View Full Version : Khan Acted like [deleted] and I am glad he is gone

07-17-2007, 07:22 PM
He acted like a moron with his primal yells and I am glad he is done. Grow up young man.


07-17-2007, 07:22 PM
Oh yea he's worse than

yea right :roll:

07-17-2007, 07:22 PM
He acted like a moron with his primal yells and I am glad he is done. Grow up young man.


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07-17-2007, 07:26 PM

07-17-2007, 07:27 PM
He wasn't being disrespectful. He is just a young guy who was very excited and rightfully so. Get a life.

07-17-2007, 07:28 PM
Doing the Bushwhacker dance isn't as bad as praying to fictional characters every all and then asking the players you whack to pray for your victory.

07-17-2007, 07:33 PM
He acted like a moron with his primal yells and I am glad he is done. Grow up young man.


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Dude he just won pretty much a million he was just tryin to have a good time and give a few people some laughs layoff your the retard

07-17-2007, 07:33 PM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

07-17-2007, 07:36 PM
He acted like a moron with his primal yells and I am glad he is done. Grow up young man.


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07-17-2007, 07:47 PM
Doing the Bushwhacker dance isn't as bad as praying to fictional characters every all and then asking the players you whack to pray for your victory.

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true but theyre both bad

07-17-2007, 07:53 PM
Wasn't he yelling over at Phil H. about his car crash? Khan was mostly dork with a little douchebag mixed in. I've seen worse.

07-17-2007, 07:54 PM
Khan rules and you're a [censored]. Thank god for Phil Hellmuth putting Phil Gordon in his place when he tried to rag on Khan.

07-17-2007, 07:55 PM
Khan rocks, he is a very colorful character with a special type of humour. Khan was/is the funniest guy at the FT. Great Guy!

07-17-2007, 07:55 PM
Khan was the funniest and probably best player on the final table. OP is a retard.

If that asian priestwannabe wins it's so bad for poker it's [censored] amazing. Whine on him. I mean pray to god for money. Jesus christ. Calling himself a christian is a discrace to all christians and a discrace to all poker players.

Khan was just a happy crazy guy who did no harm.

Can't stop thinking how bad Yang is for poker. He is such a retard.

07-17-2007, 07:56 PM
You're a [censored]. Khan is the man. You're not.

07-17-2007, 07:58 PM
Op your a tard, stfu

07-17-2007, 08:02 PM
Khan plays well and is simply a demonstrative young man who is enthusiastic about his game and doesn't mind being a bit silly. If you dislike how he acts, you don't have to watch. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there are *just a few* people like this in poker nowadays, Khan is far from the worst.

El Diablo
07-17-2007, 08:03 PM

I thought Khan looked like a retard at the FT, but I liked him based on the interview I saw where he just seemed like a super excited and pumped up nice guy.

07-17-2007, 08:04 PM

07-17-2007, 08:05 PM

07-17-2007, 08:06 PM
Granted, the OP is pretty silly, but stuff like the above is why people deem this site laughable. State an opinion with some intellect behind it, not a cursing 16 year old's rant.

07-17-2007, 08:07 PM

07-17-2007, 08:12 PM

07-17-2007, 08:26 PM
haha you donk face op. You have no right to critique rain, I Don't watch poker just for the Donkament allins. AK vs jj. People watch poker for entertainment and what rainkhan does is fun to watch. If you cant handle it, don't play poker cuz you will lose all your money to the dozer.

07-17-2007, 08:26 PM
You are a moron. That is all.

07-17-2007, 08:28 PM
Nice come back, i can call you a moron anyday for no explaination. Nice hurting me really bad.

Kneel B4 Zod
07-17-2007, 08:28 PM

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this, and what el diablo said. he looked liked a tool at the ft

07-17-2007, 08:30 PM
You guys are just jealous he made a million dollar and you guys lost a Your whole BR.

07-17-2007, 09:27 PM
I was watching during a meeting at work and having a blast. Thanks for the laughs Khan, hope you had fun--sure looks like you did!

07-18-2007, 02:09 AM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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07-18-2007, 06:25 AM
I believe that Khan is so good for poker that he (if he doesn't dislike publicity, which I think he doesn't) will be welcomed by the media and poker industry with open arms.

I can say that I would watch every poker event that Khan is in for 2 reasons:
1. Entertainment. For me he is hilarious. Uninhibited but not a mean person towards others.
2. Teh pokahz. I think that Khan is a pretty good poker player. He may not be the best but he is definitely good. There are MANY good poker players but there are not that many who can ship their thought process to the viewers like Khan is able to. Watch Khan's first interview with pokernews.com and how he explained what was going on in a hand. This is IMO GREAT for the average poker show viewer.

Khan is young, extremely energetic, pretty funny and a good person. -> Khan is very good for poker.

EDIT: I just watched Khan's 2nd pokernews.com interview and again he proves that he knows a lot about poker (even though his excitement let's him speak very fast /images/graemlins/wink.gif and he proves that he is a nice guy. He freely admitted that Lee Watkinson was by far the best player at the table. He is speaking his mind and he certainly doesn't overrate his own poker game. At the end of the interview he makes 2 funny faces. This was of course planned but it was very 'gentle' and short. It has really become his trademark I think and when people will see him doing this funny stuff on TV in the future I believe that A LOT more people will love him than not like him.

Slow Play Ray
07-18-2007, 07:48 AM

I thought Khan looked like a retard at the FT, but I liked him based on the interview I saw where he just seemed like a super excited and pumped up nice guy.

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my thoughts precisely.

07-18-2007, 07:59 AM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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Temp Hutter
07-18-2007, 09:39 AM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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I am not sure why people think this guy's behavior is awesome. From what I witnessed first hand:

He busts a player and yells out at the top of his lungs to attract the cameras and reporters over to his table. Once they get there and the cameras are on him he stands up and starts doing some goofy dance. Meanwhile the guy he just busted is collecting his things and shaking hands with some of the players that he has been with for several hours. It is a lonely feeling when you get knocked out of the main event. The eliminated player attempts to shake the hand of khan, but khan is too busy waving his hands in the air and gyrating his hips while he makes some strange monkey noises to even notice the eliminated player.

the only people enjoying this display were the media. Every player within ear shot was disgusted with this behavior. Put yourself in the shoes of the eliminated player and tell me you would enjoy watching him act this way as you walk out of the tournament area.

07-18-2007, 09:42 AM
Khan rules wtf

07-18-2007, 09:44 AM
guys you can't deny that the robot/biting/yelling routine was the most awkward thing to watch in WSOP history.

07-18-2007, 09:45 AM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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I am not sure why people think this guy's behavior is awesome. From what I witnessed first hand:

He busts a player and yells out at the top of his lungs to attract the cameras and reporters over to his table. Once they get there and the cameras are on him he stands up and starts doing some goofy dance. Meanwhile the guy he just busted is collecting his things and shaking hands with some of the players that he has been with for several hours. It is a lonely feeling when you get knocked out of the main event. The eliminated player attempts to shake the hand of khan, but khan is too busy waving his hands in the air and gyrating his hips while he makes some strange monkey noises to even notice the eliminated player.

the only people enjoying this display were the media. Every player within ear shot was disgusted with this behavior. Put yourself in the shoes of the eliminated player and tell me you would enjoy watching him act this way as you walk out of the tournament area.

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Finally, a reply from someone who knows what the hell he's talking about.

07-18-2007, 10:07 AM

Bobby Cannoli
07-18-2007, 10:38 AM
Doing the Bushwhacker dance isn't as bad as praying to fictional characters every all and then asking the players you whack to pray for your victory.

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Who did he pray to, Elmer Fudd?

Assuming you're referring to Jesus, he's not fictional (i.e. made-up). He actually lived.

Sorry to be a nit, and it does sound like he was acting a bit strange (haven't seen it myself), but just wanted to set the record straight.


07-18-2007, 10:39 AM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is obviously on crystal meth

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07-18-2007, 10:50 AM

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That's a really intelligent contribution to this thread. You're awesome.

07-18-2007, 10:56 AM
I'm confused. Act like a jackass jumping around is ok. He is entertaining and fun to watch. On an unrelated note, he also happens to be an internet player. Get excited and praise jesus and you are the worst thing to happen to poker since Jamie Gold. Incidentally Yang is not an internet player.

Hard to say what is the bigger hypocrisy, Yang and his Jesus at the poker table or the ridiculious assertion that Khan's behavior is so much better.

07-18-2007, 02:34 PM
Out of all the other players at the final table, I could see Kahn as this year's Paul Wasicka.

07-18-2007, 02:36 PM
If Khan wasn't a 2+2 member, we'd all be bashing him for being like that Erik Molina kid.

07-18-2007, 02:42 PM
Khan NEVER berated other players, he's nothing like Molina IMO.

07-18-2007, 03:05 PM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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I am not sure why people think this guy's behavior is awesome. From what I witnessed first hand:

He busts a player and yells out at the top of his lungs to attract the cameras and reporters over to his table. Once they get there and the cameras are on him he stands up and starts doing some goofy dance. Meanwhile the guy he just busted is collecting his things and shaking hands with some of the players that he has been with for several hours. It is a lonely feeling when you get knocked out of the main event. The eliminated player attempts to shake the hand of khan, but khan is too busy waving his hands in the air and gyrating his hips while he makes some strange monkey noises to even notice the eliminated player.

the only people enjoying this display were the media. Every player within ear shot was disgusted with this behavior. Put yourself in the shoes of the eliminated player and tell me you would enjoy watching him act this way as you walk out of the tournament area.

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I saw this firsthand too. Khan yells at the top of his lungs and pumps his fists while his eyes bug out and his head shakes for about two minutes. It is some of the dorkiest behavior I have ever seen.

07-18-2007, 03:09 PM
If Khan didn't happen to be 2+2 the opinions of most people on here, in regards to his table antics, would be far far different

07-18-2007, 03:49 PM
Khan was just having a good time enjoying himself. He did not mean to rub it in peoples faces or cause problems we just enjoying himself. If you heard him when he did his interview with Gordon he was VERY respectful of all the players and sounded extremely knowledgeable.

07-18-2007, 03:54 PM
Kahn was awesome and if you watch any interview he is mega gracious and a nice guy. STFU!

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07-18-2007, 04:10 PM
Khan was just having a good time enjoying himself. He did not mean to rub it in peoples faces or cause problems we just enjoying himself. If you heard him when he did his interview with Gordon he was VERY respectful of all the players and sounded extremely knowledgeable.

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Being respectful in interviews AFTER acting like a jerk towards your fellow players (and the behavior Temp describes is purely jerk-ish) does not undo the damage or make up for the lack of basic courtesy during gameplay.

I haven't seen anything at all media/tv-related to this year's FT, but based on the reports in this thread, it sounds like Khan is trying to get media attention by acting crazy, and playing to the media like that is lame if it comes at the expense of basic respect for fellow players at the table.

El Diablo
07-18-2007, 04:14 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

07-18-2007, 04:15 PM
can someone 1ink me to the interview?

07-18-2007, 04:22 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

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Oh come on! He's entertaining and comes across as more likable than most players. I saw the video on youtube of him celebrating with the chair on his head and its just funny-- the jokes on him and he knows it; he's not trying to make fun of anyone else.

07-18-2007, 04:22 PM
it sounds like Khan is trying to get media attention by acting crazy, and playing to the media like that is +$EV even if it comes at the expense of basic respect for fellow players at the table.

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FYP. Unfortunately. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

07-18-2007, 04:22 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

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Yeah, this is something I don't get:

Either, you can't control your emotions at the poker table or in deep tournament situations, so you act like this involuntarily, which I suppose is excusable. Lame, but excusable.

OR, you actually do know better (which it sounds like Khan does, since he's all, like, the best guy ever in interviews and to his friends), but choose to portray yourself this way for effect. That makes no sense to me.

I just don't see get when it becomes appropriate or cool to act out in front of people you are competing against in a civilized game of cards. If people behaved that way in most other situations in life, they'd get their asses kicked and/or burn all their bridges. I suspect one day that some punk poker player will get to experience that consequence of acting like an obnoxious tool in public.

07-18-2007, 04:35 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

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Yeah, this is something I don't get:

Either, you can't control your emotions at the poker table or in deep tournament situations, so you act like this involuntarily, which I suppose is excusable. Lame, but excusable.

OR, you actually do know better (which it sounds like Khan does, since he's all, like, the best guy ever in interviews and to his friends), but choose to portray yourself this way for effect. That makes no sense to me.

I just don't see get when it becomes appropriate or cool to act out in front of people you are competing against in a civilized game of cards. If people behaved that way in most other situations in life, they'd get their asses kicked and/or burn all their bridges. I suspect one day that some punk poker player will get to experience that consequence of acting like an obnoxious tool in public.

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Shane you should really watch the 14 minute interview with him (cant find the link). He explains that he sees poker as a battle ground where emotions can run riot but at the end of the day you are together with a common interest and goal.

He also explains that he is aware going over board is risking getting into a physical confrontation and that he held back with one guy who was getting noticably angry.

At the end of the day hes eccentric and such a raw uncontrollable (yet innocent) display of emotion is funny and I dont see why anyone should be aggrevated by it.

07-18-2007, 04:37 PM
When the ESPN episodes air, people will cross the street to avoid the guy.

07-18-2007, 04:40 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

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Yeah, this is something I don't get:

Either, you can't control your emotions at the poker table or in deep tournament situations, so you act like this involuntarily, which I suppose is excusable. Lame, but excusable.

OR, you actually do know better (which it sounds like Khan does, since he's all, like, the best guy ever in interviews and to his friends), but choose to portray yourself this way for effect. That makes no sense to me.

I just don't see get when it becomes appropriate or cool to act out in front of people you are competing against in a civilized game of cards. If people behaved that way in most other situations in life, they'd get their asses kicked and/or burn all their bridges. I suspect one day that some punk poker player will get to experience that consequence of acting like an obnoxious tool in public.

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Shane you should really watch the 14 minute interview with him (cant find the link). He explains that he sees poker as a battle ground where emotions can run riot but at the end of the day you are together with a common interest and goal.

He also explains that he is aware going over board is risking getting into a physical confrontation and that he held back with one guy who was getting noticably angry.

At the end of the day hes eccentric and such a raw uncontrollable (yet innocent) display of emotion is funny and I dont see why anyone should be aggrevated by it.

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Someone link me to this interview please, sounds like he's even more of a hypocrite/tool than I originally suspected.

07-18-2007, 04:44 PM

To give you an idea of what people are talking about, if you're familiar w/ how the Mats dude acted in the ME with his crazy screams and running around and stuff, just take that and multiply it 10x and you've got Khan's table behavior.

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Yeah, this is something I don't get:

Either, you can't control your emotions at the poker table or in deep tournament situations, so you act like this involuntarily, which I suppose is excusable. Lame, but excusable.

OR, you actually do know better (which it sounds like Khan does, since he's all, like, the best guy ever in interviews and to his friends), but choose to portray yourself this way for effect. That makes no sense to me.

I just don't see get when it becomes appropriate or cool to act out in front of people you are competing against in a civilized game of cards. If people behaved that way in most other situations in life, they'd get their asses kicked and/or burn all their bridges. I suspect one day that some punk poker player will get to experience that consequence of acting like an obnoxious tool in public.

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Shane, sadly this attitude may hinder you from ever becoming a bonafide poker celebrity. Classy doesn't play that well on TV.

07-18-2007, 04:46 PM
Shane you should really watch the 14 minute interview with him (cant find the link). He explains that he sees poker as a battle ground where emotions can run riot but at the end of the day you are together with a common interest and goal.

He also explains that he is aware going over board is risking getting into a physical confrontation and that he held back with one guy who was getting noticably angry.

At the end of the day hes eccentric and such a raw uncontrollable (yet innocent) display of emotion is funny and I dont see why anyone should be aggrevated by it.

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What a huge tool then. It's like the guy who "can't control himself" on the golf course and screams and throws clubs and berates others, etc. Except in this case it's like 10X worse because by obnoxiously celebrating his own win, he's also celebrating someone else's loss. The kid needs to get a fkn grip. "Heat of the moment" as an explanation is not acceptable.

As an aside, I don't understand how this makes for good TV. I ball up my fists in rage every time one of these spazzes makes a huge scene, and I don't watch TV to get angry.

La Brujita
07-18-2007, 04:46 PM
I played with him in the main event, and while talking to him during the breaks found him to be a very nice guy.

But as we got deeper (and we had moved to different tables) I saw him act as poorly as anyone I've ever seen live.

He would scream so the cameras came, then act as crazy as possible to get media attention.

Everyone at my table was disgusted by how he acted.

It was remarkably disrespectful to the eliminated players.

El Diablo
07-18-2007, 04:48 PM

"hes eccentric and such a raw uncontrollable (yet innocent) display of emotion"

"he held back with one guy who was getting noticably angry."


07-18-2007, 04:58 PM

Shane, sadly this attitude may hinder you from ever becoming a bonafide poker celebrity.

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That's actually fine, but I could name several dozen poker players who have made the leap to "bonafide poker celebrity" without ever getting out-of-line. In fact, I'd say relatively few players have made their name by acting like morons at the table and even fewer have done it without earning the unanimous enmity of the poker world.

I recognize the need for poker players to be "entertaining," especially if they are trying to brand themselves, but I'm pretty sure it's not essential to becoming famous that you act like a jerk or a goof. If Khan thinks that his best shot of gaining celebrity (which, btw, is pretty useless in-and-of-itself) is acting like a loudmouth clown, then he is just admitting he doesn't have anything substantive to offer the poker-viewing public but will happily milk the generic attention that behaving obnoxiously earns him.

As for the argument that "poker is a battle ground" blah blah blah. Total bullsh*t in my mind. Everyone recognizes this--that the game is ruthless and about taking something from your opponent, even if your opponent is your best friend--but real professionals realize that, because it's that way for ALL of us in the competition, it's much simpler and more pleasant to act cordially, regardless of the subtext of war.

Also, I can't believe Rekrul is defending this behavior when he rails constantly about how cocky and arrogant young poker players are.

Maple Leafs
07-18-2007, 05:09 PM
I can almost stomach the over-reactions to your own big hands. You might be excited, nervous, relieved, etc. Fine.

But his actions during the big Hilm/Yang pot early on were ridiculous. You have two guys who are watching cards come out that could (and did) swing millions of dollars, and this guy is dancing around like an idiot. Yang and Hilm were quiet and focused on the board, and he's doing everything short of yell "look at me!"

07-18-2007, 05:13 PM
you guys are such squares

07-18-2007, 05:14 PM
you guys are such squares

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yeah, that describes me well.

07-18-2007, 05:15 PM
I dunno, I'm in the ignorant position to have never played live poker before so this may disqualify my opinion on the matter. But being 18 I guess I liken it to school; there's always one guy who acts like a tool and as a result hinders your progress- but hey at least its entertaining!

I find Jerry Langs behavior far more despicable. Here's a guy who thinks he has a direct connection with a celestial being that seeks to fill his pockets with material wealth whilst sending others to the rail.-- and he's not afraid to declare this by praying at the table and praising a "lord" in every interview. I fear Jerry Falwell has reared his ugly head in the guise of Jerry Lang. Lang should not be the ambassador of poker but "selling pencils from a cup"!

07-18-2007, 05:20 PM
I dunno, I'm in the ignorant position to have never played live poker before so this may disqualify my opinion on the matter. But being 18 I guess I liken it to school; there's always one guy who acts like a tool and as a result hinders your progress- but hey at least its entertaining!

I find Jerry Langs behavior far more despicable. Here's a guy who thinks he has a direct connection with a celestial being that seeks to fill his pockets with material wealth whilst sending others to the rail.-- and he's not afraid to declare this by praying at the table and praising a "lord" in every interview. I fear Jerry Falwell has reared his ugly head in the guise of Jerry Lang. Lang should not be the ambassador of poker but "selling pencils from a cup"!

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Somebody should start a thread about this Jerry Lang fellow...

07-18-2007, 05:22 PM
its not that he's 2p2 but rather that a lot of us actually know him and have met him. As he said in the booth during the broadcast, he's honestly like that when there are no camera around. He's just a crazy guy filled with tons of emotion playing for tons of money. At no point did he ever insult or say one derogatory word towards anyone he ever played against, and in the booth he talks about how he finds people who do that to be reprehensible. This is the reason he gets slack here, not because he's a young internet player, but because people know the person behind the media portrayal

07-18-2007, 05:22 PM
Khan will be more hated than Molina when the ESPN shows air

07-18-2007, 05:26 PM
He seemed pretty cool in the interview after he was bounced - but his table antics would get really old after the first time you saw his routine.

07-18-2007, 05:30 PM
its not that he's 2p2 but rather that a lot of us actually know him and have met him. As he said in the booth during the broadcast, he's honestly like that when there are no camera around. He's just a crazy guy filled with tons of emotion playing for tons of money. At no point did he ever insult or say one derogatory word towards anyone he ever played against, and in the booth he talks about how he finds people who do that to be reprehensible. This is the reason he gets slack here, not because he's a young internet player, but because people know the person behind the media portrayal

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I still don't get it: how does being eccentric and high-energy excuse not understanding basic poker--and human--etiquette? If you're friends with him, you should maybe teach him how to behave in polite society or something.

The fact that your boy is even being compared to Eric Molina--who became instantly known as the biggest douchebag in the history of televised poker for how he behaved on two days of play during one poker tournament--means he [censored] up big time.

07-18-2007, 05:30 PM
its not that he's 2p2 but rather that a lot of us actually know him and have met him. As he said in the booth during the broadcast, he's honestly like that when there are no camera around. He's just a crazy guy filled with tons of emotion playing for tons of money. At no point did he ever insult or say one derogatory word towards anyone he ever played against, and in the booth he talks about how he finds people who do that to be reprehensible. This is the reason he gets slack here, not because he's a young internet player, but because people know the person behind the media portrayal

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he gets slack cuz he's 2+2. that is the only reason.
If anything he should get more hate because of it...given he should know better than to act like a douche.
but everyone wants to be a reality TV star I guess.

07-18-2007, 05:34 PM
Good point, CDS. What is his 2p2 name anyway?

07-18-2007, 05:37 PM
you guys are such squares

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Khan comes across as an attention whore. It's embarrassing to watch his antics, he embarrassed himself and the profession of poker. It's not a matter of being square, it's a matter of not acting like a complete tool and disrespecting the other players around you. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but the image he puts forth is not beneficial to himself or poker.

"its not that he's 2p2 but rather that a lot of us actually know him and have met him. As he said in the booth during the broadcast, he's honestly like that when there are no camera around. He's just a crazy guy filled with tons of emotion playing for tons of money. At no point did he ever insult or say one derogatory word towards anyone he ever played against, and in the booth he talks about how he finds people who do that to be reprehensible. This is the reason he gets slack here, not because he's a young internet player, but because people know the person behind the media portrayal"

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This attitude reminds of parents who justify their kids bratty behavior , he's so cute , he doesn't mean anything by it, coddling the kid until he's a little terror and thinks acting like an idiot is acceptable behavior. I hear a whole lot of people justifying his immature and idiotic conduct.You want to be respected, act with dignity, you seek attention, then act like a clown. I'm sure he's a nice a guy , full of emotion, but so were the vast majority of players playing , they conducted themselves with dignity and class.

07-18-2007, 05:38 PM
I liked him based on the limited footage of him I have seen regardless of his 2p2 status. Anyway he has like 36 posts???

I do fear, however, that after seeing the entire even televised I may have to preside over to Shaniac, EL D et als view that he needs to be crowned the new douche of the year (in poker).

07-18-2007, 05:44 PM
the whole time I was watching and hearing about his antics...I was thinking about this guy.


07-18-2007, 05:47 PM
Here's the 14 min interview (http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/mediacenter/video.asp?v=HEVAD%20KHAN.wmv&m=7&d=17&y=2007).

07-18-2007, 05:47 PM

what is worse:

-green blazer
-acting obnoxious at the table

just curious

07-18-2007, 05:51 PM
Phil Hellmuth's Black Belt Poker Course. Awesome.

07-18-2007, 05:51 PM

what is worse:

-green blazer
-acting obnoxious at the table

just curious

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green blazer, not close, but we're not talking about my fashion choices in this thread.

07-18-2007, 05:53 PM
Here's the 14 min interview (http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/mediacenter/video.asp?v=HEVAD%20KHAN.wmv&m=7&d=17&y=2007).

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The volume on the interview is messed up (at least on my comp) but I did order a bunch of Glass Dealer Buttons.

07-18-2007, 05:58 PM

"hes eccentric and such a raw uncontrollable (yet innocent) display of emotion"

"he held back with one guy who was getting noticably angry."


[/ QUOTE ]


07-18-2007, 06:05 PM
The fact that you guys even compare him to Eric Molina leads me to believe that you guys have no [censored] clue about anything. Eric Molina was a [censored] tool who had no idea what he was doing and was a complete PRICK and he knew he was being a prick and he was prick to people. Khan was just having a good time. He wasn't doing it to be an [censored] or to get under anyone's skin its just what he does. He [censored] enjoys himself. I'm sorry that you are so uptight that you can't see that. You must never have fun ever. Or your idea of fun is sitting around knitting a [censored] sweater. Get over it. He's a good player and obviously very intelligent. This won't be the last you hear of him.

07-18-2007, 06:09 PM
Agree Molina was much worse, but Khan was super annoying all the same.

I wanted to punch Molina in the mouf; with Khan, I just wanted to change the channel.

07-18-2007, 06:11 PM
The fact that you guys even compare him to Eric Molina leads me to believe that you guys have no [censored] clue about anything. Eric Molina was a [censored] tool who had no idea what he was doing and was a complete PRICK and he knew he was being a prick and he was prick to people. Khan was just having a good time. He wasn't doing it to be an [censored] or to get anyone skin its just what he does. He [censored] enjoys himself. I'm sorry that you are so uptight that you can't see that. You must never have fun ever. Or your idea of fun is sitting around knitting a [censored] sweater. Get over it. He's a good player and obviously very intelligent. This won't be the last you hear of him.

[/ QUOTE ]

No need to resort to argumentum ad hominem. Anyway, if anyone is qualified in using Eric Baloni as a comparison of douche-baggery it is shaniac.

07-18-2007, 06:13 PM
I was having some fun at Yang's expense in other threads but I do believe, based on what I've heard I haven't seen any of this, that his actions were spontaneous.

With Khan, on the other hand, I just think that calling the cameras over and _then_ going into your schtick is super lame. This doesn't refer so much to the final table because of course the cameras were on that all the time, but the situation Temp Hutter described. That was weak.

07-18-2007, 06:20 PM
The fact that you guys even compare him to Eric Molina leads me to believe that you guys have no [censored] clue about anything. Eric Molina was a [censored] tool who had no idea what he was doing and was a complete PRICK and he knew he was being a prick and he was prick to people. Khan was just having a good time. He wasn't doing it to be an [censored] or to get anyone skin its just what he does. He [censored] enjoys himself. I'm sorry that you are so uptight that you can't see that. You must never have fun ever. Or your idea of fun is sitting around knitting a [censored] sweater. Get over it. He's a good player and obviously very intelligent. This won't be the last you hear of him.

[/ QUOTE ]

No need to resort to argumentum ad hominem. Anyway, if anyone is qualified in using Eric Baloni as a comparison of douche-baggery it is shaniac.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, no...I never made the comparison...simply saying that if the comparison was made, it doesn't reflect well on how Khan came off (I still haven't seen it), regardless of his best intentions.

dr whitetrash
07-18-2007, 06:22 PM
The fact that you guys even compare him to Eric Molina leads me to believe that you guys have no [censored] clue about anything. Eric Molina was a [censored] tool who had no idea what he was doing and was a complete PRICK and he knew he was being a prick and he was prick to people. Khan was just having a good time. He wasn't doing it to be an [censored] or to get anyone skin its just what he does. He [censored] enjoys himself. I'm sorry that you are so uptight that you can't see that. You must never have fun ever. Or your idea of fun is sitting around knitting a [censored] sweater. Get over it. He's a good player and obviously very intelligent. This won't be the last you hear of him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ughhhhhhhh...It doesn't matter wether he was doing it to be a prick or just to have a good time. It's still acting like a douche bag. You still shouldn't jump up from the table sreaming like an idiot after winning a hand. I don't care how cool or nice he is. If your at the movies and the guy in front of you is talking loudly the whole time, does it matter if he's a super cool guy? Does it matter if he's just having fun? No. I'm sick of people making excuses for crappy behavior, on and off the poker table.

07-18-2007, 06:26 PM
This is not from the final table, but earlier in the tournament.


07-18-2007, 06:38 PM

As for the argument that "poker is a battle ground" blah blah blah. Total bullsh*t in my mind. Everyone recognizes this--that the game is ruthless and about taking something from your opponent, even if your opponent is your best friend--but real professionals realize that, because it's that way for ALL of us in the competition, it's much simpler and more pleasant to act cordially, regardless of the subtext of war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just QFT. That is all. So well put.

Khan/Gold/Hellmuth et al. are all just better publicized versions of the loser table coach in your card room or your chat box. They're all just humiliating themselves and they don't even know it.

El Diablo
07-18-2007, 06:53 PM

"its just what he does."

Except that it's sounding more and more like a calculated plan to get TV time, which is a lame reason to act that way.

07-18-2007, 07:47 PM
Everyone who knows the guy says he's a silly energetic guy. He's being himself - like him or not. I didn't find him annoying at all. I liked the silliness.

07-18-2007, 08:22 PM
So...to summarize the thread:

We don't all agree that it's inherently lame/wrong to act like a douchebag at the poker table as long as it's for the purposes of getting on tv or winning money, or a supposedly natural extension of someone's usual personality.

07-18-2007, 08:28 PM
So...to summarize the thread:

We don't all agree that it's inherently lame/wrong to act like a douchebag at the poker table as long as it's for the purposes of getting on tv or winning money, or a supposedly natural extension of someone's usual personality.

[/ QUOTE ]

We're well beyond poker now. Take out the phrase "at the poker table" above and you'll see what I mean.

It's a gray area where everyone has to make their own decision on percent-D-Baggedness.

I was a big critic of Khan's antics, but I'd rather hang out with him in real life than with JGold or Molina FWIW, and I'd try to get him to chill with his act at the poker table, but if he didn't, I guess I could shrug it off and still hang with him.

07-18-2007, 08:32 PM
So...to summarize the thread:

There are still surprisingly plenty of grumpy old men on the 2p2 boards

[/ QUOTE ]


07-18-2007, 08:47 PM
So...to summarize the thread:

There are still surprisingly plenty of grownups on the 2p2 boards

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

07-18-2007, 08:56 PM
My summary would be pretty much the usual one. People who only watch these events on TV think it's funny. People who only play in these events don't. People who do both are in between.

Edit : That's probably unfair. I'm sure there are a lot of viewers who don't play in these events who still don't like the antics. But this is something I have noticed in related threads (eg Humberto). The vast majority of the posters who think it's "entertaining" or "good for poker" won't ever have to face someone doing it to them when they've busted out of a $10K event.

07-18-2007, 09:13 PM
There was no split in opinions about the guy among those watching the final tables in person. And there will be no split in opinions about the guy when the ESPN episodes are aired. The guy is a giant douchebag with no regard for his fellow players.

El Diablo
07-18-2007, 09:16 PM

I don't get why some people defend Khan's antics but rip on Humberto's.

07-18-2007, 09:19 PM

I don't get why some people defend Khan's antics but rip on Humberto's.

[/ QUOTE ]


07-18-2007, 09:20 PM

I don't get why some people defend Khan's antics but rip on Humberto's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because Humberto is "old" and "foreign"

07-18-2007, 09:28 PM

I don't get why some people defend Khan's antics but rip on Humberto's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Assuming you aren't leveling :

Brenes is doing it all as a media ploy. He is nowhere like his media persona when there aren't cameras around. Doing things specifically for the camera = douchey.

Khan is just a crazy hyper dude, not to mention he hasn't been playing live poker for 30(?) years.

07-18-2007, 09:29 PM

I don't get why some people def

07-18-2007, 09:39 PM

I don't get why some people defend Khan's antics but rip on Humberto's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Assuming you aren't leveling :

Brenes is doing it all as a media ploy. He is nowhere like his media persona when there aren't cameras around. Doing things specifically for the camera = douchey.

Khan is just a crazy hyper dude, not to mention he hasn't been playing live poker for 30(?) years.

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm sure there were plenty of other crazy hyper dudes at the WSOP. I imagine plenty of them chose not to act crazy and stupid after busting someone out in a hand.

I normally will give someone leeway if it is a crazy hand like runner runner straight or u hit some miracle card on the river to stay alive. But if it is A7 vs. AQ, 1010 vs AK or some other random hand where you go apeshit cuz u didn't get sucked out on, all the while the other dude is packing up his stuff and saying his goodbyes...your acting like a douche in my book.


El Diablo
07-18-2007, 09:39 PM

"Brenes is doing it all as a media ploy. He is nowhere like his media persona when there aren't cameras around. Doing things specifically for the camera = douchey."

Did you read Temp and Brujita's posts?

07-18-2007, 09:41 PM

Shane, sadly this attitude may hinder you from ever becoming a bonafide poker celebrity.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's actually fine, but I could name several dozen poker players who have made the leap to "bonafide poker celebrity" without ever getting out-of-line. In fact, I'd say relatively few players have made their name by acting like morons at the table and even fewer have done it without earning the unanimous enmity of the poker world.

I recognize the need for poker players to be "entertaining," especially if they are trying to brand themselves, but I'm pretty sure it's not essential to becoming famous that you act like a jerk or a goof. If Khan thinks that his best shot of gaining celebrity (which, btw, is pretty useless in-and-of-itself) is acting like a loudmouth clown, then he is just admitting he doesn't have anything substantive to offer the poker-viewing public but will happily milk the generic attention that behaving obnoxiously earns him.

As for the argument that "poker is a battle ground" blah blah blah. Total bullsh*t in my mind. Everyone recognizes this--that the game is ruthless and about taking something from your opponent, even if your opponent is your best friend--but real professionals realize that, because it's that way for ALL of us in the competition, it's much simpler and more pleasant to act cordially, regardless of the subtext of war.

Also, I can't believe Rekrul is defending this behavior when he rails constantly about how cocky and arrogant young poker players are.

[/ QUOTE ]

The people in my home game know who Sheikan and Matusow are. They know who Humberto Brenes is. They know who Phil Laak is. I think maybe one of them knows who Alex Jacob is.

I think in the past when the fields were smaller and the poker boom was still exploding, it was easier for a guys like Hansen, Negreneau, or even Mizrachi etc. to win a couple tourneys and get notoriety. Now you have to win the main event, win some unprecedented amount of other tourneys in a year, or do something else non-winning-related to get notoriety while the cameras are rolling.

It's sort of like that first group of super-super-models - Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour, etc. I still remember their names because the whole concept of a batch of celebrity super models was new. But I don't remember any of the 2nd wave of celeb supermodels that came after.

I think poker stardom had gotten and will continue get a lot harder to come by. Most of the books have been written, and the majority of the pantheon of poker heroes has been set for a while to come.

Possibly knowing all this on some level, and Khan already being the kind of guy he is, I think he just said "why not go balls out and give it a shot". You can always apologize and make amends later. If you can leverage an opportunity to climb the celeb ladder, Pissing off a few tourney pros is the least of your worries.

I'm not saying I would or could act like that, but it just makes me wonder how many other climbs to fame started with stepping on a few heads.

La Brujita
07-18-2007, 09:47 PM

i played with him before the cameras and he was a bit excitable on day 1, but on day 2 evening as a big stack (he was at the table next to me with gus and sorel), he would wait for the cameras and then start dancing and screaming.

me jc tran and this irish dude who ft'd the me a few years back all shook our heads in disgust.

07-18-2007, 09:51 PM
And by the way, I hope it's well-established by now that Phil Laak is "just like that." You can still think he's annoying, of course, but he certainly doesn't do it just for the cameras.

07-18-2007, 10:16 PM
Khan put a chair on his head, but did he shove the chair in anyone else's face? And did he slowroll people with pocket Aces?

07-18-2007, 10:27 PM

i played with him before the cameras and he was a bit excitable on day 1, but on day 2 evening as a big stack (he was at the table next to me with gus and sorel), he would wait for the cameras and then start dancing and screaming.

me jc tran and this irish dude who ft'd the me a few years back all shook our heads in disgust.

[/ QUOTE ]

Scott Gray ? If so, you couldn't meet a nicer fella or a much better player, and if Scott thought it was offside that's good enough for me.

La Brujita
07-18-2007, 10:37 PM
yup that was him. good guy, told great stories about many things including being a bookie in the bronx.

he was disgusted.

07-18-2007, 11:52 PM
I felt embarrassed for him, that's usually a bad sign.

07-19-2007, 02:19 PM
Khan rocks, he is a very colorful character with a special type of humour. Khan was/is the funniest guy at the FT. Great Guy!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, we need more loud, obnoxious douchebags in poker. Good for the sport. Err, game.

07-19-2007, 04:43 PM
His after table interviews showed him to be an OK young man, but

I thought it was pretty out of line when he started dancing when Yang and (Hilm or Watkinson) were all in in a big pot.
He obviously knew it was a big hand which would make the broadcast and he was trying to get attention, can't particularily blame him when you see how Laak built a career on the same crap, but still it was diserspectful.

07-19-2007, 04:48 PM
anyone who doesn't think khan's final table antics were incredibly lame and douche-like, is very likely to be a douchebag themselves.

that kid was a clown and i would have been embarrassed if one of my friends acted like that.

07-19-2007, 05:36 PM

i played with him before the cameras and he was a bit excitable on day 1, but on day 2 evening as a big stack (he was at the table next to me with gus and sorel), he would wait for the cameras and then start dancing and screaming.

me jc tran and this irish dude who ft'd the me a few years back all shook our heads in disgust.

[/ QUOTE ]

This makes me sad, because I totally bought into the notion that he was just naturally spastic.


07-19-2007, 06:20 PM
So...to summarize the thread:

We don't all agree that it's inherently lame/wrong to act like a douchebag at the poker table as long as it's for the purposes of getting on tv or winning money, or a supposedly natural extension of someone's usual personality.

[/ QUOTE ]

i love your posts, shane, and i usually agree with you.

07-19-2007, 07:36 PM

what is worse:

-green blazer
-acting obnoxious at the table

just curious

[/ QUOTE ]

green blazer, not close, but we're not talking about my fashion choices in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually just watched that ep of the WSOP and I was thinking...where can I get a blazer like that. And Im not even kidding. I thought it was sick.

But then again, I cant figure out why guys where things like Oakleys, striped collared shirts and cacky pants. I guess I just have a weird fasion sense.

07-19-2007, 07:39 PM
anyone who doesn't think khan's final table antics were incredibly lame and douche-like, is very likely to be a douchebag themselves.

that kid was a clown and i would have been embarrassed if one of my friends acted like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-19-2007, 11:06 PM
anyone who doesn't think khan's final table antics were incredibly lame and douche-like, is very likely to be a douchebag themselves.

that kid was a clown and i would have been embarrassed if one of my friends acted like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-19-2007, 11:23 PM
haha you donk face op. You have no right to critique rain, I Don't watch poker just for the Donkament allins. AK vs jj. People watch poker for entertainment and what rainkhan does is fun to watch. If you cant handle it, don't play poker cuz you will lose all your money to the dozer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Khan's antics were not just annoying, but just plain stupid. He was just trying to get people to look at him in much the same way that a five year old acts up in order to get attention.

Also: nice grammar for someone who calls someone else a 'donk face'.

07-20-2007, 05:34 AM
Khan might the most despised player in WSOP history (pre-ESPN telecast)

07-20-2007, 06:50 PM
Khan IS like that in other areas, he gets excited. Doesn't really matter if you think he was playing it up or not but especially in gaming he did before poker(marvel vs Capcom 2) the things he did at the WSOP were fairly mild. I think most poker players really need to relax, way too uptight. If he's not berating other players/getting in other players faces I dont think its a problem, difference between Brenes and khan is Brenes gets in your face with the chark goads you etc.

07-20-2007, 06:55 PM
I hate the guy already and I only listened to the audio and followed the threads. I havent even seen the footage yet.

another online poker douchebag to add to the list

07-20-2007, 08:01 PM

And by the way, I hope it's well-established by now that Phil Laak is "just like that." You can still think he's annoying, of course, but he certainly doesn't do it just for the cameras.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was playing in a cash game with Phil Laak and Mike Gracz at Bay 101 and Phil was explaining to Mike how he did all of that stuff on televised tournaments specifically for the cameras to get meadia attention. He thought it was a good business decision to play up to the cameras.

Phil was super nice and polite during the entire session and never did anything outrageous or crazy. HE definitely is an eccentric guy, and seems very cool, but that just makes his TV antics that much lamer.

07-20-2007, 08:05 PM
I wonder if people deffending Khan have actually played in a 10k+ buy-in event? Or if they have gone deep in a 10k+ tournament? I think these people have no idea how it feels to get knocked out in one of these things, specially if you have gone somewhat deep. It is a really gross feeling, and to have some kid act like an idiot while you just got eliminated, makes the entire experience that much worse.

07-20-2007, 08:20 PM
Oh, I have no doubt he plays it up. I'm just saying I've known him for much longer than he's been a poker celebrity and he's always been a spaz.

El Diablo
08-07-2007, 12:29 AM

Stars liked it! (http://www.liquidpoker.net/information/f/262542/1/I_ve_been_signed_to_Team_PokerStars.html)

08-07-2007, 07:24 AM
What is his 2+2 SN?

08-07-2007, 07:36 AM

08-07-2007, 09:41 AM
i used to play video game tournaments with him around 2002-06

really nice guy, goes overboard sometimes but he's just having a good time, don't think he ever means any harm with his actions or comments

El Diablo
08-07-2007, 01:15 PM

Khan posted there that he has been signed to Team PokerStars.