View Full Version : WSOP Radio broadcast: Hilarious commentary

07-18-2007, 11:52 PM
Was anyone listening? Some awesome comments, especially by Phil Helmuth and Robert Williamson III:

-someone made a comment to the effect of,
'its a party atmosphere in here; there's a topless woman'
'no that's a man with breast'
PH: 'I thought that was Gavin (Smith)
RW3: 'I was thinking the same thing'

Ripping a pro poker player about his man breasts in a live on air broadcast of the biggest poker event of the year. AWESOME!

Another great sequence:

PH: 'this isn't your typical sports commentary your getting here folks:

Unknown: 'thats right Phil. No one is talking about illegitimate children, steriods, or drunk driving offenses.'

RW3: 'Someone did say something about a rim though. Did that have something to do with Basketball?'

A pro poker player commentating an event and bringing up the subject of rimming. Absolutely awesome! Like nothing I've ever heard before. So casual and entertaining.

Let me know if anyone heard this awesomeness; or had any other memorable banter to contribute.

The Absurdist
07-19-2007, 12:18 AM
Where can I download this? I would love to hear the commentary. Does anyone have it recorded?

07-19-2007, 12:28 AM
It was on the official WSOP live commentary for the final table.

I only listened to about half an hour. I'd love to hear more. It was unreal.

The Absurdist
07-19-2007, 12:58 AM
I just went on the website and could not find it anywhere. If anyone can provide a link I will love you forever.

07-19-2007, 04:44 AM
I was listening most of the time - especally during the heads up - during the headsup they did not say much of interest to be honest, I feel there was a lot of scope for tem there to talk about HU play , what had happened up to then etc. OK they were probably tired by then.

07-19-2007, 07:32 AM
I just thought it was hilarious to discover the smart munchkin voice just before the HU part started was that of Gavin Smith.

He stated that there was room to play... given the blinds and stack size of Lam's.

07-19-2007, 10:38 AM
I listened to nearly all of it. I don't think it's been saved in downloadable format, unfortunately. From what I've read about the commentary on the PPV, the radio commentary was much more insightful and intelligent, giving Yang full credit for his aggressive approach.

The official announcers were Robert Williamson III and, curiously, Howard David of Monday Night Football radio broadcasts and other sportscasts. It was weird hearing his familiar raspy voice doing poker commentary, but he clearly knew what he was talking about. They were joined for long stretches by Gavin Smith and Tom Schneider.

Not only was the commentary helpful, but, as mentioned by OP, they did a good job of providing humor during the tanks and dull stretches. I would have watched the PPV if I'd known I could see it for free, but I'm glad I listened instead. When I missed something I could go to the hand records on the WSOP website. Meanwhile I was playing on Poker Stars.

07-19-2007, 02:33 PM
Listened to the live net-radio webcast. I thought the Jeffrey Pollack interview was interesting in that he invited listners to e-mail him with suggestions for improvement at jplt@harrahs.com.

He was in typical corporate suit mode of course, e.g., acknowledging early mis-steps, e.g. long lines for early events, but, I felt he was genuine in terms of wanting to offer the best product possible.

He said they are looking for an expanded playing area "footprint" without use of the Tent for tournament action. He said the Tent is "out" specifically for tournament play. Implying use of more of the enclosed space in the Convention Center, spreading sats to other HET properties, registration at any HET property, potentially moving out of the Rio etc. He said he thought the cash games and tournament tables in the same room lent to the overall excitement of the WSOP experience.

He said he was aware of other player concerns, e.g., the structures, and the radio commentators filled in with a Daniel quote, words to the effect of "we blew it" (the players advisory committee).

More to the OP's intent, did not capture sound bites from the commentary, but, thought they did about the best one could do under the circumstances. In all, liked the webcast. Comcast offered the PPV in my (Chicago area) locale, but I did not watch it or the hacked web-vidcast.