View Full Version : I moved up and back down

07-13-2007, 08:22 AM
Wierd, I hit a $330 bankroll and decided to move upto 20nl early. Im destroying 10nl but as soon as I move up i have the swingyest night ever, i went down and up two bi in one night and finished up + 0.75bi.

Then the second night i finished up -1.5bi.

It sucked, i didnt really play any different, i just kept getting killed all over. Silly thing is, i moved back down and then won like 2bi over 20hands.

Is this just luck or variance? 20nl CANNOT be any harder than 10nl.

07-13-2007, 08:25 AM
wait until you have 20 buy ins, then move up. If you hit a bad run move down when falling below 15 buy ins. works for me. Might just be variance, but you are probably not playing your A game due to scared monies.

07-13-2007, 08:43 AM
i agree. i dont think it ever hurts to be slightly overolled for a particular level. if anything from a psycholgical point of view there is less pressure on u and losing 2-3 BI's isnt a big deal