View Full Version : Positive Newspaper Op-eds

07-02-2007, 04:09 PM
GAMBLING...GOLD RUSH? A congressional push last year stopped many Americans from playing the games online, but the law may be changed (The Chronicle, 07/02/07) (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/07/02/BUG5LQO5P11.DTL)

A bill before Congress that would legalize Internet gambling in the United States has American companies poised on the sidelines, waiting to capitalize on a potentially humongous new market.

The bill, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act, was introduced by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., in April. Congressional hearings on the feasibility of the bill were held in early June....

Online gambling issue is matter of personal freedom (Miami Herald, 7/2/07) (http://www.miamiherald.com/103/story/155808.html)

Like countless other responsible, adult Americans, I enjoy spending some leisure time playing online poker. Likewise, as an American poker player, I have been riveted to unfolding events in Congress as they relate to my hobby, since the game I enjoy, which was created in this country, is under attack.

The Couch Slouch: Try as it might, government can't stop people from gambling online (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/othersports/322072_chad02.html)

LAS VEGAS -- Across the desert they've swarmed again -- in their 20s and in their twilight, card sharpies and card novices, doctors and patients, house painters and housewives, teachers and students, plus dropouts from all walks of still life -- thousands upon thousands thrill-seeking millions of dollars at the World Series of Poker.

They love to gamble.

Alas, the government doesn't want them to gamble.....

07-02-2007, 07:05 PM
Here's another article in the S.F. Chronicle

S.F. Chronicle Article (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/07/02/BUG5LQO5P11.DTL)

07-02-2007, 07:09 PM
man now u got me thinking of a harrahspoker.com or Trump'spokerroom.com would be sweet

07-02-2007, 08:20 PM
Harrahs is a real possibility.
I am to lazy, but after UIGEA and the decimation, Harrah's bought several online sites real cheap.

So did MGM.

You know, seeing all this support now even in papers and all the reports of US companies poised to enter the market.......

Is it possible we have all been played....Remember, Harrah's donated 50K to Frist (so reported) and now.....

Hummm, makes one wonder.


07-02-2007, 11:42 PM
man now u got me thinking of a harrahspoker.com or Trump'spokerroom.com would be sweet

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OT: I've been saying that for years. It wold be a new golden age of online poker.

07-02-2007, 11:46 PM
And g911 ratcheted it up today with FIVE positive spin stories. They go way overboard, but thats a lot of stories seeing as how they went quiet on online gambling stories for a while. I guess we are all suckers for hope, but it seems things are at least aligning.

07-03-2007, 12:00 AM
And g911 ratcheted it up today with FIVE positive spin stories. They go way overboard, but thats a lot of stories seeing as how they went quiet on online gambling stories for a while. I guess we are all suckers for hope, but it seems things are at least aligning.

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It's important for us to get our version of this out in the mainstream, so these stories are very good for us. Hopefully we'll get a few more. Yes, things keep improving for us day by day.

07-03-2007, 10:24 AM
As the writer of the Miami Herald Opinion Letter, if you contact the papers to write an opinion, they can be receptive to our cause. Pitch the concept, and if accepted, it is only a 500-600 word letter, which can be written very quickly. This opinion was placed in the Business Monday section, so it did receive a wide audience, and I have been contacted by business acquaintances that read the article.

Engineer (and others), keep up the good work and don't lose your motivation to write letters or send contributions. Even though I am a regular poster on other poker forums, I lurk this legislative section for up to date information on legislative activities, and your work can make a difference.

Cactus Jack
07-03-2007, 10:30 AM
Here's another article in the S.F. Chronicle

S.F. Chronicle Article (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/07/02/BUG5LQO5P11.DTL)

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This was a really good article, but even more interesting was the tone. Not only was it positive about online casinos, but seemed to be leaning in the direction that online gambling is going to be legal and regulated in the not too distant future.

It feels like companies are gearing up in anticipation of the future going our way.

Very positive article, even in the way it pays lipservice to and dismisses Kyl.

07-03-2007, 01:19 PM
Here's another article in the S.F. Chronicle

S.F. Chronicle Article (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/07/02/BUG5LQO5P11.DTL)

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This was a really good article, but even more interesting was the tone. Not only was it positive about online casinos, but seemed to be leaning in the direction that online gambling is going to be legal and regulated in the not too distant future.

It feels like companies are gearing up in anticipation of the future going our way.

Very positive article, even in the way it pays lipservice to and dismisses Kyl.

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i agree that this was a very encouraging article, and certainly great for us.

but where do you see them dismissing kyl? it let him have a nice quote. this is kyl's section in its entirity:

Already, longtime Internet gambling opponent Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who was a co-sponsor of the 2006 bill that banned gambling, has spoken out against Frank's bill.

"Online poker is currently the most addictive form of gambling activity among American youth," Kyl said. "Online poker players are more likely to exhibit problem gambling symptoms than other types of gamblers, and over half of young people who gamble on the Internet displays signs of problem gambling.

"There is an attempt by Congressman Barney Frank to remove the online gambling enforcement mechanisms provided by (the current law). I oppose efforts to remove tools that our state and federal authorities have long sought."

So-called "gaming" Web sites in the U.S., which are already legal, aren't considered "gambling" sites because they only offer casino games that can be played for free ....

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07-04-2007, 12:26 AM
As the writer of the Miami Herald Opinion Letter, if you contact the papers to write an opinion, they can be receptive to our cause. Pitch the concept, and if accepted, it is only a 500-600 word letter, which can be written very quickly. This opinion was placed in the Business Monday section, so it did receive a wide audience, and I have been contacted by business acquaintances that read the article.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice op-ed. Great it was published with good visibility. We need all the good press we can get.

Engineer (and others), keep up the good work and don't lose your motivation to write letters or send contributions. Even though I am a regular poster on other poker forums, I lurk this legislative section for up to date information on legislative activities, and your work can make a difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the compliment.

Judging by your op-ed, I'm sure you could add a lot of value if you posted here. I hope you'll stop by more often.

07-04-2007, 12:33 AM
Harrah's poker would be absolutely horrible

terribly run casino, pokerroom