View Full Version : Suggestion for *one-and-only-one* official neteller thread

07-12-2007, 08:54 PM
The legislation forum does not need new neteller threads created every damn day, and I would urge the mods to make one official thread for this forum for that topic, and to immediately lock/delete all others, just as is done in the zoo. The fact is most of the threads started here really have no legal issue re neteller, but are just more of the same whining about when neteller will pay up, and should really be in the zoo anyway. One such thread at a time is all that is needed.

07-12-2007, 09:03 PM
The legislation forum does not need new neteller threads created every damn day, and I would urge the mods to make one official thread for this forum for that topic, and to immediately lock/delete all others, just as is done in the zoo. The fact is most of the threads started here really have no legal issue re neteller, but are just more of the same whining about when neteller will pay up, and should really be in the zoo anyway. One such thread at a time is all that is needed.

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07-12-2007, 10:56 PM

07-13-2007, 04:48 AM
The legislation forum does not need new neteller threads created every damn day, and I would urge the mods to make one official thread for this forum for that topic, and to immediately lock/delete all others, just as is done in the zoo.

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In general, I disagree with most of the "official thread" enforcers. It would be as if the NY Times said they will only allow the headline "Iraq" on the front page every day for anything do to with Iraq. New threads with new subjects are valuable for discussing new information. I for one do not bother to read "official threads" with several hundred posts, which means I probably miss some good info. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

07-13-2007, 07:56 AM
I for one do not bother to read "official threads" with several hundred posts, which means I probably miss some good info. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

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07-13-2007, 09:35 AM
These threads all just say the same stuff though and the only new info is that the payout is delayed yet again. Plus when there isn't a legislative angle to same, there isn't any reason for it being in this forum instead of the zoo. Those official threads have helped a lot in the zoo to keep it from being cluttered with an endless procession of threads on the same topic by posters too lazy to bump a recent one and add to it.

07-13-2007, 09:57 AM
I have to agree with BluffThis. I don't think we need one and only one official thread for each topic (i.e., one for our lobbying efforts, one for eWallets, one for IGREA, etc). However, there are eight Neteller threads on the first page of Legislation. Most are, "When Do We Get Paid". Reviewing the info in them, seems there should be two max: when do we get paid?, and FBAR: how do I fill out, do I have to, and by when?.

This leaves us with flexibility to start a new thread if something urgent happens, but keeps us from getting cluttered with new threads started for routine questions.

07-13-2007, 10:02 AM
You mean like this one. (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=law&Number=7868345&page=0 &fpart=10)

Lockdown in process........