View Full Version : Are there two day 2's?

07-07-2007, 07:36 AM
The official website shows Tuesday as the only day 2.

But I have heard there are now two day 2's - tues / weds, as is customary with 4 opening days. Tues would be for survivors of day 1a and 1b, and Weds for 1C and 1D.

Which is it?

07-07-2007, 08:28 AM
five day ones

07-07-2007, 11:39 AM
I think there is only ONE DAY 2,as the 4 Day 1's will be then combined starting on Tuesday July 10th ,and play together from there foward!

World Championship No-Limit Texas Hold'em (Event 55)
No Rebuy/Add-ons
7/6/2007 12:00 PM Day 1A (3,000 players)
7/7/2007 12:00 PM Day 1B (3,000 players)
7/8/2007 12:00 PM Day 1C (3,000 players)
7/9/2007 12:00 PM Day 1D (3,000 players)
7/10/2007 12:00 PM Day 2
7/11/2007 12:00 PM Day 3
7/12/2007 12:00 PM Day 4
7/13/2007 12:00 PM Day 5
7/14/2007 12:00 PM Day 6
7/15/2007 12:00 PM Day 7
7/16/2007 OFF
7/17/2007 12:00 PM FINAL TABLE

**** the 3000 number after each Day 1,is only a PIPEDREAM of count!

~stephen feraca

07-07-2007, 12:00 PM

JOEL_ and stephenNUTS are giving you bad information.

I've got a strucutre sheet right in front of me.

7/10 is Day 2A. (players from 1A and 1B combine)- six levels
7/11 is Day 2B. (players from 1C and 1D combine)- six levels

7/12 is Day 3. - six levels
7/13 is Day 4. - six levels
7/14 is Day 5. (play down to 36 players)
7/15 is Day 6. (play down to 9 players)
7/16 is a day off.
7/17 is the final table

07-07-2007, 12:05 PM

The official website, which is updated to show the new day 1D, doesn't show the new day 2B????


We're only looking at 2000 survivors, max, anyway, from day 1.

Why do we need two day 2's???

07-07-2007, 12:28 PM

JOEL_ and stephenNUTS are giving you bad information.

I've got a strucutre sheet right in front of me.

7/10 is Day 2A. (players from 1A and 1B combine)- six levels
7/11 is Day 2B. (players from 1C and 1D combine)- six levels

7/12 is Day 3. - six levels
7/13 is Day 4. - six levels
7/14 is Day 5. (play down to 36 players)
7/15 is Day 6. (play down to 9 players)
7/16 is a day off.
7/17 is the final table

[/ QUOTE ]

I NEVER to meant give anyone bad info,or mis-lead anyone.
I just took it for granted that,if the WSOP site posted this morning after I bought in,and assumed it was correct?

I mean the WSOP is only running the damn show,and it sure would be nice if they posted the correct info to begin with to avoid any confusion...lol

It was also disgusting today,as at the registration cage this a.m.....it seemed NOT ONE person had any clue what was going on!

This is the WSOP M/E for Christs sakes!

~stephen feraca

07-07-2007, 01:04 PM
According to PokerWire, there were only 450 or so players left from Day 1A. If similar numbers result from Days 1B-D, the best way to go would be one Day 2. Given the apparent size of the field for the entire event (probably about 5000), having two Day Twos would be difficult to handle--you'd have about 900 or so starting each day, but would have to ensure that play ceased when the field was down to about 500 or so. IOW, you would have to have Day 3 starting at a point before people are in the money. DUCY? /images/graemlins/smile.gif (BTW, this same thing happened last year--Annie Duke was running around trying to explain to anybody and everybody that Day 2A play had to end at least one level earlier than was scheduled, to avoid the problem of people getting into the money, before their Day 2B counterparts had even begun play. She was right, although that didn't make her any less annoying)

I'm expecting either two short Day Twos, or one large and long one, with the possible necessity of using a few tables in the "Tent of Doom" area. As for days off? Who knows? Harrah's will probably exhibit its natural tendency of making the decision that will annoy the most people.

W brad
07-07-2007, 01:40 PM
I expect Day 1a to be the lowest number of players of the four day 1's. Why? People procrastinate. The last minute registrations will be on Monday. And who wants to play on Friday when you can play on the weekend? b, c and d should all outpace day 1a.

07-07-2007, 01:50 PM
I expect Day 1a to be the lowest number of players of the four day 1's. Why? People procrastinate. The last minute registrations will be on Monday. And who wants to play on Friday when you can play on the weekend? b, c and d should all outpace day 1a.

[/ QUOTE ]

makes sense. and also many recreational dreamers take 2 weeks vacation from work to play so friday might be their travel day.

07-08-2007, 11:02 AM
According to PokerWire, there were only 450 or so players left from Day 1A. If similar numbers result from Days 1B-D, the best way to go would be one Day 2. Given the apparent size of the field for the entire event (probably about 5000), having two Day Twos would be difficult to handle--you'd have about 900 or so starting each day, but would have to ensure that play ceased when the field was down to about 500 or so. IOW, you would have to have Day 3 starting at a point before people are in the money. DUCY? /images/graemlins/smile.gif (BTW, this same thing happened last year--Annie Duke was running around trying to explain to anybody and everybody that Day 2A play had to end at least one level earlier than was scheduled, to avoid the problem of people getting into the money, before their Day 2B counterparts had even begun play. She was right, although that didn't make her any less annoying)

I'm expecting either two short Day Twos, or one large and long one, with the possible necessity of using a few tables in the "Tent of Doom" area. As for days off? Who knows? Harrah's will probably exhibit its natural tendency of making the decision that will annoy the most people.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't remember this (but I have a poor memory). Shouldn't they just have ended play when they had the number of remaining players equal to half of the number of players making the money?

07-08-2007, 01:04 PM
I don't remember this (but I have a poor memory). Shouldn't they just have ended play when they had the number of remaining players equal to half of the number of players making the money?

[/ QUOTE ]

no, how are they going to determine how many players that is with registration still open? they play a set # of levels each day and end at the same time so that each day 1 set of players plays the same # of minutes in day 1.

07-08-2007, 02:32 PM
I don't remember this (but I have a poor memory). Shouldn't they just have ended play when they had the number of remaining players equal to half of the number of players making the money?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I was talking about Annie Duke's Day 2 fiasco last year.

no, how are they going to determine how many players that is with registration still open? they play a set # of levels each day and end at the same time so that each day 1 set of players plays the same # of minutes in day 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

07-08-2007, 10:32 PM

The Addition of Day 1d Creates a Day 2b

There has been a little confusion among the players in this room, some of whom signed up for Day 1c before there was ever a Day 1d.

The original schedule showed three Day Ones but only one Day Two. Everyone who survived their first day would combine into a single field on Tuesday. (Monday was originally an off day.)

Now that there are four Day Ones, there will be two Day Twos. So everyone who survived Day 1a and Day 1b will play on Tuesday, just as expected. But then they'll have Wednesday off (if they survive Tuesday).

The end of the Main Event schedule is unchanged, and there will still be an off day before the final table. But here's a summary.

Tuesday - Day 2a - Survivors from Day 1a and 1b play.
Wednesday - Day 2b - Survivors from Day 1c and 2d play.
Thursday - Day 3 - Everyone plays.

If you're playing on Tuesday, you have Wednesday off, and vice versa.

07-08-2007, 11:59 PM
I was going to post exactly what SteelWheel did about making sure the 2a players didn't reach the money before the 2b players started.

Someone on the floor staff has surely thought about this, but play on 2a has to end when there are around 350-400 players, then stop the action at the same time on 2b. (Leaving 700-800 players to play down to 600 and the money, assuming 6,000, players, on day 3)

Was this how it was done last year?

07-09-2007, 01:12 AM
They didn't reach the money last year until day 3.