View Full Version : Main Event Fantasy scoring system

07-03-2007, 09:44 AM
I'm trying to put together a little pool for the ME, where my buddies & I will pick ten players each and we put a little money on to see who comes out best. I don't want to use ME cashing as the scoring method because it's too top-heavy. So I was thinking about using the finishing position of the picks (all non-cash finishes will be scored as though they finished one out of the money). With that system the lowest score would win.

1. Does that sound like a reasonable method?
2. I was thinking about a bonus for picking Final Tablers - like deduct x number of points from your total. What would a good value for x be?

07-03-2007, 11:12 AM
For the Sunday contest, we have a formula based on % finish, plus bonus for ITM and FT.

So if you finish 150th / 5000, you get 97.000 points, + 20 points for being ITM. 5th / 5000 would get you 99.999 points, +20 for being ITM, +25 for FT.

I'd use a similar system, but:
- Don't use total runners, use simply ITM finishes and bonus for FT. So if the ME has 850 total paid, if somebody who finishes 800th would get 5.88 points, somebody finishing 500th gets 41.17, 50th gets 94.11 and 5th would get 99.41 + a FT bonus (whatever you decide that should be).

07-03-2007, 04:06 PM
Add up the total of the ten players finishing positions and whoever has the lowest score wins.

07-03-2007, 04:23 PM
Take the cube root of their cash. If you did this with last year's results, Gold would receive 229 pts while Geoff Sanford would receive 22 points. It negates the huge prize differential. Chances are that no one in your group will pick the winner, so it favors more cashers than most cash. If you want it more tilted toward cash, then use square root.

07-03-2007, 11:08 PM
Are any of the mods/respected posters interested in setting up a similar event for the forum?