View Full Version : My Progress So Far

07-12-2007, 04:56 AM
I've returned to NL (mainly .25/.50 ) after a few months with a real commitment to become a profitable player. In total I've been playing for about 4 months. I'll many chapters from several of the classic poker books, such as Skalansky and own a copy of Poker Academy Pro.

After consitently losing money (however with good spells), even playing reasonably tight I have tried a new approach the last few evenings, only playing the top 10 or so hands. (while maintaining sufficent aggression). So far this seems to be working, I'm risking less money on drawing hands like suited connectors. I see the flop about 20% of the time and still get called by enough players when occansionally enter the pot, even with a raise.

In general, is this a reasonable approah to 'beating' the .25/.50 stakes?

Also I have been using a standard raise of $1 (only two times the BB). This seems to be effective at knocking out calkers apart from 1-2. Is this too low?

07-12-2007, 05:48 AM
20% Vp$iP is fine, i think, others may play at rate of 30 oder even 40% profitable, but that is only for really good post flop players.

I highly reccomend raising more preflop. you keep the trash hands in when you raise only 2bb. it works an a real tight table i guess, but you want a good sized pot with your good hands. hitting the nuts on the flop with 4bb is basically a crap pot cause noone investet that much and everybody can lay down his hand easily.

i would raise at least 3 if not 4bb +1bb per limper.
as you play only your good hands you are often ahead and if you take down a 10bb pot with your c-bet it's much more profitable.

I think pokey has a real good post about that topic.
The reasoning is that you keep your opponent guessing about the strength of you hand if you allways bet the same amount.
if you always raise your aces to 10bb noone will call it, if you raise to 2bb your opponent stacks you with his 45o.