View Full Version : non-duality in action!

06-22-2007, 07:41 AM
When you get angry, it doesn't feel good, your temperature rises, and you feel uncomfortable. maybe something unjust happened. someone did something that was not rational, and it affected you in a 'negative' way like you lost money, were cheated, lost a limb, or something else cherished. to look at this uncomfortable feeling in a dualistic way, you say this 'negative' feeling is 'bad' and you want to stop this feeling from happening because you don't like the uncomfortable feeling and want to feel good as opposed to bad. if you take this dualistic stance on good and bad you may attempt to repress the 'bad' feeling because you think you should not feel this way due to a religious interpretation of God as being only 'good' or regardless of religious belief, just because you'd rather feel good as opposed to bad and think you can just not feel the bad. you may try to cut this feeling off, or pretend it's not there. when you do this though, you are creating or continuing a delusive thought process in, denying the reality the you are in fact angry, which may lead to projecting your anger onto others, either on the person who caused the circumstances or on someone else later, like venting to a friend or overexaggering some other thing later because you have this built up, unrealized anger. you don't want to feel angry, so you pass it on to someone else in a mean way.

from a non-dualistic non-dual not-two perspective, you are angry, that is the reality of the situation and you either reject or accept reality. if you reject reality you'll spawn off on a tangent/separate/egotistical reality that suits your own dualistic needs of feeling only the good and rejecting the bad the effect of which is a surface existence, never really feeling the depth of experience, because you are averse to it. kind of like picking and choosing reality to suit your tastes instead of remaining accessive to reality as is. and that's not to say you can't do what you want to do, just that if you're picking and choosing how you react to situations instead of being real about how you actually feel, you're acting in a way that is separate from reality, possibly either due to fear of how you will react should you be honest, because of insensitive societal norms, or due to a misinterpretation of what religion points to, if you have chosen to follow a certain religion as opposed to following your own 'soul'.

if you have repressed your anger, you need a 'spiritual' rehab, to get 'in touch' with your anger, because you have repetitively disowned it to the point where you are out of touch with it. so now you have to do what is necessary to get back in touch with that which you have made a habit of avoiding, which necessitates a change in thinking, an acceptance of what you at one time thought was bad and avoided. you have to actually feel what you feel. to basically live life as it comes up instead of avoiding it.

when you begin doing this your mind begins to work at a faster rate because you are not caught up in your excuse-based thinking or avoidant/delusive thought-process. your mind becomes resilient because you have seen the inauthenticity of of a dualistic thought process and therefore don't waste time dwelling in a mindset that is depressive/repressive, the effect of which is a 'freeing' of your thinking. your mind works with reality through rationality instead of avoiding the anger of the situation which creates a confining feeling of impossibility, like there's nothing you can do ... which is right, there's nothing you can do about feeling angry when you are, but you can feel angry when you're angry, which is like saying you can live life authentically instead of avoiding it or making excuses because of an ideology that doesn't coincide with reality.

im a model
06-22-2007, 07:50 AM
warning: do not read. post makes no point.

06-22-2007, 09:31 AM
you're right the fundamental problem of existence is illusory. but, there is a need to explain why the fundamental problem of existence is illusory, which is apparent from the repetitive posts in the psychology forum about dealing with tilt ... the answers to which are usually don't tilt, which is right, but what if someone wants to know why, because someone may misconstrue not tilting in a healthy way with not tilting in a repressive way.

that's what i'm getting at and putting it in a broader context of duality vs. non-duality which, if you take to it's logical end also provides a theoretical base for understanding human suffering, intellectually.

sure the post is a moot point if you already understand the absurdity of tilting, but I'm explaining why there is no point to tilting, attempting to provide a rationalizing bridge between dualism and non-dualism, the bridge between one's delusive thinking and thinking that coincides with reality.

so much of the world is stuck in delusion, what buddhism refers to as Mara, the circle of suffering. how, may i ask, are you suggesting that this bridge is crossed? by just realizing it? ok well how do you justify 'just realizing' to someone who has not realized it. by today's standards, people use God, this unknowable yet omniscient being who is somehow outside one's scope. I say bullsht, you can get there logically, it can be rationalized since 'God', your 'higher' self and you are not separate, it's just that people wallow at lower forms of consciousness due to this trap of 'suffering'.

if you're trying to level me fine, i'm trying to provide a rational point of view for people, the kind of people who don't know they are being leveled, to follow.

does it take the fun out of it, yeah maybe. but when there are a ridiculous amount of wars and being fought over nothing i would rather sacrifice some fun and spell [censored] out so everyone can understand rather than keep this social taboo of the have's vs. the have nots going. and that said, the freaking people who think they get don't really get it because if they did they would be a hell of a lot more compassionate than they are.