View Full Version : Anti Gambling Senator number on escort service list

07-10-2007, 07:38 AM
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., apologized Monday night for "a very serious sin in my past" after his telephone number appeared among those associated with an escort service operated by the so-called "D.C. Madam."


Voted YES on banning Internet gambling by credit card. (Jun 2003)

Vitter's view on Indian Gambling

web page (http://vitter.senate.gov/?module=PressRoom/VittersView&ID=1a84b3b2-912d-416e-aa01-73fa8e210798)

What a bunch of frauds, this guy need to go

Ron Burgundy
07-10-2007, 08:01 AM
Fraud? I don't see any evidence of that. He cheated on his wife, so what? What does that have to do with internet gambling?

Yeah, he's a phony religious fundamentalist douche, but getting a massage with a happy ending is not a reason to be kicked out of office.

If Paul or Frank or Wexler's name shows up on the list, would you call them frauds too?

Let's stick to the issues. Using this as an excuse to get rid of anti-gambling politicians is stooping to their level of sleaze and dishonesty.

07-10-2007, 08:19 AM
By "fraud", I think he meant "hypocrite".

07-10-2007, 08:26 AM
I am not saying he should be kicked out of office, but voted out, absolutely. When you run as a ‘family values” conservative than damn right you should be booted out on the street by the voters you betrayed. Maybe I am stooping, I don’t know, but I am pissed off beyond belief at these phonies.

These ultra conservative zealots spout family values over and over and over again why certain activities need to be outlawed by the government because they ruin families. I can’t think of a single activity that is more harmful to the family structure and more “anti family values” than paying for sexual favors from an escort service.

07-10-2007, 08:33 AM
I agree with both of you. I don't think a politician should necessarily be booted JUST for a massage with a happy ending. That would be between him and his wife. However, in running on a holier-than-thou platform, this particular guy made promises to the voters that he failed to keep. That's the basis for the boot, I think. The hypocricy is the issue.

07-10-2007, 08:38 AM
Upon reflection, maybe this isn't the place to post this rant as it only deals with poker legislation a little, although it is a big story that everyone should be aware. I apoligize, these stories get me riled up and there are much more important things to discuss on this board.

Maybe down the road, when this guy is up for reelection, then will be the time. He is not our "friend".

07-10-2007, 10:19 AM
Upon reflection, maybe this isn't the place to post this rant as it only deals with poker legislation a little, although it is a big story that everyone should be aware. I apoligize, these stories get me riled up and there are much more important things to discuss on this board.

Maybe down the road, when this guy is up for reelection, then will be the time. He is not our "friend".

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Vitter looks like a candidate for being "leached" out of office. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

07-10-2007, 10:25 AM
By the way, what he did is illegal!

07-10-2007, 10:59 AM
Karma sucks. See Clinton for reference.

07-10-2007, 12:12 PM
God has forgiven him--that has to mean something. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

07-10-2007, 01:01 PM
This happens over and over again- holier than thou politician/public figure turns out to be a deviant.

It's almost a cliche at this point.

07-10-2007, 01:02 PM
I can't help but chime in here. Uglyowl is correct, as is Engineer, and no one is stooping here. This guy is a shamefully hypocritical, and should be exposed for it (on this forum and wherever else). Each time one of the the religious, "family values" zealots (the movement that is largely responsible for putting us where we are today) is discredited in the manner that this clown was, it cuts against the overall credibility of that movement -- and that is important.

07-10-2007, 03:52 PM
If having sex with prostitutes isn't gambling, I don't know what is.

07-10-2007, 03:58 PM
If having sex with prostitutes isn't gambling, I don't know what is.

[/ QUOTE ]


07-10-2007, 05:03 PM
I can't help but chime in here. Uglyowl is correct, as is Engineer, and no one is stooping here. This guy is a shamefully hypocritical, and should be exposed for it (on this forum and wherever else).

[/ QUOTE ]

Completely agree.

07-10-2007, 05:12 PM
I can't help but chime in here. Uglyowl is correct, as is Engineer, and no one is stooping here. This guy is a shamefully hypocritical, and should be exposed for it (on this forum and wherever else).

[/ QUOTE ]

Completely agree.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for my embarrassing typos, no doubt. I really wish we could edit these things beyond the 30 minute cut-off. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

07-10-2007, 06:12 PM
This one was the tip of the iceberg, there will be more disclosures concerning this Administration and its Religous Right allies.

(By the way, despite the speculative post below, I think it is highly doubtful Barney Frank was hiring female hookers.)

07-10-2007, 06:13 PM
10 - 1 against Barney appearing on the list

07-10-2007, 07:13 PM
10 - 1 against Barney appearing on the list

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? Seems closer to 100000 - 1

07-10-2007, 07:48 PM
Hot Bottom aka Barney the gambOOling champion already had his sex scandal.

07-10-2007, 07:55 PM
At least for this Senator, saw on Fox News Live a few minutes ago a madame from New Orleans has come forward saying he was a client of hers as well.

Also they had a 2000 quote from the Sen. wife about that Bobbit gal who cut off the penis, she said - Well, if he ever did what that man did I would be leaving with more than alimony if you know what I mean.....

So, did he really confess to her as he states or more B. S.

ALSO, it turns out he is the Southern coordinator for the Gualiani Campaign!

The above all according to Fox News.


This one was the tip of the iceberg, there will be more disclosures concerning this Administration and its Religous Right allies.

(By the way, despite the speculative post below, I think it is highly doubtful Barney Frank was hiring female hookers.)

[/ QUOTE ]

07-10-2007, 08:16 PM
Great post, thanks.

Wasn't the So. Carolina coordinator for Guilani busted for blow recently ?

Way to show those good prosecutorial instincts, Rudy.

07-10-2007, 08:18 PM
Well, ... yeah, so ? He is a Republican AND a religous conservative, therefore above the law

07-10-2007, 09:47 PM
I hear also now that the Hustler guy, Flint is going to be piling more on the Senator soon.

Also, look for in the coming days 12-25 more prominate Washington names.....

Ah, anybody think we can move these neo conservatives to the middle, heck, they are looking left these days in actions......


07-10-2007, 10:16 PM
Well, ... yeah, so ? He is a Republican AND a religous conservative, therefore he IS the law

[/ QUOTE ]


07-10-2007, 10:48 PM
We've got an ex-governor in federal prison right now, a congressman indicted on bribery charges, and now this. I'm so proud of my state.

07-10-2007, 11:31 PM
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., apologized Monday night for "a very serious sin in my past" after his telephone number appeared among those associated with an escort service operated by the so-called "D.C. Madam."


Voted YES on banning Internet gambling by credit card. (Jun 2003)

Vitter's view on Indian Gambling

web page (http://vitter.senate.gov/?module=PressRoom/VittersView&ID=1a84b3b2-912d-416e-aa01-73fa8e210798)

What a bunch of frauds, this guy need to go

[/ QUOTE ]

I came across this. It seems this story came out a few years ago, but Vitter basically accused the people exposing him of fabricating it to undermine Vitter's career. In other words, Vitter attacked, lied about and slandered people who were truthfully exposing Vitter.



Tidmore Vindicated, Responds to Vitter Revelations

Nearly five years ago, Louisiana Weekly columnist Christopher Tidmore reported that
David Vitter, while a Louisiana State Representative, had allegedly conducted an
eleven month affair with a known prostitute, Wendy Cortez-meeting typically at a
small apartment at the corner of Dumaine and Dauphine Streets in the French Quarter.

Despite testimony from four senior Republicans who spoke to Cortez--and direct
confirmation from the source--then-Congressman David Vitter accused Tidmore of
"crass Louisiana politics, now that I am running for the Senate. I have made that
clear that it is all completely untrue...And, it's obviously politically motivated."

Monday evening, Mr. Vitter's telephone number appeared among those associated with
an escort service operated by the so-called "D.C. Madam."

Vitter apologized for "a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course,
completely responsible",

Yet it appears that that the latest prostitution scandal is merely the next stage of
a continuing saga.

The affair with Wendy Cortez, which Vitter accused Vincent Bruno and Christopher
Tidmore of concocting as a bitter lie, merely seems the first step in a pattern of
behavior by the US Senator.

Christopher Tidmore said Monday evening, "Mr. Vitter has used his considerable power
to attempt to silence those who knew the truth. Those who attempted to expose
hypocrisy and corruption early on were met with threats and disdain. It is time
for real leadership to stop this culture of corruption, incompetence and hypocrisy
from plaguing our political system. Mr. Vitter's actions have harmed Louisiana at
a time when we could not afford any further loss of influence in Washington."

"By conducting a series of lies over more than half a decade, Mr. Vitter has
irreparably damaged his ability to represent the people of Louisiana at the very
time we need integrity and commitment most. We need true ethics, not fake ethical
posturing," Tidmore said. "We need real leadership and moral values, not hypocrisy
and intimidation. Louisiana needs new leadership."

For that reason, Christopher Tidmore has taken a leave of absence from his roles as
senior reporter for 99.5 FM and The Louisiana Weekly to run for the open District 82
Louisiana House legislative seat vacated by the term limited Steve Scalise.

To read Tidmore's stories from 2002 and 2004 on the Vitter/Cortez affair, go to




Salon Magazine also did an expose of the allegations at


[/ QUOTE ]

07-11-2007, 01:14 AM
Yes, on the Lorena quote, that's from when he ran originaly, after Livingston who had the secret mistress with the illegitimate child. His wife also forgave him, and he tried to revive his career, but it didn't work. Vitner super moralist stance is somewhat fixed by that first campaign, when voters were so digusted by Livingston, so the candidates for that seat tried to be a contrast to that. His wife had said something like that if she were Hilary Clinton she wouldn't have forgiven him, she would have pulled a Lorena Bobbit and left with more than alimony. Watch her stay with him to after the election now. This kind of public hypocracy is alway fair game, and it will be a big part of the next election.

07-11-2007, 11:42 AM
If having sex with prostitutes isn't gambling, I don't know what is.

[/ QUOTE ]

And gambling that his wife doesn't find out and divorce him and take him to the cleaners.

Yep, this guy never gambles. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

07-11-2007, 01:13 PM
Yeah, he and the wife have made up, but he wants privacy, so much privacy that he's hiding somewhere that no one has been able to find him. Definitely not showing up at work. Head of LA Rep. party said he needs to resign or BECOME A DEMOCRAT where those type of things are tolerated! Yuck! Thank you no, we already are stuck with one loser from LA, we don't want Vitner, thanks. Full up with our criminal quota, you LA people have issues, must be that Cajun blood. Hopefully he'll be forced out, as that seat isn't up until '10 and then we'll have a shot at the open seat. Maybe Landrieu's brother will run for it, he seemed competent, (too competent to win in NO), and I like Mary alot. That would be a nice opening for him since he can't run for Gov. and didn't get the Mayor job since NO voters seem to be terminally stupid.

07-11-2007, 03:14 PM
Sent this today:

Sen. Vitter,
I would like to say that I am very disappointed about the recent evidence linking you with the Madam situation in D.C. I didn't agree with you concerning your stance on internet gambling, but I did respect your character and values. Now that you have broken a huge ethical issue in regards to your marriage vows, I am having trouble respecting your opinion regarding internet gambling. I would very much like to start playing internet poker again as a hobby in the safety of my own home, (at which I was, by the way, earning extra income for my wife and child.) Please give the legislation that is being proposed by Rep. Barney Frank a very serious consideration if it does make it onto the Senate floor. Poker is a game of skill and should be protected through regulation and taxed for a benefit to our country. Internet poker will go on whether it is legal or not, so you may as well regulate and tax it. If you would like evidence or examples that poker is a game of skill, I would love to take you to a casino in Shreveport or Vicksburg and demonstrate some of the skills of poker to you. I make trips to the casino once or twice a month and average an income of >$10/hr while there. I don't put any money into the slot machines or gamble on craps or any other house games. They aren't beatable in the long run but poker is very beatable due to the level of skill involved with the game, even with the 10% rake that the house takes. Also, the situation with the WTO has become very unfavorable concerning this issue, several countries are lashing out against the U.S. concerning our hypocritical stance on internet gambling which allows internet betting on horse racing and lotteries, but not poker which is much more of a skill game than either of the other two legal forms previously listed.

I am not a degenerate gambler, but a family man. Please take this into consideration as you contemplate your stance on internet gambling.
Joey H. - NELA Resident

07-12-2007, 12:31 PM
So A: we need to keep people from losing all their money to internet poker so that their children wont starve

B: Blowing your whole paycheck on hookers is not only approved but recommended! [censored] your childrens hunger.

07-19-2007, 07:57 PM
This should be interesting, Larry Flynt is riled up:
Larry Flynt exposing the hypocrites (http://news.cincypost.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070719/EDIT/707190302/1003)

Larry Flynt on Larry King: "I have 30 solid leads" (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/07/18/larry-flynt-says-he-has-30-more-names/)

07-19-2007, 09:13 PM
So A: we need to keep people from losing all their money to internet poker so that their children wont starve

B: Blowing your whole paycheck on hookers is not only approved but recommended! [censored] your childrens hunger.

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or B: If your children can't get enough nutrition at home, I hear the Congressional Page stipend is generous. I hear if you don't mind some extra work for Congressmen while wearing boxers, you can really clean up.