View Full Version : DDT : It's good for you!

07-08-2007, 09:42 AM
WHO says DDT is awesome! (http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=20245)

Thankfully we had the one world government step in and prevent those poor ignorant foreigners from using DDT to fight malaria. The 100,000,000 dead should be thankful we were looking out for their best interests.

07-08-2007, 02:12 PM
Jesus, we get it. You don't like the government.

07-08-2007, 02:24 PM
Actually, my point was DDT is good for you.

07-08-2007, 02:35 PM
WHO says DDT is awesome! (http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=20245)

Thankfully we had the one world government step in and prevent those poor ignorant foreigners from using DDT to fight malaria. The 100,000,000 dead should be thankful we were looking out for their best interests.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did you get this number?

07-08-2007, 02:36 PM
"Where did you get this number?"
It's not hard to find, it's right after 99,999,999.

07-08-2007, 02:36 PM
WHO says DDT is awesome! (http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=20245)

Thankfully we had the one world government step in and prevent those poor ignorant foreigners from using DDT to fight malaria. The 100,000,000 dead should be thankful we were looking out for their best interests.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did you get this number?

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He mistyped the 1 million mentioned in the article.

07-08-2007, 02:38 PM


"In all, DDT has been conservatively credited with saving some 100 million lives."

I guess I got a little mixed up, but this article goes into significantly more detail about the subject.

07-08-2007, 02:42 PM


"In all, DDT has been conservatively credited with saving some 100 million lives."

I guess I got a little mixed up, but this article goes into significantly more detail about the subject.

[/ QUOTE ]

DDT is estimated to have saved 100 million lives. So by your logic, DDT being banned has resulted in 100 million deaths. Brilliant reasoning.

07-08-2007, 03:02 PM
I guess I got a little mixed up"

07-08-2007, 03:46 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

07-08-2007, 05:18 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

07-08-2007, 05:57 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

07-08-2007, 09:25 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh right. I forgot that they've been taught that safe sex is a sin. Silly me.

07-08-2007, 11:01 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh right. I forgot that they've been taught that safe sex is a sin. Silly me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I seriously doubt they're eschewing birth control over concerns about sin, considering all the other sins they're committing.

It'd be more convenient for you if they did, though.

By implication I take it you would prefer there really WERE no one left in Africa?

07-08-2007, 11:07 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh right. I forgot that they've been taught that safe sex is a sin. Silly me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I seriously doubt they're eschewing birth control over concerns about sin, considering all the other sins they're committing.

It'd be more convenient for you if they did, though.

By implication I take it you would prefer there really WERE no one left in Africa?

[/ QUOTE ]

You've got the "whom it would be convenient for" all backwards here. You aren't Catholic by any chance, are you?

And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

07-08-2007, 11:18 PM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh right. I forgot that they've been taught that safe sex is a sin. Silly me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I seriously doubt they're eschewing birth control over concerns about sin, considering all the other sins they're committing.

It'd be more convenient for you if they did, though.

By implication I take it you would prefer there really WERE no one left in Africa?

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I'm a racist for pointing out how many people are dying in Africa from disease, famine, and war. Wow.

You make a lot of stupid posts, but this one takes the cake.

07-08-2007, 11:36 PM

You've got the "whom it would be convenient for" all backwards here. You aren't Catholic by any chance, are you?

And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

To wit: Catholic Church slams free Brazil Carnival condoms (http://www.advocate.com/news_detail_ektid41946.asp)

This one's my favorite (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3176982.stm)

"Health experts around the world urge people to use condoms to protect themselves from HIV and a host of sexually transmitted infections.

However, the Catholic Church has consistently refused to back such calls. The Vatican is opposed to contraception and has advocated that people change their behaviour instead.

But according to Panorama, the Church is now telling people that condoms do not work.

In an interview, one of the Vatican's most senior cardinals Alfonso Lopez Trujillo suggested HIV could even pass through condoms.

"The Aids virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon. The spermatozoon can easily pass through the 'net' that is formed by the condom," he says.

The cardinal, who is president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, suggests that governments should urge people not to use condoms.

"These margins of uncertainty...should represent an obligation on the part of the health ministries and all these campaigns to act in the same way as they do with regard to cigarettes, which they state to be a danger."

The programme includes a Catholic nun advising her HIV-infected choir master not to use condoms with his wife because "the virus can pass through".

The Archbishop of Nairobi Raphael Ndingi Nzeki told Panaroma that condoms were helping to spread the virus.

"Aids...has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms," he said.

In Kenya, one in five people are HIV positive.

Gordon Wambi, director of an Aids testing programme in Lwak, near Lake Victoria, told the programme that he could not distribute condoms because of opposition from the Catholic Church.

"Some priests have even been saying that condoms are laced with HIV/Aids," he said.

07-09-2007, 12:24 AM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

It's really a wonder that between AIDS, TB, Malaria, famines, plus various genocides and wars that there is *anyone* left alive in Africa.

[/ QUOTE ]

No condoms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh right. I forgot that they've been taught that safe sex is a sin. Silly me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I seriously doubt they're eschewing birth control over concerns about sin, considering all the other sins they're committing.

It'd be more convenient for you if they did, though.

By implication I take it you would prefer there really WERE no one left in Africa?

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I'm a racist for pointing out how many people are dying in Africa from disease, famine, and war. Wow.

You make a lot of stupid posts, but this one takes the cake.

[/ QUOTE ]

You make a lot of hateful posts but...well, scrap that, you've probably done better somewhere else.

07-09-2007, 12:27 AM
I'm not Catholic, but this argument that people in Africa eschew birth control because they are concerned about its perceived sinfulness, while promiscuity runs rampant, is absurd.

There are plenty of people in Africa who have never even heard the Gospel (unfortunately).

07-09-2007, 12:31 AM
And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't making any such argument - I was simply observing how it was a little odd that Hopey would lament high birth rates right after an observation that, without them, there might not be any Africans left.

07-09-2007, 12:43 AM
The banning of DDT has indeed caused of order 100 million deaths:


And please don't yammer at me about junkscience being a site filled with junk science. The conclussions in the article are widely known and can be found all over the place; I just liked the Malaria Clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't dispute the numbers, I was just curious as to where he got them from. It was a legitimate request. Instead, he replied with a smart-aleck remark.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't mean to imply that I was defending the smart-alecky comeback.

It's all good.

07-09-2007, 01:35 AM
I'm not Catholic, but this argument that people in Africa eschew birth control because they are concerned about its perceived sinfulness, while promiscuity runs rampant, is absurd.

There are plenty of people in Africa who have never even heard the Gospel (unfortunately).

[/ QUOTE ]

They eschew birth control because the people that are trying to help them and give them medical treatment and aid are telling them about Hell and sin and evil and that condoms are wrong. It is much easier to listen to the priest when he says condoms are bad than when he says pre-marital sex is bad.

But of course it isn't ALL the Church's fault. Honestly, even if NONE of it were the Church's fault, it doesn't make their complicity any less horrible.

07-09-2007, 01:36 AM
And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't making any such argument - I was simply observing how it was a little odd that Hopey would lament high birth rates right after an observation that, without them, there might not be any Africans left.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think he was lamenting the high birth rate aspect of condom-scarcity.

07-09-2007, 01:49 AM
And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't making any such argument - I was simply observing how it was a little odd that Hopey would lament high birth rates right after an observation that, without them, there might not be any Africans left.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think he was lamenting the high birth rate aspect of condom-scarcity.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, your post that he replied to was clearly in reference to the fact that high birth rates are one of the reasons the African population has maintained itself. For Hopey to then be lamenting about other effects of lack of birth control without specifically saying so doesn't make sense from the context.

It's a bit of a nit, but I make no assumptions about the morals of those who are openly atheist - hmkpoker claims there's no such thing as morality for an atheist - at least not any that is based in reason.

Edited to add: FWIW, I respect hmk a great deal in that he is very consistent.

07-09-2007, 09:36 AM
And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't making any such argument - I was simply observing how it was a little odd that Hopey would lament high birth rates right after an observation that, without them, there might not be any Africans left.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think he was lamenting the high birth rate aspect of condom-scarcity.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, your post that he replied to was clearly in reference to the fact that high birth rates are one of the reasons the African population has maintained itself. For Hopey to then be lamenting about other effects of lack of birth control without specifically saying so doesn't make sense from the context.

[/ QUOTE ]

For some reason, you seem to be assuming that I take some kind of pleasure out of the deaths of Africans. I'm not sure how you managed to read that into my posts.

If anything, the fact that I'm lamenting the other effects of a lack of condoms in Africa is evidence that I do not view the deaths of Africans in the way that you are accusing me of viewing them. Instead, I feel a great deal of anger towards the Catholic church for doing everything it can to prevent condoms from being available in the 3rd world and by doing so, causing the deaths of millions of Africans.

07-09-2007, 09:37 AM
And good use of the "perfect being the enemy of the good" argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't making any such argument - I was simply observing how it was a little odd that Hopey would lament high birth rates right after an observation that, without them, there might not be any Africans left.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think he was lamenting the high birth rate aspect of condom-scarcity.

[/ QUOTE ]

The links that I provided would bear this out.