View Full Version : Which Copyrights/Patents/Trademarks would Antigua profit most from?

06-21-2007, 01:32 AM
If the WTO gives Antigua license to ignore U.S. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights, which of those could Antigua benefit most from?

I'm going to guess:

1. Microprocessor patents - problem would be high cost to enter market and customer support

2. Drug patents

3. Software Copyrights - it doesn't cost much to run bootleg copies of Windows, however it doesn't cost much to download bootleg copies off the internet either... Support from Microsoft would be the same.. nil..

06-21-2007, 02:08 AM
Movies, Music, and software.

06-21-2007, 05:13 AM
As a spokesman for Antigua said to me: "$3.5 billion is a lot of cheap iPods."

from http://majorwager.com/frontline-519.html

06-21-2007, 01:15 PM
Patented pharmaceuticals arent difficult to replicate.

06-21-2007, 07:20 PM
Im not sure I would trust buying prescriptions over the internet from foriegn countries (or just about anybody for that matter). But there is a lot of software I cant wait to get my hands on.

06-21-2007, 07:40 PM
It wouldn't only be Antigua--China could say to hell with copyright infringement and start copying software, movies and music. There is a lot more to lose on our side from unrelated activities than by the amount of the sanctions themselves.

We can't be pushing for rules to be enforced when we are selectively picking which ones that we recognize as legitimate. It could mean a collapse of the whole WTO which would hurt us more than any other party.

06-21-2007, 07:51 PM
To aid Antigua, the USTR has kindly provided many studies on what we most need to protect. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


www.ustr.gov/Trade_Sectors/Intellectual_Property/Section_Index.html (http://www.ustr.gov/Trade_Sectors/Intellectual_Property/Section_Index.html)

USTR Focus on Intellectual Property and Innovation

USTR recognizes the critical importance of intellectual property and innovation to the enhanced productivity and future growth of the U.S. economy.

The Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation at USTR uses a wide range of bilateral and multilateral trade tools to promote strong intellectual property laws and effective enforcement worldwide. Key tools include:

bilateral engagement with U.S. trading partners;
the annual “Special 301” review, and reviews of compliance with the intellectual property requirements of U.S. trade preference programs;
negotiation of intellectual property chapters of bilateral and regional trade agreements; and
multilateral engagement through the World Trade Organization (WTO).
USTR leads the Administration’s efforts in these areas, working in coordination with other agencies. USTR also provides trade policy leadership and expertise across the full range of interagency initiatives to enhance protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

In addition to its focus on intellectual property, USTR’s Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation develops and implements trade policy in support of vital U.S. innovations, including those in the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries.


Also, there's a useful report here: http://www.ustr.gov/assets/Document_Libr...ile180_9335.pdf (http://www.ustr.gov/assets/Document_Library/Reports_Publications/2006/2006_Special_301_Review/asset_upload_file180_9335.pdf)

06-21-2007, 09:01 PM
Im not sure I would trust buying prescriptions over the internet from foriegn countries (or just about anybody for that matter). But there is a lot of software I cant wait to get my hands on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and I am guessing you are young and in good health. There are a lot of people who are not and pay a high price for medications. These people would love a break on their medication bill.

However, many of them don't take well to computers and could use the help of people who are knowledgable about computers and the internet. One of the justifications that was used for UIGEA was that internet poker doesn't contribute materially to society. Here might be a chance to help out the aged and infirmed.

Also, the entertainment field, particularly Hollywood, doesn't usually get along well with Republicans. But, the drug companies and Republicans are very cozy together. I suspect they will be annoyed that 'PocketRockets' is helping Grandma get cheap drugs instead of exploiting fish at Party.

06-22-2007, 12:50 AM
Im not sure I would trust buying prescriptions over the internet from foriegn countries (or just about anybody for that matter). But there is a lot of software I cant wait to get my hands on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and I am guessing you are young and in good health. There are a lot of people who are not and pay a high price for medications. These people would love a break on their medication bill.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will be 48 in August. Have high blood pressure and just recently diagnosed with diabetes. My prescriptions are expensive for us, even with medical insurance. My worries are how can you be positive the drugs you are getting over the internet from foriegn companies are actually what you are prescribed? What helps me, and should help others, is Walmart has a lot of prescriptions for only $4.00. Way cheaper than what my medical insurance gives them to me for. If I had to pay what my medical insurance prescription card pay's they would be anywhere from $15 to $35 a script. And we have the best coverage supplied by our company.

06-22-2007, 01:18 AM
The WSOP, in tandem with the sites that provide all the players.