View Full Version : How much $ does a typical pro spend during the WSOP?

Ron Burgundy
07-03-2007, 04:53 AM
I've never been to the WSOP, so I'd like to get a rough idea of what the typical player would spend during it. In other words, how much would I need to win (in tournaments and/or side games) in order to break even for the trip? Plz let me know if I've left out any normal expenses.


- Not a Vegas resident. I would need a decent hotel or rented house, and either rental car or take cabs everywhere.

- Two meals a day: brunch at one of the buffets, dinner at good restaurants w/ wine.

- Standard occasional heavy drinking, hookers, blow, etc. Say once a week?

- A few nights of tilt or alcohol induced pit game/sportsbook binges

- Half dozen or so rounds of golf (but any golf gambling would be neutral EV)

- I would play all the $5K+ buyin events, and pretty much try to play as many of the smaller events as possible

07-03-2007, 06:40 AM

I'm a resident, only play(ed-ing) 5 3+k events, 26 events total, cost me $64k just in entries.
