep. John Duncan [R-TN], Rep. Thomas Edwards [D-TX], Rep. Vernon Ehlers [R-MI], Rep. Jo Ann Emerson [R-MO], Rep. Bob Etheridge [D-NC], Rep. Terry Everett [R-AL], Rep. Tom Feeney [R-FL], Rep. Jeffrey Fortenberry [R-NE], R.C. Luis Fortuño [R-PR], Rep. Virginia Foxx [R-NC], Rep. Trent Franks [R-AZ], Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen [R-NJ], Rep. Elton Gallegly [R-CA], Rep. Wayne Gilchrest [R-MD], Rep. Paul Gillmor [R-OH], Rep. John Gingrey [R-GA], Rep. Louis Gohmert [R-TX], Rep. Virgil Goode [R-VA], Rep. Kay Granger [R-TX], Rep. Raymond Green [D-TX], Rep. Ralph Hall [R-TX], Rep. Robin Hayes [R-NC], Rep. Walter Herger [R-CA], Rep. David Hobson [R-OH], Rep. Peter Hoekstra [R-MI], Rep. Kenny Hulshof [R-MO], Rep. Duncan Hunter [R-CA], Rep. Bob Inglis [R-SC], Rep. Bobby Jindal [R-LA], Rep. Walter Jones [R-NC], Rep. Ric Keller [R-FL], Rep. Steve King [R-IA], Rep. Jack Kingston [R-GA], Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL], Rep. John Kuhl [R-NY], Rep. Ray LaHood [R-IL], Rep. Jerry Lewis [R-CA], Rep. Ron Lewis [R-KY], Rep. John Linder [R-GA], Rep. Frank Lucas [R-OK], Rep. Daniel Lungren [R-CA], Rep. Kenny Marchant [R-TX], Rep. Michael McCaul [R-TX], Rep. James McCrery [R-LA], Rep. Mike McIntyre [D-NC], Rep. Howard McKeon [R-CA], Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R-WA], Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL], Rep. Jerry Moran [R-KS], Rep. Marilyn Musgrave [R-CO], Rep. Sue Myrick [R-NC], Rep. Randy Neugebauer [R-TX], Rep. Charles Norwood [R-GA], Rep. Mike Pence [R-IN], Rep. John Peterson [R-PA], Rep. Joseph Pitts [R-PA], Rep. David Price [D-NC], Rep. Adam Putnam [R-FL], Rep. James Ramstad [R-MN], Rep. Ralph Regula [R-OH], Rep. Dennis Rehberg [R-MT], Rep. Thomas Reynolds [R-NY], Rep. Michael Rogers [R-MI], Rep. Michael Rogers [R-AL], Rep. David Scott [D-GA], Rep. John Shadegg [R-AZ], Rep. John Shimkus [R-IL], Rep. William Shuster [R-PA], Rep. Lamar Smith [R-TX], Rep. Mark Souder [R-IN], Rep. John Sullivan [R-OK], Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE], Rep. William Thornberry [R-TX], Rep. Todd Tiahrt [R-KS], Rep. Frederick Upton [R-MI], Rep. Greg Walden [R-OR], Rep. James Walsh [R-NY], Rep. David Weldon [R-FL], Rep. Lynn Westmoreland [R-GA], Rep. Roger Wicker [R-MS], Rep. Heather Wilson [R-NM], Rep. Addison Wilson [R-SC], and Rep. Frank Wolf [R-VA].

07-22-2007, 05:41 PM
I am getting excited for next November. I hope we can make a difference in a few of these races. My wallet is ready.

Nice work Engineer, I loved reading these posts

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! I hope a little data can go a long way for us in optimizing our efforts.

07-22-2007, 07:26 PM
We still have 100 D or F rated Senators.

07-22-2007, 08:07 PM
We still have 100 D or F rated Senators.

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you know that? Do you have data?

Six months ago, it seemed like we had 340 (out of 440) D or F rated Representatives. That wasn't the case. I hope you're not proposing that we give up, because we're not done yet. Thanks for sharing your opinion, though.

07-22-2007, 10:38 PM
Senator's have statewide races, not gerrymandered cakewalks. You have one senator vocally supporting us? You're handing out As and A-s for cosponsoring? Im not saying give up, I am saying nothing has been accomplished yet by us. What I don't really like is cheerleading nothing. Anything that happens this year happens because of the WTO, the banks, or the domestic B&M industry. We don't and won't accomplish [censored] till we scare or unseat some Representative, and show we can do it again in 2010. Ron Paul supporters send 10x the mail we do and he can't even get equal air time in a debate. Instead of patting ourselves on the back, we should be upping the sense of urgency. We should be preparing to get votes and money ready for 08. Grades are for advocacy groups who have clout, we don't have that yet.

07-22-2007, 11:16 PM
What the [censored] is your problem? You have a better idea? Ratings are done by all advocacy organziations (NRA, Christian Coalition, etc). We need to know where we stand...ratings do that. Someone needs to crunch some numbers, and you sure as [censored] aren't. If you don't want to cheerlead, why are you here?

By the way, we've accomplished a lot. Leach lost his seat, we have bills working through the House. We're as active as we can be for a group our size. Where are your letters? What are you doing? I've not seen it posted. Go ahead and do something, rather than bitching about what others aree doing. We'll be waiting.

07-22-2007, 11:26 PM
I call and write as much and more than the next person. Im sorry if you are taking this as hostile, but I hate spin, and this comes off as spin. I may not live in the beltway, and know lobbyists, editors and staffers but I have an idea of what goes on. My statement was this.......All we are doing now is just making noise. Grades are given for results, votes, and committments. We haven't gotten those.
We haven't gotten anything. If we beat Leach, we beat Leach, but no one else outside of here thinks we beat him.
Why you are cussing me out is beyond me, but I don't want a fight here. Yes, keep making noise, but Im just against patting ourselves on the back yet. Im sorry if I've offended you, Im trying to be constructivem but objective.

07-22-2007, 11:36 PM
It came across hostile as hell, to be frank. I have no idea what you mean by spin in this case. Quite frankly, I've never heard of someone getting bad about someone doing an analysis to see where we stand.

I decided to evaluate where we are relative to our support in the House. Seems we should know. Everyone else seems interested. If that angers you so, you can skip the thread, you know. I rated EXACTLY the same as NRA does. A+ for leading action. A and A- for cosponsoring friendly legislation, B for voting against a bad bill that passed 4-1, and an F for actively working against us. Again, if you don't like it, you really don't have to read it.

07-22-2007, 11:53 PM
Hostile isn't intended. My opinion is just that no one is on our side. Frank is on the banking indutry's side. I think most of the rest are lukewarm, and following the lead of a committee chairman. The difference is the NRA actually gets good bills passed for them, and bad ones squashed. I don't have a different idea, I like, support, and participate in what we do here. I just politely, and respectfully, think we haven't gotten far yet.

07-22-2007, 11:58 PM
What's wrong with celebrating successes even if they are just steps towards the ultimate goal? Yes, as poker players, we are nowhere we need to be, but in a much better spot than 9 months ago as a group and the political landscape.

Yes the PPA has to be better, I just don't get why they aren't trying to motivate us to do what we need to do.

07-23-2007, 12:36 AM
Edit: Removed per Engineer

07-23-2007, 12:44 AM
Hostile isn't intended. My opinion is just that no one is on our side. Frank is on the banking indutry's side. I think most of the rest are lukewarm, and following the lead of a committee chairman. The difference is the NRA actually gets good bills passed for them, and bad ones squashed. I don't have a different idea, I like, support, and participate in what we do here. I just politely, and respectfully, think we haven't gotten far yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm impressed that you felt the handful of active Legislation forum posters here could deliver veto-proof House and Senate majorities in the two months you've been posting here if we'd only have a sense of urgency. The reality is that we lost a House vote 317-93 within the last 12 months. The progress we've made in such a short amount of time is something we can all take a little pride in. I don't know why you expected Congress to jump on our bandwagon a few months after that, but you're right in that this is a long-term fight. We're just getting started. If you're going to get upset every day we don't get an up-or-down Senate vote, you're in for a long ride.

07-23-2007, 03:20 AM
The Engineer,

I have been a long time lurker and finally decided to post in support of your efforts.

Gillibrand, Kirsten E., New York, 20th [D], is in my district in NY. A little background...

She is from a heavily republican district in upstate NY. The theory is that she won her seat because the incumbant (Sweeny (R)) was involved in a scandal right before the election, a cover-up over his wife reporting domestic abuse by him.

The leading opinion is that she will face STRONG opposition in re-election. She knows this as she is already showing commercials for her 'reelection' and is raising money like crazy (was the leading rookie House member in fund raising a few weeks ago)

This district is pro-gambling. Anyone that follows horse racing has heard of Saratoga Race Track. We also have Saratoga Racing and Gaming in this district (harness track with slot machines, including video poker). There is a push to get table games at the raceways.

Gillibrand is very pro-family as well so I don't know how pro-gambling would influence her vote. But without a doubt, she needs support.

I plan on writing a letter to her once I get the time. If you have any suggestions let me know. Knowing her, if she thinks supporting internet gambling will get her some votes I would bet that she would jump on board, considering that a lot of the House members from NY are already supporting.

07-23-2007, 09:42 AM
Errata: minor corrections after comparing side-by-side with current Congressional membership roster and ?/?- error

I finished reviewing where every Congressman stands, so that we can better focus our efforts; here are the results:

A+: actively working for us
A: cosponsor of IGREA or SGPA legislation
A-: voted against HR 4411 but not cosponsoring IGREA or SGPA
B: cosponsoring the study bill
?: no voting record
?- : voted for HR 4411, but no other action.
F*: cosponsored HR 4777, Goodlatte’s ban bill
F: cosponsored HR 4411
F-: leader of efforts against us…zealot



with us............109......16
against us.........19.....111

The difference in the two parties is readily apparent. Now that we have a little data, it shows that we have a good shot in the House by focusing on Democrats still on the fence, plus some non-Southern Republicans. If we get this through the House Financial Services Committee, we may stand a good shot at getting this on some sort of legislation that requires funding, but we’ll have to do our part first. Thanks.


A+ (5 total, 4 Democrats and 1 Republican):

Berkley, Shelley [D-NV], Carson, Julia [D-IN], Frank, Barney [D-MA], Paul, Ron [R-TX], and Wexler, Robert [D-FL].

A (30 total, 27 D and 3 R):

Ackerman, Gary [D-NY], Berman, Howard [D-CA], Capuano, Michael [D-MA], Carnahan, Russ [D-MO], Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO], Cohen, Steve [D-TN], Crowley, Joseph [D-NY], Filner, Bob [D-CA], Fossella, Vito [R-NY], Gutierrez, Luis [D-IL], Hastings, Alcee [D-FL], Honda, Michael [D-CA], Israel, Steve [D-NY], King, Peter [R-NY], Larson, John [D-CT], McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY], McDermott, Jim [D-WA], McGovern, James [D-MA], Melancon, Charlie [D-LA], Moran, James [D-VA], Perlmutter, Ed [D-CO], Rodriguez, Ciro [D-TX], Rothman, Steven [D-NJ], Sanchez, Linda [D-CA], Thompson, Bennie [D-MS], Towns, Edolphus [D-NY], Watt, Mel [D-NC], Weiner, Anthony [D-NY], Wynn, Albert [D-MD], and Young, Don [R-AK]

A- (63 total, 54 D and 9 R):

Andrews, Robert [D-NJ], Baca, Joe [D-CA], Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI], Becerra, Xavier [D-CA], Brown, Corrine [D-FL], Capps, Lois [D-CA], Conyers, John [D-MI], Cummings, Elijah [D-MD], Davis, Danny [D-IL], Delahunt, William [D-MA], Dingell, John [D-MI], Dreier, David [R-CA], Engel, Eliot [D-NY], Eshoo, Anna [D-CA], Farr, Sam [D-CA], Flake, Jeff [R-AZ], Gonzalez, Charles [D-TX], Grijalva, Raul [D-AZ], Hastings, Doc [R-WA], Holden, Tim [D-PA], Hoyer, Steny [D-MD], Inslee, Jay [D-WA], Jackson, Jesse [D-IL], Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX], Johnson, Eddie [D-TX], Kennedy, Patrick [D-RI], Kildee, Dale [D-MI], Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D-MI], Kind, Ronald [D-WI], Kucinich, Dennis [D-OH], Lee, Barbara [D-CA], LoBiondo, Frank [R-NJ], Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA], Mack, Connie [R-FL], Markey, Edward [D-MA], Matsui, Doris [D-CA], Miller, George [D-CA], Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY], Napolitano, Grace [D-CA], Neal, Richard [D-MA], Olver, John [D-MA], Pastor, Edward [D-AZ], Poe, Ted [R-TX], Porter, Jon [R-NV], Rangel, Charles [D-NY], Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX], Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA], Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA], Rush, Bobby [D-IL], Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA], Schakowsky, Janice [D-IL], Schiff, Adam [D-CA], Scott, Robert [D-VA], Serrano, José [D-NY], Solis, Hilda [D-CA], Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA], Tauscher, Ellen [D-CA], Tiberi, Patrick [R-OH], Tierney, John [D-MA], Udall, Tom [D-NM], Velazquez, Nydia [D-NY], Watson, Diane [D-CA], and Woolsey, Lynn [D-CA].

B (27 total, 25 D and 2 R):

Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI], Boyda, Nancy [D-KS], Clyburn, James [D-SC], Costa, Jim [D-CA], Costello, Jerry [D-IL], Faleomavaega, Eni [D-AS], Green, Al [D-TX], Heller, Dean [R-NV], Hill, Baron [D-IN], Hinchey, Maurice [D-NY], Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH], Langevin, James [RI-2], Lewis, John [D-GA], Maloney, Carolyn [D-NY], Meek, Kendrick [D-FL], Meeks, Gregory [D-NY], Moore, Dennis [D-KS], Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ], Payne, Donald [D-NJ], Peterson, Collin [D-MN], Ruppersberger, Dutch [D-MD], Ryan, Tim [D-OH], Sessions, Pete [R-TX], Taylor, Gene [D-MS], Thompson, Mike [D-CA], Walz, Timothy [D-MN], and Yarmuth, John [D-KY].

? (63 total, 44 D and 19 R):

Allen, Tom, Maine, 1st [D], Altmire, Jason, Pennsylvania, 4th [D], Arcuri, Michael A., New York, 24th [D], Bachmann, Michele, Minnesota, 6th [R], Barton, Joe, Texas, 6th [R], Bean, Melissa L., Illinois, 8th [D], Biggert, Judy, Illinois, 13th [R], Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, 1st [D], Buchanan, Vern, Florida, 13th [R], Carney, Christopher P., Pennsylvania, 10th [D], Castor, Kathy, Florida, 11th [D], Christian-Christensen, Donna M., U.S. Virgin Islands [D], Clarke, Yvette D., New York, 11th [D], Courtney, Joe, Connecticut, 2nd [D], Cuellar, Henry, Texas, 28th [D], Davis, David, Tennessee, 1st [R], Donnelly, Joe, Indiana, 2nd [D], Doyle, Mike, Pennsylvania, 14th [D], Ellison, Keith, Minnesota, 5th [D], Ellsworth, Brad, Indiana, 8th [D], Fallin, Mary, Oklahoma, 5th [R], Forbes, J. Randy, Virginia, 4th [R], Giffords, Gabrielle, Arizona, 8th [D], Gillibrand, Kirsten E., New York, 20th [D], Hall, John J., New York, 19th, Hare, Phil, Illinois, 17th [D], Hastert, Denny, Illinois, 14th [R], Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, South Dakota, At Large [D], Hinojosa, Rubén, Texas, 15th [D], Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, 2nd [D], Hodes, Paul W., New Hampshire, 2nd [D], Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr., Georgia, 4th [D], Jordan, Jim, Ohio, 4th [R], Kagen, Steve, Wisconsin, 8th [D], Klein, Ron , Florida, 22nd [D], Lamborn, Doug, Colorado, 5th [R], Lampson, Nick, Texas, 22nd [D], Loebsack, David, Iowa, 2nd [D], Mahoney, Tim, Florida, 16th [D], McHenry, Patrick T., North Carolina, 10th [R], McNerney, Jerry, California, 11th [D], Miller, Brad, North Carolina, 13th [D], Mitchell, Harry E., Arizona, 5th [D], Mollohan, Alan B., West Virginia, 1st [D], Murphy, Christopher S., Connecticut, 5th [D], Murphy, Patrick J., Pennsylvania, 8th [D], Norton, Eleanor Holmes, District of Columbia [D], Roskam, Peter J., Illinois, 6th [R], Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Florida, 18th [R], Ryan, Paul, Wisconsin, 1st [R], Sali, Bill, Idaho, 1st [R], Sarbanes, John P., Maryland, 3rd [D], Sestak, Joe, Pennsylvania, 7th [D], Shea-Porter, Carol, New Hampshire, 1st [D], Shuler, Heath, North Carolina, 11th [D], Sires, Albio, New Jersey, 13th [D], Slaughter, Louise, New York, 28th [D], Smith, Adrian, Nebraska, 3rd [R], Smith, Chris, New Jersey, 4th [R], Space, Zachary T., Ohio, 18th [D], Sutton, Betty, Ohio, 13th [D], Walberg, Timothy, Michigan, 7th [R], and Wilson, Charles A., Ohio, 6th [D].

?- (119 total, 64 D and 55 R):

Baird, Brian, Washington, 3rd [D], Barrow, John, Georgia, 12th [D], Bilbray, Brian P., California, 50th [R], Bilirakis, Gus M., Florida, 9th [R], Bishop Jr., Sanford D., Georgia, 2nd [R], Bishop, Rob, Utah, 1st [D], Bishop, Timothy, New York, 1st [D], Blackburn, Marsha, Tennessee, 7th [R], Blumenauer, Earl, Oregon, 3rd [D], Bono, Mary, California, 45th [R], Boren, Dan, Oklahoma, 2nd [D], Boswell, Leonard, Iowa, 3rd [D], Boyd, Allen, Florida, 2nd [D], Brady, Robert, Pennsylvania, 1st [D], Brown-Waite, Virginia, Florida, 5th [R], Butterfield, G.K., North Carolina, 1st [D], Calvert, Ken, California, 44th [R], Campbell, John, California, 48th [R], Carter, John, Texas, 31st [R], Castle, Michael N., Delaware, At Large [R], Cleaver, Emanuel, Missouri, 5th [D], Cole, Tom, Oklahoma, 4th [R], Cooper, Jim, Tennessee, 5th [D], Davis, Artur, Alabama, 7th [D], Davis, Susan, California, 53rd [D], DeGette, Diana, Colorado, 1st [D], DeLauro, Rosa L., Connecticut, 3rd [D], Diaz-Balart, Mario, Florida, 25th [R], Dicks, Norman D., Washington, 6th [D], Doggett, Lloyd, Texas, 25th [D], Doolittle, John, California, 4th [R], Emanuel, Rahm, Illinois, 5th [D], English, Phil, Pennsylvania, 3rd [R], Fattah, Chaka, Pennsylvania, 2nd [D], Ferguson, Michael, New Jersey, 7th [R], Garrett, Scott, New Jersey, 5th [R], Gerlach, Jim, Pennsylvania, 6th [R], Gordon, Bart, Tennessee, 6th [D], Graves, Sam, Missouri, 6th [R], Harman, Jane, California, 36th [D], Hensarling, Jeb, Texas, 5th [R], Higgins, Brian, New York, 27th [D], Holt, Rush, New Jersey, 12th [D], Issa, Darrell, California, 49th [R], Jefferson, William J., Louisiana, 2nd [D], Johnson, Sam, Texas, 3rd [R], Johnson, Timothy V., Illinois, 15th [R], Kanjorski, Paul E., Pennsylvania, 11th [D], Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, 9th [D], Kline, John, Minnesota, 2nd [R], Knollenberg, Joseph , Michigan, 9th [R], Lantos, Tom, California, 12th [D], Larsen, Rick, Washington, 2nd [D], LaTourette, Steven C., Ohio, 14th [R], Levin, Sander, Michigan, 12th [D], Lipinski, Daniel, Illinois, 3rd [D], Lowey, Nita, New York, 18th [D], Lynch, Stephen F., Massachusetts, 9th [D], Manzullo, Donald, Illinois, 16th [R], Marshall, Jim, Georgia, 8th [D], Matheson, Jim, Utah, 2nd [D], McCarthy, Kevin, California, 22nd [R], McCollum, Betty, Minnesota, 4th [D], McHugh, John M., New York, 23rd [R], McNulty, Michael R., New York, 21st [D], Mica, John, Florida, 7th [R], Michaud, Michael, Maine, 2nd [D], Miller, Candice, Michigan, 10th [R], Miller, Gary, California, 42nd [R], Moore, Gwen, Wisconsin, 4th [D], Murphy, Tim, Pennsylvania, 18th [R], Murtha, John, Pennsylvania, 12th [D], Nunes, Devin, California, 21st [R], Oberstar, James L., Minnesota, 8th [D], Obey, David R., Wisconsin, 7th [D], Ortiz, Solomon P., Texas, 27th [D], Pallone Jr., Frank, New Jersey, 6th [D], Pearce, Steve, New Mexico, 2nd [R], Pelosi, Nancy, California, 8th [D], Pickering, Charles W. "Chip", Mississippi, 3rd [R], Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th [R], Pomeroy, Earl, North Dakota, At Large [D], Price, Tom, Georgia, 6th [R], Pryce, Deborah, Ohio, 15th [R], Radanovich, George P., California, 19th [R], Rahall, Nick, West Virginia, 3rd [D], Reichert, David G., Washington, 8th [R], Renzi, Rick, Arizona, 1st [R], Rogers, Harold, Kentucky, 5th [R], Rogers, Mike, Alabama, 3rd [R], Ross, Mike, Arkansas, 4th [D], Royce, Ed, California, 40th [R], Salazar, John T., Colorado, 3rd [D], Saxton, Jim, New Jersey, 3rd [R], Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, 2nd [R], Schwartz, Allyson Y., Pennsylvania, 13th [D], Sensenbrenner, F. James, Wisconsin, 5th [R], Sherman, Brad, California, 27th [D], Simpson, Mike, Idaho, 2nd [R], Skelton, Ike, Missouri, 4th [D], Smith, Adam, Washington, 9th [D], Snyder, Vic, Arkansas, 2nd [D], Spratt, John, South Carolina, 5th [D], Stearns, Cliff, Florida, 6th [R], Stupak, Bart, Michigan, 1st [D], Tancredo, Tom, Colorado, 6th [R], Tanner, John, Tennessee, 8th [D], Turner, Michael, Ohio, 3rd [R], Udall, Mark, Colorado, 2nd [D], Van Hollen, Chris, Maryland, 8th [D], Visclosky, Peter, Indiana, 1st [D], Wamp, Zach, Tennessee, 3rd [R], Waters, Maxine, California, 35th [D], Waxman, Henry, California, 30th [D], Weldon, Dave, Florida, 15th [R], Weller, Jerry, Illinois, 11th [R], Whitfield, Ed, Kentucky, 1st [R], Wu, David, Oregon, 1st [D], and Young, C.W. Bill, Florida, 10th [R].

F* (95 total, 16 D and 79 R):

Aderholt, Robert [R-AL], Alexander, Rodney [R-LA], Baker, Richard [R-LA], Bartlett, Roscoe [R-MD], Berry, Robert [D-AR], Bonner, Jo [R-AL], Boozman, John [R-AR], Boucher, Frederick [D-VA], Boustany, Charles [R-LA], Brady, Kevin [R-TX], Brown, Henry [R-SC], Burgess, Michael [R-TX], Burton, Dan [R-IN], Buyer, Stephen [R-IN], Camp, David [R-MI], Cantor, Eric [R-VA], Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV], Cardoza, Dennis [D-CA], Chabot, Steven [R-OH], Chandler, Ben [D-KY], Coble, Howard [R-NC], Conaway, Michael [R-TX], Cramer, Robert [D-AL], Crenshaw, Ander [R-FL], Cubin, Barbara [R-WY], Culberson, John [R-TX], Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA], Davis, Lincoln [D-TN], Davis, Thomas [R-VA], Deal, Nathan [R-GA], DeFazio, Peter [D-OR], Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL], Drake, Thelma [R-VA], Duncan, John [R-TN], Edwards, Thomas [D-TX], Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO], Etheridge, Bob [D-NC], Everett, Terry [R-AL], Feeney, Tom [R-FL], Fortuño, Luis [R-PR], Foxx, Virginia [R-NC], Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R-NJ], Gallegly, Elton [R-CA], Gingrey, John [R-GA], Gohmert, Louis [R-TX], Goode, Virgil [R-VA], Granger, Kay [R-TX], Green, Raymond [D-TX], Hall, Ralph [R-TX], Hayes, Robin [R-NC], Herger, Walter [R-CA], Hobson, David [R-OH], Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI], Hulshof, Kenny [R-MO], Hunter, Duncan [R-CA], Jindal, Bobby [R-LA], Jones, Walter [R-NC], Keller, Ric [R-FL], Kingston, Jack [R-GA], Kuhl, John [R-NY], LaHood, Ray [R-IL], Lewis, Jerry [R-CA], Lewis, Ron [R-KY], Linder, John [R-GA], Lucas, Frank [R-OK], Lungren, Daniel [R-CA], Marchant, Kenny [R-TX], McCrery, James [R-LA], McIntyre, Mike [D-NC], McKeon, Howard [R-CA], McMorris Rogers, Cathy [R-WA], Miller, Jeff [R-FL], Moran, Jerry [R-KS], Musgrave, Marilyn [R-CO], Myrick, Sue [R-NC], Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX], Peterson, John [R-PA], Price, David [D-NC], Putnam, Adam [R-FL], Regula, Ralph [R-OH], Rehberg, Dennis [R-MT], Reynolds, Thomas [R-NY], Scott, David [D-GA], Shimkus, John [R-IL], Shuster, William [R-PA], Smith, Lamar [R-TX], Sullivan, John [R-OK], Thornberry, William [R-TX], Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS], Walden, Greg [R-OR], Weldon, David [R-FL], Westmoreland, Lynn [R-GA], Wilson, Addison [R-SC], Wilson, Heather [R-NM], and Wolf, Frank [R-VA].

F (32 total, 3 D and 29 R):

Akin, Todd [R-MO], Barrett, James [R-SC], Blunt, Roy [R-MO], Boehner, John [R-OH], Bordallo, Madeleine [D-GU], Cannon, Chris [R-UT], Davis, Geoff [R-KY], Dent, Charles [R-PA], Ehlers, Vernon [R-MI], Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R-NE], Franks, Trent [R-AZ], Gilchrest, Wayne [R-MD], Gillmor, Paul [R-OH], Hooley, Darlene [D-OR], Inglis, Bob [R-SC], King, Steve [R-IA], Kirk, Mark [R-IL], Latham, Thomas [R-IA], McCaul, Michael [R-TX], McCotter, Thaddeus [R-MI], Pence, Mike [R-IN], Petri, Thomas [R-WI], Pitts, Joseph [R-PA], Ramstad, James [R-MN], Rogers, Michael [R-MI], Shadegg, John [R-AZ], Souder, Mark [R-IN], Terry, Lee [R-NE], Upton, Frederick [R-MI], Walsh, James [R-NY], Wasserman Shultz, Debbie [D-FL], and Wicker, Roger [R-MS].

F- (3 total, 0 D and 3 R):

Bachus, Spencer [R-AL], Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA], and Shays, Christopher [R-CT].

07-23-2007, 10:03 AM
I have been a long time lurker and finally decided to post in support of your efforts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, I appreciate the support. Together, we can all make a difference.

I plan on writing a letter to her once I get the time. If you have any suggestions let me know. Knowing her, if she thinks supporting internet gambling will get her some votes I would bet that she would jump on board, considering that a lot of the House members from NY are already supporting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, we have a lot of support in NY. She may come on board with enough letters. Since you asked for a suggestion, I'd really just urge you to not wait to write the perfect letter. After all, the goal isn't to change her mind through the persuasive power of the pen. Rather, it's to share with her your feelings as a voter. In other words, your not trying to convince her to support poker....you're trying to convince her that YOU support poker, you vote accordingly, and you represent many in your district. So, I think you should email her today with a short and sweet note telling her it's your business what you do with your money. Then, maybe when you get time you can write a longer note if you care to. I get mileage out of my longer notes by reusing them (or parts of them) many times, but please don't feel the need to start off with that.

Here's the PPA form letter, from http://activate.pokerplayersalliance.org/ . You can cut and paste it, or you can email it right from the site in about 45 seconds (I'd probably send the email right from the site, then format it in Word, print it out and send it as snail mail):

Letter to Your Elected Officials

As a constituent and voter in your district, I am writing to ask you to support and co-sponsor HR 2046 – the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007.

In 2006, my right to play poker -- a legendary game of skill that dates back centuries -- was assaulted simply because I chose to exercise that right online. Now, that right will be denied permanently unless Congress takes action. I am counting on you to help restore my rights by supporting HR 2046.

If HR 2046 passes into law, online poker will be safe, secure and regulated. The bill creates stringent licensing regulations for poker operators, so it will protect consumers and poker players alike.

The bill also has rigorous protections against illegal gambling, underage gambling, and compulsive gambling. But it doesn’t force any state to accept online gaming – it will simply allow any currently legal gaming to take place online. States and sports leagues can opt out completely if they wish.

What’s important to me is your support for restoring my rights. Please respond to this letter, and let me know if you will support and co-sponsor HR 2046. I will be watching your actions on this bill closely. I hope that I -- and thousands of other poker fans in your district -- can count on your support.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-23-2007, 10:03 AM
*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow your more recent posts are making a lot more sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

I barely post on this board? I can't imagine I've said anything to make me ignore worthy lol.

Ohhh right you are the guy that went bat**** insane on the PA Poker thread. Makes sense now.

07-23-2007, 10:24 AM
Ric Keller (R-FL). Consistently against us. Appears he'll have strong challengers in 2008.

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to live in this guy's district; here's some info on him that may help. He's very pro-business, most of his big issues revolve around cutting taxes and shielding corporations from civil lawsuits. Like most southern Republicans, he keeps in close step with the religious right. He has little in common with libertarian conservatism, and one of his main issues is preventing people from downloading music from the internet.

His district is gerrymandered in his favor, but it does contain some urban areas and one of the largest college campuses in the nation (UCF). Much as young poker players at Ohio State helped to unseat Leach, poker players at UCF could have a similar effect.

In the past Keller has benefited from running against weak competition. He comes off as an intellectual lightweight by taking stands on goofy issues and exhibiting below-average debate skills. He's also extraordinarily creepy looking. In the current political climate, a well funded non-stupid Democrat has a good shot at unseating him.

Congressman or Child Molester?

07-23-2007, 12:27 PM
Yes the PPA has to be better, I just don't get why they aren't trying to motivate us to do what we need to do.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have always felt that the PPA is not serving *our* interests and that they represent the interests of certain *entities*, if you know what I mean.

Ron Burgundy
07-23-2007, 03:21 PM
Carter, John, Texas, 31st [R]

[/ QUOTE ]

Has anyone gotten a response from him? I've sent him 3 emails in the past few months and I've never gotten any kind of response. Not even a BS form letter, nothing.

07-23-2007, 04:06 PM
Congressman or Child Molester?

[/ QUOTE ]

Beat up a lot in high school.

07-23-2007, 04:28 PM
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks so much for the info Engineer. I like the idea of the "L" rated candidates too.

Moneyline - good idea. Candidates with proximity to major colleges could be good targets.

Legislurker - Don't be a wet blanket. Of course we won't see quick results. Instant gratification <> government.

07-23-2007, 05:10 PM
My letter to my rep:

Dear Representative Sestak,

As a transplanted Californian I arrived in Pennsylvania in time to cast my vote for both Bob Casey and yourself. I used those votes to voice a disagreement on the larger issues that have plagued our country under the current President and I applaud your efforts in making my voice heard in Washington.

While considerable work is still required on the larger issues, it is not the purpose of this letter.

In July of last year Congress passed the Port Securities Act with the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) attached. This attachment was added last minute and the vote took place with no debate on the topic. Representative Barney Frank has introduced legislation to restore some freedoms to Americans.

As a veteran myself I served my country because I love the ideals of our nation. I love the idea of freedom. Some of that was taken from me with the passing of the UIGEA. I ask you to co-sponsor H.R. 2046 and support Barney Frank in this very American fight.


07-23-2007, 05:24 PM
Dear Representative Sestak,

[/ QUOTE ]


07-23-2007, 05:26 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

If this guy co-sponsors than he can use his ray-gun to get it pushed through faster.

07-23-2007, 07:59 PM
My letter to my rep:

Dear Representative Sestak,

As a transplanted ....DeliciousBass

[/ QUOTE ]

Very nice!

07-23-2007, 10:12 PM
Deborah Pryce (R-OH). OSU, plus regular Ohio voters, make her seat vulnerable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just moved to her district and finally got around to e-mailing her. Will post response in separate thread when (if?) I receive it.

Dear Ms. Pryce

I recently moved to your district from Gahanna (Pat Tiberi's district). I was curious to hear your opinion on an issue that is important to me. Last year, Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act thanks to questionable tactics by some of your colleagues in the Senate. This law is a disturbing infringement on our civil liberties. I have enjoyed playing poker in my leisure time since college, and I find it disconcerting that the federal government feels the need to tell me I can't enjoy this activity in my spare time.

I also noticed that you voted for H.R. 4411 prior to the UIGEA being attached to the Safe Ports act. I was hoping to clarify if your position has changed on this issue, specifically with regards to IGREA proposed by Congressman Frank.

This issue is perhaps merely a symptom of the overall change in the Republican party. Gone are the days of Libertarianism. Instead, the Republican party seems concerned with "saving us from ourselves". I do consider you a moderate from your positions I have seen in the Dispatch, and I hope you consider this issue carefully. I, along with many Ohio State students who enjoy poker, will be paying attention to this issue next November.

07-24-2007, 08:00 AM
I plan on writing a letter to her once I get the time. .....

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, we have a lot of support in NY. She may come on board with enough letters. Since you asked for a suggestion, I'd really just urge you to not wait to write the perfect letter. After all, the goal isn't to change her mind through the persuasive power of the pen. Rather, it's to share with her your feelings as a voter. In other words, you're not trying to convince her to support poker........

Here's the PPA form letter, from http://activate.pokerplayersalliance.org/ . You can cut and paste it, or you can email it right from the site in about 45 seconds (I'd probably send the email right from the site, then format it in Word, print it out and send it as snail mail...you can also print the letter out right from the site, then sign and mail it)...

[/ QUOTE ]

07-24-2007, 06:03 PM
This is both sad and funny.

Received a third reply yesterday from Capito.

She serves on the House Financial Services Committee and I quote from the letter; "Currently the house of Representatives is not considering any lefislation that addresses the position taken by U.S. trade Representative, susan Schwab, vis a vis gambling".

I wrote back today asking where has she been, perhaps if she attended the committee meetings she would know that her chairman HAS introduced legislation addressing this.

Also, Congressman Wexler from florida has introduce exemptions for games of skill 9though they already are exempt) but specifically naming poker as exempt as a Skill Game.

I sure hope no matter what happens for poker, we in WV get rid of her.

Following that, I sent the following letter to a local statewide newspaper where i have had a few letters published in the past.

The Billion Dollar Card game

A trade settlement in the works by the bush administration and supported by Rep. Capito is about to cost Americans & American companies BILLIONS of dollars.
In 1994 the Clinton administration signed a WTO Trade Agreement allowing among other things Internet poker in the U.S.
Now, the Right wing of the Bush administration, on moral grounds, passed a law prohibiting it.
To withdraw from this ‘Deal’ we must agree to trade sanctions in the billions against American Companies.
We were sued in court by the small island nation Antigua-Barbuda and lost and they want 3.4 BILLION in compensation PER YEAR, forever.
No big deal except we also signed this deal with 50 other countries some of which have joined the suit since we refuse to honor our agreements.
To quote U.S. trade lawyer Juan Millan; “Millan said Washington accepted that U.S. gambling laws were not in compliance with its WTO obligations. But he said Antigua's request for retaliation was unnecessary because the U.S. was negotiating compensation with all interested WTO members — despite having originally argued that it was exempt from sanctions or having to pay compensation.”
So, instead of staying out of American’s homes, the Bush administration is entering even more, costing Americans and American Companies unnecessary added expenses and potentially costing us more American jobs by placing additional trade burdens on citizens and companies.
Thanks congresswoman Capito for supporting this and thanks president Bush for placing the right wing moral values above the privacy rights of American Citizens.


07-25-2007, 06:59 PM
Rep. Tim Ryan [D-OH] cosponsored Wexler's SGPA today! I'll move him from "B" to "A".

07-25-2007, 07:50 PM
When I created the "Report Card", there were three open House seats. One was filled today by Dr. Paul Broun’s of Georgia. Dr. Broun compares himself in some ways to another doctor in the House...our good friend Ron Paul.

Sounds somewhat promising, but not entirely. I found nothing on his stand on any gambling. I guess I'll rate him "?" until we learn more.

http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=21602 :

Regardless of the election’s outcome, Georgia’s 10th CD -- and Congress -- would have gained another conservative Republican. With Paul Broun’s victory, the GOP has gained aself-described “strict constitutionalist” who is committed to “restor[ing] government according to the Constitution as our Founders intended.” Broun has said that he, like Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), will “always carry a pocket Constitution” on his person while in Congress, and will “apply a four-way test to all legislation” (in essence, is each piece of legislation constitutional, moral, needed, and affordable?)

Broun is a proponent of private property rights, an opponent of illegal immigration, and a supporter of the Fair Tax, or national sales tax (as well as the abolition of the IRS.) He is a member of the National Rifle Association and president of the local affiliate, the Georgia Sport Shooting Association. Further, he is pro-religious freedom, and is very outspoken against “the ACLU and Activist Federal Judges,” who he says are “destroying America's heritage of religious freedom and religious expression.”

[/ QUOTE ]

07-26-2007, 11:33 AM
I have been in contact by e-mail on three occasions this year with my congressman, David Scott (D-GA). If I were to give him a grade based on his responses, it would be C-. He seems vaguely aware of all the current and pending legislation impacting on internet gaming, but has been just as vague in his positions on each of them.

07-27-2007, 06:18 PM
Thanks. That's the data that will help us differentiate congressmen willing to listen from [censored] like Bachus and Goodlatte.

07-27-2007, 06:29 PM
IGREA has three new cosponsors, for a total of 34!

Reps. Joe Baca [D-CA], voted against HR 4411 [now "A"]
Lynn C. Woolsey [D-CA], voted against HR 4411 [now "A"]
Neil Abercrombie [D-HI], voted against HR 4411 [now "A"]

Please note that all "A" and "B" congressmen have actually done something tangible for us (either voted against HR 4411 or cosponsored legislation).

07-28-2007, 08:15 AM
When I created the "Report Card", there were three open House seats. One was filled today by Dr. Paul Broun’s of Georgia. Dr. Broun compares himself in some ways to another doctor in the House...our good friend Ron Paul.

Sounds somewhat promising, but not entirely. I found nothing on his stand on any gambling. I guess I'll rate him "?" until we learn more.

http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=21602 :

Regardless of the election’s outcome, Georgia’s 10th CD -- and Congress -- would have gained another conservative Republican. With Paul Broun’s victory, the GOP has gained aself-described “strict constitutionalist” who is committed to “restor[ing] government according to the Constitution as our Founders intended.” Broun has said that he, like Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), will “always carry a pocket Constitution” on his person while in Congress, and will “apply a four-way test to all legislation” (in essence, is each piece of legislation constitutional, moral, needed, and affordable?)

Broun is a proponent of private property rights, an opponent of illegal immigration, and a supporter of the Fair Tax, or national sales tax (as well as the abolition of the IRS.) He is a member of the National Rifle Association and president of the local affiliate, the Georgia Sport Shooting Association. Further, he is pro-religious freedom, and is very outspoken against “the ACLU and Activist Federal Judges,” who he says are “destroying America's heritage of religious freedom and religious expression.”

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

this guys sounds like your typical american republican who claims to want small government and constitutional freedoms, but he really only wants freedoms related to jesus, not online gambling. the key word being "moral" in that paragraph you quoted. 99% of the time you hear "moral" the person using it thinks that its synonymous with christianity and the right wing agenda. Also, the words... "as our founding father's intended", comes with silent "christian nation" afterwards.

07-28-2007, 04:22 PM
Rep. Eliot Engel copsonsored SGPA yesterday, bringing the total number of cosponsors up to 13.

Rep. Engel voted against HR 4411. He's not cosponsoring IGREA. He moves from A- to A.

07-28-2007, 04:43 PM
this guys sounds like your typical american republican who claims to want small government and constitutional freedoms, but he really only wants freedoms related to jesus, not online gambling. the key word being "moral" in that paragraph you quoted. 99% of the time you hear "moral" the person using it thinks that its synonymous with christianity and the right wing agenda. Also, the words... "as our founding father's intended", comes with silent "christian nation" afterwards.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree, especially after looking at it more. He's still rated "?" by definition, but I'm not expecting much from him.

07-29-2007, 01:18 AM
House Update:

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>110<font color="white">..... .</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>108<font color="white">..... .</font>75
against us<font color="white">.........</font>19<font color="white">.... .</font>111

07-29-2007, 03:05 AM
U.S. House, by State, alphabetical (With us, Neutral, Against us)

AL (0.0%, 28.6%, 71.4%)
AK (100.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%)
AZ (37.5%, 37.5%, 25.0%)
AR (0.0%, 50.0%, 50.0%)
CA (50.0%, 36.5%, 13.5%)
CO (14.3%, 71.4%, 14.3%)
CT (20.0%, 60.0%, 20.0%)
DE (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
FL (20.0%, 48.0%, 32.0%)
GA (7.7%, 46.2%, 46.2%)
HI (50.0%, 50.0%, 0.0%)
ID (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
IL (31.6%, 52.6%, 15.8%)
IN (22.2%, 33.3%, 44.4%)
IA (0.0%, 60.0%, 40.0%)
KS (50.0%, 0.0%, 50.0%)
KY (16.7%, 33.3%, 50.0%)
LA (14.3%, 14.3%, 71.4%)
ME (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
MD (50.0%, 25.0%, 25.0%)
MA (88.9%, 11.1%, 0.0%)
MI (26.7%, 33.3%, 40.0%)
MN (25.0%, 62.5%, 12.5%)
MS (50.0%, 25.0%, 25.0%)
MO (22.2%, 33.3%, 44.4%)
MT (0.0%, 0.0%, 100.0%)
NE (0.0%, 33.3%, 66.7%)
NV (100.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%)
NH (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
NJ (38.5%, 53.8%, 7.7%)
NM (33.3%, 33.3%, 33.3%)
NY (55.2%, 34.5%, 10.3%)
NC (7.7%, 30.8%, 61.5%)
ND (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
OH (22.2%, 50.0%, 27.8%)
OK (0.0%, 60.0%, 40.0%)
OR (0.0%, 40.0%, 60.0%)
PA (5.3%, 73.7%, 21.1%)
RI (100.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%)
SC (16.7%, 16.7%, 66.7%)
SD (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
TN (11.1%, 66.7%, 22.2%)
TX (28.1%, 28.1%, 43.8%)
UT (0.0%, 66.7%, 33.3%)
VT (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
VA (20.0%, 0.0%, 80.0%)
WA (33.3%, 55.6%, 11.1%)
WV (0.0%, 66.7%, 33.3%)
WI (25.0%, 62.5%, 12.5%)
WY (0.0%, 0.0%, 100.0%)
AS (100.0%, 0.0%, 0.0%)
DC (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)
GU (0.0%, 0.0%, 100.0%)
PR (0.0%, 0.0%, 100.0%)
VI (0.0%, 100.0%, 0.0%)

07-29-2007, 03:08 AM
U.S. House, by State, in order of support (With us, Neutral, Against us):

With us:
AK (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
NV (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
RI (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
AS (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%)
MA (88.90%, 11.10%, 0.00%)
HI (50.00%, 50.00%, 0.00%)
NY (55.20%, 34.50%, 10.30%)
CA (50.00%, 36.50%, 13.50%)
NJ (38.50%, 53.80%, 7.70%)
MD (50.00%, 25.00%, 25.00%)
MS (50.00%, 25.00%, 25.00%)
WA (33.30%, 55.60%, 11.10%)
IL (31.60%, 52.60%, 15.80%)
AZ (37.50%, 37.50%, 25.00%)
MN (25.00%, 62.50%, 12.50%)
WI (25.00%, 62.50%, 12.50%)

KS (50.00%, 0.00%, 50.00%)
NM (33.30%, 33.30%, 33.30%)
CT (20.00%, 60.00%, 20.00%)
CO (14.30%, 71.40%, 14.30%)
DE (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
ID (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
ME (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
NH (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
ND (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
SD (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
VT (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
DC (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)
VI (0.00%, 100.00%, 0.00%)

Against us:
OH (22.20%, 50.00%, 27.80%)
TN (11.10%, 66.70%, 22.20%)
FL (20.00%, 48.00%, 32.00%)
MI (26.70%, 33.30%, 40.00%)
TX (28.10%, 28.10%, 43.80%)
PA (5.30%, 73.70%, 21.10%)
IN (22.20%, 33.30%, 44.40%)
MO (22.20%, 33.30%, 44.40%)
KY (16.70%, 33.30%, 50.00%)
UT (0.00%, 66.70%, 33.30%)
WV (0.00%, 66.70%, 33.30%)
GA (7.70%, 46.20%, 46.20%)
IA (0.00%, 60.00%, 40.00%)
OK (0.00%, 60.00%, 40.00%)
SC (16.70%, 16.70%, 66.70%)
AR (0.00%, 50.00%, 50.00%)
NC (7.70%, 30.80%, 61.50%)
LA (14.30%, 14.30%, 71.40%)
VA (20.00%, 0.00%, 80.00%)
OR (0.00%, 40.00%, 60.00%)
NE (0.00%, 33.30%, 66.70%)
AL (0.00%, 28.60%, 71.40%)
MT (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
WY (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
GU (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)
PR (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%)

07-29-2007, 05:08 AM

Ron Burgundy
07-29-2007, 08:07 AM

Just curious: how much time per day do you spend on pro i-gaming related activities? Keep up the good work!

07-29-2007, 01:59 PM

Just curious: how much time per day do you spend on pro i-gaming related activities?

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as it takes. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I was pretty pissed when the government stole our right to play online, so I've been happy to do my part to fight back. On that topic, the next week to Obama will take only a few minutes. Thanks for signing on for that. I hope everyone here will join in.

Keep up the good work!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Please keep up your good work and participation as well.

07-29-2007, 02:55 PM

07-30-2007, 06:42 PM

I'm glad eog.com is getting the word out, but would it kill them to credit me? It's not the first time. Oh well...so long as it helps our cause.

07-30-2007, 07:28 PM
Well, for what it is woth when I quote you I say, "Thanks to my friend Engineer......."


07-30-2007, 07:32 PM
Well, for what it is woth when I quote you I say, "Thanks to my friend Engineer......."


[/ QUOTE ]

I saw that....thanks. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

07-30-2007, 09:14 PM
We need to know where we stand...ratings do that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Great work on the ratings. Speaking as someone who doesn't keep daily attention to this stuff, but has an interest in the outcome, I can guarentee you that your work in compiling the ratings helps point the casual, lazy folks like me in the right direction instead of having to do my own homework.

I emailed a link to this thread to my House reps (MS, fwiw)and told them that along with everyone in my circle of family and friends would be voting strictly along these lines, "A" gets my vote, "F" gets their opponent a vote.

One rep's staffer emailed back within 2 hours to say while he didn't cosponsor the IGREA or was listed here as supporting it, that he was in fact in support of it and planning on voting in favor.

Take that for what it's worth, but either way keep up the good work, and especially don't forget to point those casual followers like me who are politically ignorant into the right direction.

07-30-2007, 09:58 PM
Thanks for the compliment on the effort. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

That's an awesome response from your Congressman. Can you post who it was and his/her email to you? (If you're concerned about anonymity of location, can you PM me?) Information like this is invaluable to us in trying to figure out where these folks stand. Thanks.

07-30-2007, 10:22 PM
Update as of 7/30

A+: actively working for us
A: cosponsor of IGREA or SGPA legislation
A-: voted against HR 4411, not cosponsoring IGREA or SGPA
B: cosponsoring the study bill
?: no voting record
?- : voted for HR 4411, but no other action.
F*: cosponsored HR 4777, Goodlatte’s ban bill
F: cosponsored HR 4411
F-: leader of efforts against us…zealot



<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>110<font color="white">..... .</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>109<font color="white">..... .</font>73
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.... .</font>114


A+ (5 total, 4 Democrats and 1 Republican):

Berkley, Shelley [D-NV], Carson, Julia [D-IN], Frank, Barney [D-MA], Paul, Ron [R-TX], and Wexler, Robert [D-FL].

A (35 total, 32 D and 3 R):

Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI], Ackerman, Gary [D-NY], Baca, Joe [D-CA], Berman, Howard [D-CA], Capuano, Michael [D-MA], Carnahan, Russ [D-MO], Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO], Cohen, Steve [D-TN], Crowley, Joseph [D-NY], Engel, Eliot [D-NY], Filner, Bob [D-CA], Fossella, Vito [R-NY], Gutierrez, Luis [D-IL], Hastings, Alcee [D-FL], Honda, Michael [D-CA], Israel, Steve [D-NY], King, Peter [R-NY], Larson, John [D-CT], McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY], McDermott, Jim [D-WA], McGovern, James [D-MA], Melancon, Charlie [D-LA], Moran, Jim [D-VA], Perlmutter, Ed [D-CO], Rodriguez, Ciro [D-TX], Rothman, Steven [D-NJ], Ryan, Tim [D-OH], Sanchez, Linda [D-CA], Thompson, Bennie [D-MS], Towns, Edolphus [D-NY], Watt, Mel [D-NC], Weiner, Anthony [D-NY], Woolsey, Lynn [D-CA], Wynn, Albert [D-MD], and Young, Don [R-AK].

A- (60 total, 51 D and 9 R):

Andrews, Robert [D-NJ], Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI], Becerra, Xavier [D-CA], Brown, Corrine [D-FL], Capps, Lois [D-CA], Conyers, John [D-MI], Cummings, Elijah [D-MD], Davis, Danny [D-IL], Delahunt, William [D-MA], Dingell, John [D-MI], Dreier, David [R-CA], Eshoo, Anna [D-CA], Farr, Sam [D-CA], Flake, Jeff [R-AZ], Gonzalez, Charles [D-TX], Grijalva, Raul [D-AZ], Hastings, Doc [R-WA], Holden, Tim [D-PA], Hoyer, Steny [D-MD], Inslee, Jay [D-WA], Jackson, Jesse [D-IL], Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX], Johnson, Eddie [D-TX], Kennedy, Patrick [D-RI], Kildee, Dale [D-MI], Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D-MI], Kind, Ronald [D-WI], Kucinich, Dennis [D-OH], Lee, Barbara [D-CA], LoBiondo, Frank [R-NJ], Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA], Mack, Connie [R-FL], Markey, Edward [D-MA], Matsui, Doris [D-CA], Miller, George [D-CA], Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY], Napolitano, Grace [D-CA], Neal, Richard [D-MA], Olver, John [D-MA], Pastor, Edward [D-AZ], Poe, Ted [R-TX], Porter, Jon [R-NV], Rangel, Charles [D-NY], Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX], Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA], Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA], Rush, Bobby [D-IL], Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA], Schakowsky, Janice [D-IL], Schiff, Adam [D-CA], Scott, Robert [D-VA], Serrano, José [D-NY], Solis, Hilda [D-CA], Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA], Tauscher, Ellen [D-CA], Tiberi, Patrick [R-OH], Tierney, John [D-MA], Udall, Tom [D-NM], Velazquez, Nydia [D-NY], and Watson, Diane [D-CA].

B (25 total, 23 D and 2 R):

Boyda, Nancy [D-KS], Clyburn, James [D-SC], Costa, Jim [D-CA], Costello, Jerry [D-IL], Faleomavaega, Eni (Del) [D-AS], Green, Al [D-TX], Heller, Dean [R-NV], Hill, Baron [D-IN], Hinchey, Maurice [D-NY], Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH], Langevin, James [D-RI], Lewis, John [D-GA], Maloney, Carolyn [D-NY], Meek, Kendrick [D-FL], Meeks, Gregory [D-NY], Moore, Dennis [D-KS], Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ], Payne, Donald [D-NJ], Peterson, Collin [D-MN], Ruppersberger, Dutch [D-MD], Sessions, Pete [R-TX], Taylor, Gene [D-MS], Thompson, Mike [D-CA], Walz, Timothy [D-MN], and Yarmuth, John [D-KY].

? (59 total, 42 D and 17 R):

Altmire, Jason [D-PA], Arcuri, Michael A. [D-NY], Bachmann, Michele [R-MN], Braley, Bruce L. [D-IA], Broun, Paul [R-GA], Buchanan, Vern [R-FL], Carney, Christopher P. [D-PA], Castor, Kathy, Florida, 11th [D-FL], Christian-Christensen, Donna M. (Del) [D-VI], Clarke, Yvette D. [D-NY], Courtney, Joe [D-CT], Davis, David [R-TN], Donnelly, Joe [D-IN], Doyle, Mike [D-PA], Ellison, Keith [D-MN], Ellsworth, Brad [D-IN], Fallin, Mary [R-OK], Giffords, Gabrielle [D-AZ], Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY], Hall, John J. [D-NY], Hare, Phil, [D-IL], Hastert, Denny [R-IL], Hinojosa, Rubén [D-TX], Hirono, Mazie K. [D-HI], Hodes, Paul W. [D-NH], Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr. [D-GA], Jordan, Jim [R-OH], Kagen, Steve [D-WI], Klein, Ron [D-FL], Lamborn, Doug [R-CO], Lampson, Nick [D-TX], Loebsack, David [D-IA], Mahoney, Tim [D-FL], McCarthy, Kevin [R-CA], McHenry, Patrick T. [R-NC], McNerney, Jerry [D-CA], McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY], Miller, Brad [D-NC], Mitchell, Harry E. [D-AZ], Murphy, Christopher S. [D-CT], Murphy, Patrick J. [D-PA], Norton, Eleanor Holmes (Del) [D-DC], Roskam, Peter J. [R-IL], Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL], Ryan, Paul [R-WI], Sali, Bill [R-ID], Sarbanes, John P. [D-MD], Sestak, Joe [D-PA], Shea-Porter, Carol [D-NH], Shuler, Heath [D-NC], Sires, Albio [D-NJ], Slaughter, Louise [D-NY], Smith, Adrian [R-NE], Smith, Chris [R-NJ], Space, Zachary T. [D-OH], Sutton, Betty [D-OH], Walberg, Timothy [R-MI], Welch, Peter [D-VT], and Wilson, Charles A. [D-OH].

?- (123 total, 67 D and 56 R):

Allen, Tom, Maine, 1st [D-ME], Baird, Brian [D-WA], Barrow, John [D-GA], Barton, Joe [R-TX], Bean, Melissa L. [D-IL], Biggert, Judy [R-IL], Bilbray, Brian P. [R-CA], Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL], Bishop Jr., Sanford D. [R-GA], Bishop, Rob [D-UT], Bishop, Timothy [D-NY], Blackburn, Marsha [R-TN], Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR], Bono, Mary [R-CA], Boren, Dan [D-OK], Boswell, Leonard [D-IA], Boyd, Allen [D-FL], Brady, Robert [D-PA], Brown-Waite, Virginia [R-FL], Butterfield, G.K. [D-NC], Calvert, Ken [R-CA], Campbell, John [R-CA], Cannon, Chris [R-UT], Carter, John [R-TX], Castle, Michael N. [R-DE], Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO], Cole, Tom [R-OK], Cooper, Jim [D-TN], Cuellar, Henry [D-TX], Davis, Artur [D-AL], Davis, Susan [D-CA], DeGette, Diana [D-CO], DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT], Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL], Dicks, Norman D. [D-WA], Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX], Doolittle, John [R-CA], Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL], English, Phil [R-PA], Fattah, Chaka [D-PA], Ferguson, Michael [R-NJ], Garrett, Scott [R-NJ], Gerlach, Jim [R-PA], Gordon, Bart [D-TN], Graves, Sam [R-MO], Harman, Jane [D-CA], Hensarling, Jeb [R-TX], Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie [D-SD], Higgins, Brian [D-NY], Holt, Rush [D-NJ], Issa, Darrell [R-CA], Jefferson, William J. [D-LA], Johnson, Sam [R-TX], Johnson, Timothy V. [R-IL], Kanjorski, Paul E. [D-PA], Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH], Kline, John [R-MN], Knollenberg, Joseph [R-MI], Lantos, Tom [D-CA], Larsen, Rick [D-WA], LaTourette, Steven C. [R-OH], Levin, Sander [D-MI], Lipinski, Daniel [D-IL], Lowey, Nita [D-NY], Lynch, Stephen F. [D-MA], Manzullo, Donald [R-IL], Marshall, Jim [D-GA], Matheson, Jim [D-UT], McCollum, Betty [D-MN], McHugh, John M. [R-NY], Mica, John [R-FL], Michaud, Michael [D-ME], Miller, Candice [R-MI], Miller, Gary [R-CA], Mollohan, Alan B. [D-WV], Moore, Gwen [D-WI], Murphy, Tim [R-PA], Murtha, John [D-PA], Nunes, Devin [R-CA], Oberstar, James L. [D-MN], Obey, David R. [D-WI], Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX], Pallone Jr., Frank [D-NJ], Pearce, Steve [R-NM], Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA], Pickering, Charles W. "Chip" [R-MS], Platts, Todd [R-PA], Pomeroy, Earl [D-ND], Price, Tom [R-GA], Pryce, Deborah [R-OH], Radanovich, George P. [R-CA], Rahall, Nick [D-WV], Reichert, David G. [R-WA], Renzi, Rick [R-AZ], Rogers, Harold [R-KY], Ross, Mike [D-AR], Royce, Ed [R-CA], Salazar, John T. [D-CO], Saxton, Jim [R-NJ], Schmidt, Jean [R-OH], Schwartz, Allyson Y. [D-PA], Sensenbrenner, F. James [R-WI], Sherman, Brad [D-CA], Simpson, Mike [R-ID], Skelton, Ike [D-MO], Smith, Adam [D-WA], Snyder, Vic [D-AR], Spratt, John [D-SC], Stearns, Cliff [R-FL], Stupak, Bart [D-MI], Tancredo, Tom [R-CO], Tanner, John [D-TN], Turner, Michael [R-OH], Udall, Mark [D-CO], Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD], Visclosky, Peter [D-IN], Wamp, Zach [R-TN], Waters, Maxine [D-CA], Waxman, Henry [D-CA], Weller, Jerry [R-IL], Whitfield, Ed [R-KY], Wu, David [D-OR], and Young, C.W. Bill [R-FL].

F* (97 total, 14 D and 83 R):

Aderholt, Robert [R-AL], Alexander, Rodney [R-LA], Baker, Richard [R-LA], Bartlett, Roscoe [R-MD], Berry, Robert [D-AR], Bonner, Jo [R-AL], Boozman, John [R-AR], Boucher, Frederick [D-VA], Boustany, Charles [R-LA], Brady, Kevin [D-TX], Brown, Henry [R-SC], Burgess, Michael [R-TX], Burton, Dan [R-IN], Buyer, Stephen [R-IN], Camp, David [R-MI], Cantor, Eric [R-VA], Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV], Cardoza, Dennis [D-CA], Chabot, Steven [R-OH], Chandler, Ben [D-KY], Coble, Howard [R-NC], Conaway, Michael [R-TX], Cramer, Robert [D-AL], Crenshaw, Ander [R-FL], Cubin, Barbara [R-WY], Culberson, John [R-TX], Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA], Davis, Lincoln [D-TN], Davis, Thomas [R-VA], Deal, Nathan [R-GA], DeFazio, Peter [D-OR], Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL], Drake, Thelma [R-VA], Duncan, John [R-TN], Edwards, Thomas [D-TX], Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO], Etheridge, Bob [D-NC], Everett, Terry [R-AL], Feeney, Tom [R-FL], Forbes, J. Randy [R-VA], Fortuño, Luis (R.C.) [R-PR], Foxx, Virginia [R-NC], Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R-NJ], Gallegly, Elton [R-CA], Gingrey, John [R-GA], Gohmert, Louis [R-TX], Goode, Virgil [R-VA], Granger, Kay [R-TX], Green, Raymond [D-TX], Hall, Ralph [R-TX], Hayes, Robin [R-NC], Herger, Walter [R-CA], Hobson, David [R-OH], Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI], Hulshof, Kenny [R-MO], Hunter, Duncan [R-CA], Jindal, Bobby [R-LA], Jones, Walter [R-NC], Keller, Ric [R-FL], King, Steve [R-IA], Kingston, Jack [R-GA], Kuhl, John [R-NY], LaHood, Ray [R-IL], Lewis, Jerry [R-CA], Lewis, Ron [R-KY], Linder, John [R-GA], Lucas, Frank [R-OK], Lungren, Daniel [R-CA], Marchant, Kenny [R-TX], McCrery, James [R-LA], McIntyre, Mike [D-NC], McKeon, Howard [R-CA], McMorris Rogers, Cathy [R-WA], Miller, Jeff [R-FL], Moran, Jerry [R-KS], Musgrave, Marilyn [R-CO], Myrick, Sue [R-NC], Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX], Peterson, John [R-PA], Price, David [D-NC], Putnam, Adam [R-FL], Regula, Ralph [R-OH], Rehberg, Dennis [R-MT], Reynolds, Thomas [R-NY], Rogers, Mike [R-AL], Scott, David [D-GA], Shimkus, John [R-IL], Shuster, William [R-PA], Smith, Lamar [R-TX], Sullivan, John [R-OK], Thornberry, William [R-TX], Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS], Walden, Greg [R-OR], Weldon, David [R-FL], Westmoreland, Lynn [R-GA], Wilson, Heather [R-NM], and Wolf, Frank [R-VA].

F (31 total, 3 D and 29 R):

Akin, Todd [R-MO], Barrett, James [R-SC], Blunt, Roy [R-MO], Boehner, John [R-OH], Bordallo, Madeleine (Del) [D-GU], Davis, Geoff [R-KY], Dent, Charles [R-PA], Ehlers, Vernon [R-MI], Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R-NE], Franks, Trent [R-AZ], Gilchrest, Wayne [R-MD], Gillmor, Paul [R-OH], Hooley, Darlene [D-OR], Inglis, Bob [R-SC], Kirk, Mark [R-IL], Latham, Thomas [R-IA], McCaul, Michael [R-TX], McCotter, Thaddeus [R-MI], Pence, Mike [R-IN], Petri, Thomas [R-WI], Pitts, Joseph [R-PA], Ramstad, James [R-MN], Rogers, Michael [R-MI], Shadegg, John [R-AZ], Souder, Mark [R-IN], Terry, Lee [R-NE], Upton, Frederick [R-MI], Walsh, James [R-NY], Wasserman Shultz, Debbie [D-FL], Wicker, Roger [R-MS], and Wilson, Joe [R-SC].

F- (3 total, 0 D and 3 R):

Bachus, Spencer [R-AL], Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA], and Shays, Christopher [R-CT].

07-30-2007, 11:34 PM
I emailed a link to this thread to my House reps (MS, fwiw)and told them that along with everyone in my circle of family and friends would be voting strictly along these lines, "A" gets my vote, "F" gets their opponent a vote.

One rep's staffer emailed back within 2 hours to say while he didn't cosponsor the IGREA or was listed here as supporting it, that he was in fact in support of it and planning on voting in favor.

[/ QUOTE ]

I sent my rep a similar email. I doubt I'll get a fast reply, but we'll see:

July 30, 2007

The Honorable Geoff Davis
United States House of Representatives
1108 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-1704

Dear Congressman Davis:

I am writing to ask you to restore the right of Americans to play Internet poker and other games in the privacy of their own homes. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) is big government nanny-statism at its worst. Why should the federal government care how I spend my own money in my own home? I fail to see how this could possibly be of any concern to Congress and, quite frankly, I am angry that Congress thinks it is their concern.

Out of love for freedom, and out of anger, immediately after UIGEA passed I started advocating for its repeal on various web sites. Posting as “TheEngineer”, many of my fellow Internet poker enthusiasts and I have made some progress toward our ultimate goal. One step I took was to develop and post a voting guide for poker players and others who value freedom. Besides assigning a grade to every congressman, it identifies twelve L-rated congressmen (most vulnerable opponents…i.e., most likely to be “Leached”, as in Jim Leach) for special focus. I posted the guide at several sites that are frequented by thousands of poker players, including http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...=1#Post11456661 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=11456661&amp;page=0&amp;vc=1#Pos t11456661) and http://webringamerica.com/4/pokerplayersalliance/viewtopic.php?t=1618. Reception has been so positive that it was reprinted at www.eog.com/news/full-article.aspx?id=28254 (http://www.eog.com/news/full-article.aspx?id=28254), www.thebeargrowls.com (http://www.thebeargrowls.com), and a few other sites. I plan to expand this as much as possible over the next year. As the Poker Players Alliance, a grassroots poker rights organization chaired by Sen. Al D’Amato, now has over 600,000 members, I foresee a lot of attention being paid to this issue in the next election. I know my friends, family, and I will vote along these lines.

I am updating my guide. Will you provide me with some information? I would simply like to know if you support HR 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007. As you know, IGREA provides for regulated, taxed, and legal Internet poker. It provides for age verification and other issues, as you heard at the June 8 House Financial Services Committee hearing on the subject.

This is not about supporting or not supporting poker; rather, it is about supporting the right of adults to make their own decisions and to live in freedom. Thank you for your consideration.



07-31-2007, 08:02 AM

I'm glad eog.com is getting the word out, but would it kill them to credit me? It's not the first time. Oh well...so long as it helps our cause.

[/ QUOTE ]

They updated the article to credit me as author.

07-31-2007, 01:41 PM
Can you post who it was and his/her email to you? (If you're concerned about anonymity of location, can you PM me?)

[/ QUOTE ]

It was Gene Taylor from MS...actually I think it was one of his staffers since he was on a TV show when I got the email.

Information like this is invaluable to us in trying to figure out where these folks stand. Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got an email back from Roger Wickers office this morning, you can go ahead and mark him down as a gigantic prick who is opposed to gambling, and I don't see him changing his stance unless he reads it in the bible.

I plan on mailing him a photocopy of a $1,500 campaign contribution check I am sending his opponent, who I know absolutely nothing about other than he is not Roger Wicker.

07-31-2007, 01:49 PM
Can you post who it was and his/her email to you? (If you're concerned about anonymity of location, can you PM me?)

[/ QUOTE ]

It was Gene Taylor from MS...actually I think it was one of his staffers since he was on a TV show when I got the email.

Information like this is invaluable to us in trying to figure out where these folks stand. Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got an email back from Roger Wickers office this morning, you can go ahead and mark him down as a gigantic prick who is opposed to gambling, and I don't see him changing his stance unless he reads it in the bible.

I plan on mailing him a photocopy of a $1,500 campaign contribution check I am sending his opponent, who I know absolutely nothing about other than he is not Roger Wicker.

[/ QUOTE ]


07-31-2007, 06:29 PM

just thought I would mention thet rep Anthony Weiner from NY.. who is on your A list...

Is actively compaigning and has his heart set on NYC Mayor.. election 2009. He most likely will have a very good shot at winning

Rep Weiner is a Sen Schumer protege... with big political aspirations...

07-31-2007, 06:56 PM
I sent my congress reps emails with this information so hopefully it will help.

I've never done anything political before or even voted. I just registered to vote this week.

I want to just say how much the efforts of many of the regulars here, particularly the engineer mean to me, I was moved enough to take action just from lurking on this forum.

07-31-2007, 07:40 PM
It was Gene Taylor from MS...actually I think it was one of his staffers since he was on a TV show when I got the email.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the info. Rep. Taylor is cosponsoring the study bill, so it figures he'd be sympathetic to IGREA. As he'll vote for it but not cosponsor it, I guess his "B" is about right (I'll bump him up if he gets a little more vocal in his support).

I got an email back from Roger Wickers office this morning, you can go ahead and mark him down as a gigantic prick who is opposed to gambling, and I don't see him changing his stance unless he reads it in the bible.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have him as an "F". He cosponsored HR 4477 and HR 4111. Looks like I have that rating right, too. It's nice to have confirmation.

I plan on mailing him a photocopy of a $1,500 campaign contribution check I am sending his opponent, who I know absolutely nothing about other than he is not Roger Wicker.

[/ QUOTE ]


07-31-2007, 07:48 PM
I sent my congress reps emails with this information so hopefully it will help.

I've never done anything political before or even voted. I just registered to vote this week.

I want to just say how much the efforts of many of the regulars here, particularly the engineer mean to me, I was moved enough to take action just from lurking on this forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the compliment and welcome to the fight!

07-31-2007, 08:07 PM
My EOG article on Congressional ratings is at www.eog.com/news/industry.aspx?id=28374 (http://www.eog.com/news/industry.aspx?id=28374) .

07-31-2007, 08:41 PM
Letter posted on EOG.com. I'll move Rep. Giffords to a "B".


June 27, 2007


Thank you for contacting me about internet gambling

On October 13. 2006, President Bush signed into law the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (FI.R. 4411), a bill that made it a federal crime to operate a gambling business online domestically or offshore. If I were in Congress last session, I would have voted against this bill.

The popularity of internet gaming is increasing every day. We need a comprehensive federal study that looks at the question of whether or not it can be effectively regulated and what role technology can play in accomplishing that goal. For this reason, I support the Internet Gambling Study Act (H.R. 2140), a bill introduced by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. H.R. 2140 would provide for a study by the National Academy of Sciences to identify the proper response of the United States to the growth of Internet gambling. I believe Congress should study the effects of regulating the industry before banning all forms of online gambling.

With billions of dollars going from the U.S, to foreign Internet gaming operations, Congress should present U.S.-based gaming entities with an opportunity to provide safe and regulated Internet gaming options. The issue of Internet gaming should be thoroughly examined to assess how states and gaming entities might use technology and state regulations in order to ensure the safety and integrity of Internet gaming based in the U.S.

On April 26, 2007, Representative Barney Frank introduced the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007 (H.R. 2046), legislation that would reinstate internet gambling as a legal activity in the Untied States. This bill has been referred to the House Committees on Financial Services and Energy and Commerce. At the current time, no hearings on this bill have been scheduled. Rest assured that if it comes to the floor for a vote, I will keep your concerns in mind.

I always appreciate hearing from constituents, like you, who are informed and interested about issues of importance to Arizona and the nation. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future and sign-up for c-newsletter updates at Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Gabrielle Giffords
Member of Congress

08-02-2007, 04:25 PM
I just got word from Melissa Bean's (D-IL) legistlative director, after getting a letter from Melissa that was supportive of the IGREA, but non-committal to voting for it. The word from the director is that while the Barney Frank bill (IGREA) is not likely to come up for a vote soon, she would vote for the bill in its present form (but doesn't know what the final version would look like). I didn't follow up to find out if she also supports the weaker bills, but I would think that she would as well. I think you should be able to move her up from a ?-.

08-02-2007, 06:05 PM
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll move her to a "B".

08-02-2007, 06:09 PM
My article on this subject was picked up by OSGA, at http://www.osga.com/artman/publish/article_5630.shtml . Sounds like we're getting our messsage out there.

I think the guide can help us in writing to Congress as well. I think next week's action item could be to write a letter to Congress like RedBean's. That way, we can collect data while advocating our position. And, by including the guide, these folks will see for themselves the level of our commitment to freedom and liberty.

Ramon Scott
08-03-2007, 02:41 AM
is there any youtube or video of Carson during that hearing without having to watch the whole thing?

That would be good classic stuff.

08-04-2007, 11:26 PM
8/4 Update:

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>114<font color="white">..... .</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>107<font color="white">..... .</font>73
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.... .</font>114

08-05-2007, 04:34 AM
You're handing out As and A-s for cosponsoring? ..... We should be preparing to get votes and money ready for 08. Grades are for advocacy groups who have clout, we don't have that yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes politicians have to see tangible proof of what's going on. My "Congressmen For and Against Online Gambling" article may help to have provided a visual aid of sorts. Sicnce the article was picked up by EOG, at www.eog.com/news/industry.aspx?id=28374 (http://www.eog.com/news/industry.aspx?id=28374) , and by OSGA, at www.osga.com/artman/publish/article_5630.shtml (http://www.osga.com/artman/publish/article_5630.shtml) , it Googles well.

Now when I call my congressman, I don't have to say, "I think such and such". Rather, I can say, "when I Google the phrase 'Geoff Davis gambling', my articles are returned at #1, #4, and #10 prior to asking the question.

I think we can all use the guide for things like this. For example, when writing letters we can reference the guide when asking for positions on the issues. We can also say we'll vote based on the guide. This should help us get some answers.

Additionally, I plan to write a monthly update in article format. Perhaps we could raise awareness by getting this into some college and independent newspapers. I may even go for the longest of longshots and submit it to the 2+2 magazine.

08-05-2007, 12:10 PM
Engineer, I love this report card! Too bad your posts don't get much attention at PPA, it's a shame /images/graemlins/confused.gif

08-05-2007, 12:17 PM
Thats why we need our own site to start funneling people to. Discussing it in the other thread a little. And if we can get some backing financially from the sites or ad revenues, we could start engineering some low content websites along with the main one to simply come up in Google searches. Twoplustwo isn't actively helping the cause visibly, so I think we would accomplish more still posting here, but funneling active people to a new site, non competing with 2p2 revenue wise or who we take ads from of course. I think if we work hard by Christmas we could organize high 4 figures of people to call/write someone different every week. That should help yield then dozens of people who live and vote in targeted districts to start working to defeat incumbent House and Senate members so we really get noticed in 08. Oh, and a PHAT donor list.

08-05-2007, 01:58 PM
Engineer, I love this report card! Too bad your posts don't get much attention at PPA, it's a shame /images/graemlins/confused.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! I'm hoping PPA will start working more actively with their members.

08-05-2007, 02:14 PM
8/4 Update:

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>114<font color="white">..... .</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>107<font color="white">..... .</font>73
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.... .</font>114

# of senators needed to totally block bill in senate *if* it passes the house --------1

[/ QUOTE ]


08-05-2007, 02:19 PM
8/5 Update, by Region:

<font color="white">.....................</font> With Us<font color="white">.....</font>Neutral/Unknown<font color="white">.....</font>Against us
Northeast<font color="white">............</font>40%<font color="white">.....................</font>49%<font color="white">..................</font>11%
West<font color="white">...................</font>41%<font color="white">.....................</font>41%<font color="white">..................</font>18%
Midwest<font color="white">..............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>45%<font color="white">..................</font>30%
Territories<font color="white">............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>25%<font color="white">..................</font>50%
South<font color="white">..................</font>18%<font color="white">.....................</font>34%<font color="white">..................</font>47%

The Northeast has 83 reps (plus one vacant seat), the West has 97 reps (plus the other vacant seat), the Midwest has 100 reps, the territories (Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) have four delegates, and the South has 154 reps.

As can be readily seen, the South is strongly against us. There are 284 non-Southern reps: 35% with us, 45% neutral/unknown, and only 20% against us. Of the 131 congressmen rated F, F*, or F-, 73 are Southern (56%).

08-05-2007, 02:22 PM
8/4 Update:

<font color="white">.....................</font> Dem<font color="white">.....</font>Rep
with us<font color="white">............</font>114<font color="white">..... .</font>15
neutral<font color="white">............</font>107<font color="white">..... .</font>73
against us<font color="white">.........</font>17<font color="white">.... .</font>114

# of senators needed to totally block bill in senate *if* it passes the house --------1

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

If we all thought this way, we would have quit before we even started, as even the House looked insurmountable at that time.

As for the Senate, most legislation is not passed unanimously, so it's not like each Senator has veto power.

We're not going to give up just yet. Sorry.

08-05-2007, 02:28 PM
so it's not like each Senator has veto power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wrong. Any senator can place a secret hold on any bill. This hold is basically a threat to filibuster same if necessary, which means that if a bill doesn't have the support sufficient to break a filibuster (60+), the leadership won't waste the time holding committee hearings or having debate.

And please don't think that I believe the efforts are wasted in the house *as long as* one then has a politically realistic endgame plan which is using the language crafted in the house to try to get attached in conference committee to must pass legislation.

If you believe otherwise, and since there is a finite amount of time before the end of this Congressional session, then why aren't you making this effort and giving reports on the senate? *If* this bill passes the house, you won't have the months of lobbying/letter writing time, that you have expended here once that bill hits the senate. And since it is in fact likely you need 60+ support in the senate, it is all the more imperative to be working on the senate *now*.

08-05-2007, 02:37 PM
Wrong. Any senator can place a secret hold on any bill.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are correct, but hopefully this changes real soon:
Senate May End Era of Cloakroom Anonymity (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/02/washington/02ethics.html?_r=1&amp;adxnnl=1&amp;oref=slogin&amp;adxnnlx=11 86338624-87fq38wxHf1OCI+Ps8y5sQ)

08-05-2007, 02:42 PM
From that article on the proposed rule change coming up for a vote:

"Under the proposed rule, any senator who instituted a hold would be required within six days after raising it to submit a Notice of Intent to Object to Proceeding that would state their name, the date, the matter at hand and the reason for issuing the hold. Any hold lifted within six Senate working days after it is placed would not have to be disclosed."

So all that means is that holds will have to be publicly known in order not to expire after a few days. Sen. Kyl won't have any problem with being outed for blocking the bills we seek to have passed. And his one hold will still be sufficient to totally block consideration of same in absence of a filibuster breaking super-majority who wishes otherwise.

08-05-2007, 02:44 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Right.

Any senator can place a secret hold on any bill. This hold is basically a threat to filibuster same if necessary, which means that if a bill doesn't have the support sufficient to break a filibuster (60+), the leadership won't waste the time holding committee hearings or having debate.

[/ QUOTE ]

That far from a veto.

And please don't think that I believe the efforts are wasted in the house *as long as* one then has a politically realistic endgame plan which is using the language crafted in the house to try to get attached in conference committee to must pass legislation.

[/ QUOTE ]

Barney Frank is a powerful committee chair. Obviously the idea is to get this through his committee and then get it attached to something. Sometimes you act like all politics is backroom deals. We do need to demonstrate political strength and support to get this attached to a good bill.

If you believe otherwise, and since there is a finite amount of time before the end of this Congressional session, then why aren't you making this effort and giving reports on the senate?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why don’t you? It would be more productive than posting unfounded negativity.

Sorry I’m doing enough to suit you. You do realize I’m one guy with a full-time job who also tries to get in plenty of poker hours, don’t you? Now I’m supposed to write reports on the Senate while making some effort to get legislation attached to must-pass legislation. How would I get legislation attached to anything? Hell, you’re probably wondering why I’m not publishing my own magazine and starting a cable network while I’m at it. Sorry pal…what I do is ask everyone here what we should do, then I post the consensus. That’s all. You want someone to do more……perhaps you should check your mirror before complaining that others aren’t doing enough.

*If* this bill passes the house, you won't have the months of lobbying/letter writing time, that you have expended here once that bill hits the senate. And since it is in fact likely you need 60+ support in the senate, it is all the more imperative to be working on the senate *now*.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fine. I recommend YOU get to work.


08-05-2007, 03:02 PM
If you believe otherwise, and since there is a finite amount of time before the end of this Congressional session, then why aren't you making this effort and giving reports on the senate?

[/ QUOTE ]

If you have an opinion on how we should proceed, why not post it, rather than putting down of efforts of those who are actually doing something?!?!? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

I'd like to hear your plan. Unless your only plan is that one where we don't actually need votes...just a magical backroom deal.

08-05-2007, 03:08 PM
Didn't we just go through all this?

What the Real Focus Needs to Be This Year to Legalize/Help Poker (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Board=law&amp;Number=11316961&amp;Searc hpage=1&amp;Main=11314924&amp;Words=+BluffTHIS%21&amp;topic=&amp;S earch=true#Post11316961)

08-05-2007, 03:26 PM
Sure and you felt it necessary to litter that thread with multiple posts slicing and dicing everything I said. And you didn't prove your point at all because you ignore political reality which includes not only the grassroots activism at which you excel, but also the *effective* strategy to translate that grassroots activism into results, at which you do not excel.

You ignore the fact that I am on your side. I just feel it necessary to constantly reiterate the point, that has been agreed with by our forum insiders (i.e. knowledgeable about how the political process works in Congress), that the only way we get what we want is by attaching our language to another bill which is must pass. Stating that truism isn't negative at all. It is realistic.

08-05-2007, 03:53 PM
the *effective* strategy to translate that grassroots activism into results, at which you do not excel.

[/ QUOTE ]

My point is that I cannot attach "our language to another bill which is must pass", so I don't see why you feel the need to keep posting this as if I'm a failure for not making that happen.

My strategy has produced far more results than your strategy, which seems to consist of putting down the people who are doing the work.

If you have a way to get our language added to a must-pass bill, please enlighten us all.

You ignore the fact that I am on your side.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sentence is the only evidence I have of that.

08-05-2007, 03:57 PM

08-05-2007, 04:16 PM
And you didn't prove your point at all because you ignore political reality which includes not only the grassroots activism at which you excel, but also the *effective* strategy to translate that grassroots activism into results, at which you do not excel.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Situation:

Opponents of online gaming took ten years to pass UIGEA, all while they controlled Congress and the White House (Clinton was no friend of ours). They passed it by getting an up-or-down vote of the freestanding vote in the House, after winning the same vote in committee. They sneaked it through the Senate as UIGEA (not 'IUGEA') once they had this victory.

One year later, Rep. Frank introduced IGREA. He recently stated that he needed 50 cosponsors before he'd feel strong enough to put the bill up for a vote. After all,a loss here puts us back in square one.

Me: Rep. Frank says he needs more cosponsors, so we should help him out. Seems he knows the political process, and he's certainly been a fierce advocate for us. I start a thread requesting people to write and call good prospects. Additionally, I remind people every single week to write to their senators, as we'll have business there someday. The PPA does the same....they send emails to people in promising districts to ask them to immediately call Congress.

BluffThis!: BluffThis thinks it's all backroom so it must be so. Not only is it so, but it must be repeated ad nauseum, although there's nothing we can do except what we're already doing....generating political support for our position. So, he starts a thread saying Frank is wrong...Rep. Frank doesn't need 50 cosponsors for IGREA, and he (Frank) is a fool to think so. Bluff knows this because he heard it from an unnamed person here who "understands how things really work".

Sure and you felt it necessary to litter that thread with multiple posts slicing and dicing everything I said.

[/ QUOTE ]

Simply replying to your posts to me.

08-05-2007, 05:08 PM
Back to point,no need to argue, lets save that for opponents.

08-05-2007, 05:29 PM
8/5 Update, by Region:

<font color="white">.....................</font> With Us<font color="white">.....</font>Neutral/Unknown<font color="white">.....</font>Against us
Northeast<font color="white">............</font>40%<font color="white">.....................</font>49%<font color="white">..................</font>11%
West<font color="white">...................</font>41%<font color="white">.....................</font>41%<font color="white">..................</font>18%
Midwest<font color="white">..............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>45%<font color="white">..................</font>30%
Territories<font color="white">............</font>25%<font color="white">.....................</font>25%<font color="white">..................</font>50%
South<font color="white">..................</font>18%<font color="white">.....................</font>34%<font color="white">..................</font>47%

The Northeast has 83 reps (plus one vacant seat), the West has 97 reps (plus the other vacant seat), the Midwest has 100 reps, the territories (Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) have four delegates, and the South has 154 reps.

As can be readily seen, the South is strongly against us. There are 284 non-Southern reps: 35% with us, 45% neutral/unknown, and only 20% against us. Of the 131 congressmen rated F, F*, or F-, 73 are Southern (56%).

[/ QUOTE ]


08-05-2007, 08:23 PM
You know Alaska being a small state population wise, and a LOADED field of Dem challengers for a Senate and one House Seat................You have them green and Young and Stevens are going down. If we have some Alaska people who cna find out who the Dems positioning themselves are for a primary run, getting a vocal committment from one and delivering him/her some votes might net us a friendly Senator.

08-05-2007, 08:30 PM
Alaska is green now because their only congressman, Don Young, is a really big supporter of our liberties. Alaskans tend to be libertarian and distrustful of the federal government. It would be great if we could pick up a pro-poker senator in the next election.

08-05-2007, 10:32 PM
Sen. Kyl won't have any problem with being outed for blocking the bills we seek to have passed.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is true considering he was doing all he could to block ethics reform legislation.


08-05-2007, 10:51 PM
Sen. Kyl won't have any problem with being outed for blocking the bills we seek to have passed.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is true considering he was doing all he could to block ethics reform legislation.


[/ QUOTE ]

Agree. It's no secret Kyl is fiecely against us.

Fortunately, that doesn't mean we can't get a bill through. After all, six months ago some people here were saying we were foolish to try to do anything at all against UIGEA.

We should just do our part to push for House and Senate support....popular support is better than none. Who knows where we can do once the bill passes the House Financial Services Committee. We may get it added to some legislation. Under paygo, everything has to be funded. Revenues associated with us may look attractive later this year. However, for this outcome we still have to show political support (somehow BluffThis thinks legislation that passed 317-93 in the prior legislative session routinely gets overturned simply by conference committee additions...no other vote required I guess....let's tell everyone who wants anything this secret).

08-05-2007, 11:28 PM
I just feel it necessary to constantly reiterate the point, that has been agreed with by our forum insiders (i.e. knowledgeable about how the political process works in Congress), that the only way we get what we want is by attaching our language to another bill which is must pass. Stating that truism isn't negative at all. It is realistic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps, instead of "constantly reiterat(ing)" your ideas by hijacking my threads, you could go to the proper thread, at Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Weekly action thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=9946416&amp;an=0&amp;page=0#Post 9946416) and post an actual plan there. You may find it's easier to find fault with others than it is to put your own ideas out for critique. So, go ahead and let us know what we need to do to get our language attached to some must-pass legislation, please, but do it over there where it counts.

By the way, your opinions, aren't "truisms", despite your tendency to post as if you are always right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong by definition.

I look forward to your plan. You know, the one that turns our grassroots efforts into results.


08-06-2007, 01:59 AM
Engineer. I have written to Mike Castle (R-DE) and recieved what I imagine was his form letter stating that he is opposed to legalizing internet gambling. If you would like me to send you the letter he sent me, I will. It didn't sound like he had any intention of changing his views.

From the little I know about delaware politics, I think his seat is safe. Even though he is a repulican in a blue state, he has a long history of politics in Del (serving his 8th term in the house, and former state gov.). Although I don't know how close his last race was.

08-06-2007, 10:37 AM
FYI- A little off topic, but Senator Kyl has more enemies than just us:


Washington DC, August 4, 2007 - The United States Senate yesterday joined the House in passing bipartisan legislation that will fix several of the most glaring problems with the U.S. Freedom of Information Act that were identified in six government-wide audits of FOIA practice carried out by the National Security Archive. The legislation, authored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tx.), overcame a hold placed by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Az) on behalf of Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department. It passed late Friday evening by unanimous consent, on the last day of the Congressional session before the August recess.

After multiple editorials, including several in Sen. Kyl's homestate Arizona Republic, assailed Kyl's position and nicknamed him "the Secrecy Senator,"

08-06-2007, 01:19 PM
Does anyone have any FOIA experience? I bet we could find out
loads of useful information if we could somehow subpoena emails about the regs AND WTO negotiations. I would think neither impact national security, though the WTO might be confidential by nature of the treaty itself. I just have zero idea how to go about using FOIA. That would just gall Kyl awful mighty to have it used against him the week after he lost his hold on it.

08-06-2007, 05:09 PM
Engineer. I have written to Mike Castle (R-DE) and recieved what I imagine was his form letter stating that he is opposed to legalizing internet gambling. If you would like me to send you the letter he sent me, I will. It didn't sound like he had any intention of changing his views.

From the little I know about delaware politics, I think his seat is safe. Even though he is a repulican in a blue state, he has a long history of politics in Del (serving his 8th term in the house, and former state gov.). Although I don't know how close his last race was.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I'll update him to "F".

08-06-2007, 06:04 PM
Has anyone here received a strongly-worded anti-Internet gaming letter from a senator? I'd like to figure out who the "F"s are. Obviously Kyl is an F-. Others may be against unregulated Internet gambling but may support IGREA. If we can get a few F's on the list, we may be able to get responses from some others, especially as the reting article is the #1 Google returned site for almost every representative when paired with either "gambling" or "poker" (even without an "online" qualifier).


08-06-2007, 06:22 PM
I can tell you initially Sen. Rockefeller, D. WV was initially 100% in favor of UIGEA which led to my follow-up letter and meeting (see thread earlier). I have since received 2 letters from him, neither spouting his initial position. The last touched on the Neteller mess and that under current legislation there was nothing to be done to help but he specifically pointed out the Frank bill that is pending.

On this he was, as expected, non-committal as to support.

However, again, I will point out he did not spout the full support as initially he did.

Sen. Byrd D. WV was not even aware that it was snuck into the Safe Ports Act believing it was never removed from the Union Calendar and told me not to worry since there was no legislation pending to bring back the UIGEA. He was surprised to learn different and may go along with something reasonable, he has never voiced support for UIGEA.

If time permits this can (I will try) to go back a few years. It seems every other year from early 2001 each house passed a form of UIGEA, just the other never took it up.
To me this indicated a true lack of support (passing when it was know the other would not). Frist &amp; Kyl upset the apple cart so to speak with the last minute maneuver they pulled.


08-06-2007, 07:13 PM
Cool...thanks for the heads-up.

08-06-2007, 07:34 PM
Another note, CNN On The money just did a piece on the candidates for president and so called 'sin' money - tobacco, wine / beer and gambling.

Seems Giuliani has received about 161,000 from Gambling Casinos so far, by far the most of any candidate.

Can we work this?


08-06-2007, 07:55 PM

Another note, CNN On The money just did a piece on the candidates for president and so called 'sin' money - tobacco, wine / beer and gambling.

Seems Giuliani has received about 161,000 from Gambling Casinos so far, by far the most of any candidate.

Can we work this?


[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know. Frist got a lot of casino money too.

I do think Giuliani would be good for us even if he is not on our side, as he'd likely start a process of liberating the Republican Party from social conservative domination.

Al D'Amato endorsed Fred Thompson for president, but I don't know if that means Thompson is for Internet poker or not.

08-06-2007, 08:20 PM
Never hurts to court a candidate, though.

His contact:

A letter to him sent as follows:

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Inc.
295 Greenwich St, #371
New York, NY 10007

Mayor Giuliani,

Congratulations on the outstanding support that the Gaming Industry is giving you!

I do hope this support is returned in kind with an eye as well on we Internet Poker Players. I am aware this is a touchy issue with the pressure being brought to bear by groups such as Focus on the Family and Senators such as Jon Kyl (R. AZ.).

However, this is an issue important to many Americans. As a long time republican I am saddened by the stringent position taken by our party and the negative light this casts on us making this issue of Online Gaming into an issue being successfully exploited by democrats in congress.

In-fact it is rumored that even Sen. Obama (a notoriously feared poker player) is nearing support for amending the current Unlawful Internet Gambling Act of 2006 passed at the midnight hour in the last congress by nefarious means with the help of former Sen. Frist (R. TN.) favoring amending this law to exempt and regulate Internet Poker.

I urge you to support the same and take this initiative away from the democrats.

There are an estimated 25 million American Internet Poker Players and in the mid-term election of 2006 the passage of the UIGEA cost us many tens of thousands of votes (many republican and independent votes) and in all likely hood was enough to sway several key elections.

Regulating Internet Poker will bring this out of the backrooms and into the light of day where a safe and secure environment will exist. This will allow much better monitoring to prevent underage playing as well as preventing money laundering schemes as currently feared by the current administration.

Regulation will help protect American families by allowing monitoring of deposits and deposit limits that are currently only in place on an ad hoc basis and vary from location to location.


Not my best effort, but gets the point across.


08-06-2007, 08:23 PM
is there any youtube or video of Carson during that hearing without having to watch the whole thing?

That would be good classic stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]


08-06-2007, 10:24 PM
Some good news folks, Cook Politcal Report published their first 2008 House report seats in jeapordy and 9 "F rated" reps are at risk:

Feel free to copy this anywhere you wish, I think it's some good info.


Here is the list with Engineer's ranking for at risk seats. As things get closer we should look at pouncing on the following: CO-04 Marilyn Musgrave F* ,CT--04 Christopher Shays F-, IL-10 Mark Kirk F, NM-01 Heather Wilson F*, NY-25 Jim Walsh F, NY-29 Randy Kuhl F*, NC-08 Robin Hayes F*, OH-01 Steve Chabot F*, WY-AL Barbara Cubin*# R F-

Republicans in a fight for their seat

AK-AL Don Young*# A
CA-04 John Doolittle# ?-
CO-04 Marilyn Musgrave F*
CT--04 Christopher Shays F-
IL-10 Mark Kirk F
NV-03 Jon Porter A-
NJ-07 Mike Ferguson ?-
NM-01 Heather Wilson F*
NY-25 Jim Walsh F
NY-29 Randy Kuhl F*
NC-08 Robin Hayes F*
OH-01 Steve Chabot F*
OH-15 Deborah Pryce ?-
PA-06 Jim Gerlach ?-
WA-08 Dave Reichert ?-
WY-AL Barbara Cubin*# R F-

For the Democrats they list 13 in jeapordy, mostly neutral except for Nancy Bodya, a "B"

Democrats in a fight for their seat

AZ-05 Harry Mitchell ?
CA-11 Jerry McNerney ?
FL-16 Tim Mahoney ?
GA-08 Jim Marshall ?-
KS-02 Nancy Boyda B
NH-01 Carol Shea-Porter ?
NY-19 John Hall ?
NY-20 Kirsten Gillibrand ?
OH-18 Zack Space ?
PA-04 Jason Altmire ?
PA-10 Chris Carney ?
TX-22 Nick Lampson ?
WI-08 Steve Kagen ?

08-06-2007, 10:54 PM
Nice post Uglyowl.....and some really good news for us.

08-09-2007, 09:36 PM
Published to Dailykos, at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/8/9/212038/3736

08-09-2007, 11:33 PM
Great diary. If you want to build in a little more advocacy, you can highlight the FoF connection. Lots of liberals would call their Congressman just for a chance to stick a thumb in Dobson's eye, he's like Public Enemy #1 at Daily Kos.

08-09-2007, 11:58 PM
Great diary. If you want to build in a little more advocacy, you can highlight the FoF connection. Lots of liberals would call their Congressman just for a chance to stick a thumb in Dobson's eye, he's like Public Enemy #1 at Daily Kos.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good call, thanks. I just updated it.

This is my first diary at the Daily Kos. It seems to be getting a lot of attention. I hope everyone will visit and comment to keep it visible on the home page.

08-10-2007, 12:06 AM
Just to be clear, unless you get enough recommends to make the "recommended diaries" list (which is never going to happen, sadly, for the stuff we're dealing with, the diary will automatically scroll down the "recent diaries" list and vanish into the archives once enough new diaries are posted by other users. This is the price you pay, I guess, for getting to post in a place that gets seen by so many eyes.

The fact that diaries have a short life span is why it's important to make sure you include good tags, so it will be sure to show up when people search for things like "poker" or "online gambling."

Even though recommends and comments won't technically make it stay up on the list any longer, it's good to get a discussion going, as people tend to scan the "recent diaries" list and gravitate towards the ones with more comments, figuring they must be interesting.

Also, a lot of people cross-post diaries from Daily Kos to mydd.com, which attracts a related but slightly different crowd. Fewer diaries get posted there, so you stay up on the front page a little longer. The posting system there is basically the same.

Thanks again for all your hard work.

08-10-2007, 05:31 PM
One more blog, this time on a conservative site: http://internetpokerrights.townhall.com/Default.aspx

It needs a little work still.

08-10-2007, 06:00 PM
Great diary. If you want to build in a little more advocacy, you can highlight the FoF connection. Lots of liberals would call their Congressman just for a chance to stick a thumb in Dobson's eye, he's like Public Enemy #1 at Daily Kos.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im working on a draft letter I am writing now. Two. One to Larry Flynt. The other to the DNC. Topic: Lowering the GOP numbers in Congress. I am trying to make the DNC one good, the Flynt one almost writes itself. Asking for money, help, anything, even someone from either camp to post here. Or if they liek to do it behind the scenes, at Bandit's temp site.
Good call, thanks. I just updated it.

This is my first diary at the Daily Kos. It seems to be getting a lot of attention. I hope everyone will visit and comment to keep it visible on the home page.

[/ QUOTE ]

Greg Miller
08-12-2007, 12:51 AM

I do think Giuliani would be good for us even if he is not on our side, as he'd likely start a process of liberating the Republican Party from social conservative domination.

Al D'Amato endorsed Fred Thompson for president, but I don't know if that means Thompson is for Internet poker or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

My concern with Giuliani is that he's pretty authoritarian in general. I wouldn't quite describe him as "Elliot Spitzer without the corruption scandal", but I don't know how much I trust him. Not sure on his views of Internet poker, either.

As for Thompson, he's an intense federalist and was the same way in the Senate. He's the kind of guy that's willing to lose a 99-1 vote when the federal government tries to grab power away from the states.

In other words, the UIGEA is a textbook example of his pet peeve. That said, presidents pick their fights and he might not choose this one, but it's hard to imagine him being in favor of federal anti-gambling laws, even if he's in favor of state anti-gambling laws.

Greg Miller
08-12-2007, 12:56 AM
One more blog, this time on a conservative site: http://internetpokerrights.townhall.com/Default.aspx

It needs a little work still.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was pleased to see that redstate.com (conservative equivalent of Daily Kos without nearly so much rage and vitriol) congratulated Jerry Yang on the front page for his WSOP win when it happened. It's one of those little things that reminds me that we may be closer to victory than it sometimes seems.

08-12-2007, 10:02 AM
A recent Cincinnati Enquirer article on the '08 House elections in the greater Cinci area.


Summary: Geoff Davis [R-KY} may not even face a Democratic challenger (very different from '06). Jean Schmidt [R-KY] and Steve Chabot already have strong challengers (and Schmidt has a strong primary challenge). I'll move Davis off the "L-rated" list if a challenger doesn't appear soon

08-15-2007, 08:00 PM
Good news, it's confirmed that Rep. Deborah Pryce (R, OH-15) will not be running for re-election in '08.

Link to Source (http://www.buckeyestateblog.com/oh_15_confirmed_pryce_to_announce_retirement_today _gopers_bail_on_race)

Another seat likely to head to the "D" column.

08-15-2007, 08:13 PM
Good news, it's confirmed that Rep. Deborah Pryce (R, OH-15) will not be running for re-election in '08.

Link to Source (http://www.buckeyestateblog.com/oh_15_confirmed_pryce_to_announce_retirement_today _gopers_bail_on_race)

Another seat likely to head to the "D" column.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet! Same for Dennis Hastert (not sure if it will be a "D", though).

08-16-2007, 08:49 PM
Looks like Rep. Chip Pickering (Engineer Ranking: ?) is gone too, maybe even before his term is up:

Chip Pickering (R) to resign (http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/08/16/320451.aspx)

In other (more significant) news:

Rumor: Dave Hobson (Engineer rating: F) to retire (http://daytonos.com/?p=67)

Running for his seat against, Bill Conner (http://www.connerforus.com/) , seems to be "anti Focus on the Family" in the issues: Right to choose, gay marriage not government issue, etc.

08-16-2007, 10:01 PM
Looks like Rep. Chip Pickering (Engineer Ranking: ?) is gone too, maybe even before his term is up:

Chip Pickering (R) to resign (http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/08/16/320451.aspx)

In other (more significant) news:

Rumor: Dave Hobson (Engineer rating: F) to retire (http://daytonos.com/?p=67)

Running for his seat against, Bill Conner (http://www.connerforus.com/) , seems to be "anti Focus on the Family" in the issues: Right to choose, gay marriage not government issue, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pickering voted for HR4411, and is ?-. Good riddance, I think.

The other news is awesome.

08-16-2007, 10:39 PM
Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th [R]

He's against us. I've written two or three letters expressing my displeasure with UIGEA, and his responses defend his support of the bill. He also came out against a proposed casino in his district. This district is quite conservative and has its share of religious crazies. Dover, Pa, home of the Creation V. Evolution trial of last year, is in this district. He's not in any danger, as he's well-liked by many Dem voters. He usually runs unopposed.

He must not be getting many poker-related letters, either, as he made it clear in response to my third letter that he was aware of my feelings on the matter of internet poker.

08-16-2007, 10:44 PM

I do think Giuliani would be good for us even if he is not on our side, as he'd likely start a process of liberating the Republican Party from social conservative domination.

Al D'Amato endorsed Fred Thompson for president, but I don't know if that means Thompson is for Internet poker or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

My concern with Giuliani is that he's pretty authoritarian in general. I wouldn't quite describe him as "Elliot Spitzer without the corruption scandal", but I don't know how much I trust him. Not sure on his views of Internet poker, either.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here are some thoughts on freedom from Rudy:

"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
-- Rudy Giuliani, in a 1994 speech

08-17-2007, 08:31 AM
OK everyone, like the USA Today yesterday lets fill this with somehow our points of views!

Lets keep them as that Fox guys says, short and pithy.

My comment:
Well, if enough of these ‘compassionate conservatives’ leave congress then perhaps Americans can begin to regain some privacy in their own homes.
Heck, I might even be able to, let see, how did Bachus (R.) put it, ah yes, play Poker in my robe!

I just want to know when that Kyl character in the Senate leaves!!!!


08-19-2007, 01:44 PM
Deborah Pryce (R-OH). OSU, plus regular Ohio voters, make her seat vulnerable.

[/ QUOTE ]

FYI. Price announced her retirement a few days ago and will not be running in 2008. This will likely be an important race nationally and is very much up for grabs. I will try to find out the stances of the two candidates which will likely be Mary Jo Kilroy (lost narrowly to Pryce last time), and Jim Petro (former Ohio Attorney General).

08-19-2007, 02:37 PM
Deborah Pryce (R-OH). OSU, plus regular Ohio voters, make her seat vulnerable.

[/ QUOTE ]

FYI. Price announced her retirement a few days ago and will not be running in 2008. This will likely be an important race nationally and is very much up for grabs. I will try to find out the stances of the two candidates which will likely be Mary Jo Kilroy (lost narrowly to Pryce last time), and Jim Petro (former Ohio Attorney General).

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

The numerous upcoming retirements should be helpful to us.

08-19-2007, 06:57 PM
Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th [R]

He's against us. I've written two or three letters expressing my displeasure with UIGEA, and his responses defend his support of the bill. He also came out against a proposed casino in his district. This district is quite conservative and has its share of religious crazies. Dover, Pa, home of the Creation V. Evolution trial of last year, is in this district. He's not in any danger, as he's well-liked by many Dem voters. He usually runs unopposed.

He must not be getting many poker-related letters, either, as he made it clear in response to my third letter that he was aware of my feelings on the matter of internet poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the info. I'll update accordingly