View Full Version : Fight for Online Gaming - Half Hour Action Plan for the Lazy

06-20-2007, 11:56 AM
I have been avidly reading posts and have been encouraged by the efforts of the Engineer and others.

Here's are simple half hour Plan for any lazy people like me:

1. Read the latest in the "Fight for Online Gaming - Weekly Action Thread." 10 minutes
2. Cut and paste all The Engineer's letters and personalize it a little. 10 minutes
3. Find addresses to senator, congressman, Paulson, Gonzalez, etc. by using links in Engineer's threads. 10 minutes
4. Send letters. 10 seconds

I just did all this and felt like Benjamin Franklin. Now that i'm involved, I'm going to call all these people (another 1/2 hour)and advocate for the repeal of UIGEA, sticking to the minimum mandates when writing regulations, supporting HR 2610 (Wexler), HR 2046(Frank) and HR 2140 Berkley).

Thanks 2+2 and Engineer - I hope you can energize thousands more like me. It feels great to fight back.

06-20-2007, 12:42 PM
I sent another round of emails to my representatives this morning. Hopefully others will do the same.

06-20-2007, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the compliments and for your participation. I'm glad you reassured everyone that it really isn't that hard.

To make things even easier, for the phone calls I like to jot down an outline of what I plan to discuss. Just three or four bulleted items. As it's a one-way conversation, it helps me stay on target and to get my points in.

For example, I jotted this down before calling today:

-- Antigua
-- Intellectual property
-- Why does it even exist? (i.e., US should own this industry)

-- Aerospace, Microsoft, agriculture

IHRA (the "special" horses that are safe for interstate Internet gambling on, somehow)
-- Important to state
-- Why is it okay when other gambling is “wrong”
-- Main violator of WTO case, at risk

-- Shown in House hearing to be feasible to regulate
-- Opponents shown to simply not like gambling
-- U.S. should be net recipient of Internet gambling cash….why are we offshoring our cash?

Limited government????

[/ QUOTE ]

Nothing fancy...just enough to make all my points in a short period of time in a coherent, organized fashion without sounding like I'm reading from a script.