View Full Version : Ron Paul is on The Colbert Report tonight (Wed)

06-13-2007, 11:32 PM
If you miss it, the repeat is on tomorrow at 8:30 pm EST, plus other times.

06-14-2007, 12:07 AM
Not a bad interview, but if he would just shut up about dismantling the entire government.

06-14-2007, 03:53 AM
Not a bad interview, but if he would just shut up about dismantling the entire government.

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It will be really interesting if he makes it far enough to start scaring all the agencies, corporations and special interests that are looking to "protect their cheese".

I think people misinterpret his desire to kill all these federal agencies. All of these agencies were created to fulfill some need(real or perceived) of the people, but the solutions are just woefully inefficiant when applied at the federal level. You don't need FEMA, but Oklahoma probably needs a Tornado Response Agency, Florida might want to prepare for hurricanes, and Nevada needs a Really Bad Sunburn and Drunks Walking in Front of Buses Reponse Team.

06-14-2007, 04:21 PM
It will be really interesting if he makes it far enough to start scaring all the agencies, corporations and special interests that are looking to "protect their cheese".

It will be really interesting if Christ shows up at my local bookstore to autograph the Bible, too. Also far more likely than Paul having any impact at all on US politics.

06-14-2007, 06:12 PM
It will be really interesting if Christ shows up at my local bookstore to autograph the Bible, too. Also far more likely than Paul having any impact at all on US politics

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You have just shown everyone how woefully out of touch you are. Ron Paul is already having an impact on US politics.

06-14-2007, 06:15 PM
You have just shown everyone how woefully out of touch you are. Ron Paul is already having an impact on US politics.

Of course he isn't.

Is this your first election or something? He's having roughly the same impact Al Sharpton had in 2004. Possibly less as he's a far less interesting speaker.

06-14-2007, 06:45 PM

You have just shown everyone how woefully out of touch you are. Ron Paul is already having an impact on US politics.

Of course he isn't.

Is this your first election or something? He's having roughly the same impact Al Sharpton had in 2004. Possibly less as he's a far less interesting speaker.

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My first election, I wish..ha ha.

I'm 40 years old, I've been around for a couple elections.

Comparing Ron Paul to Al Sharpton? Silly.

Some of the anti-Paul sentiments have just been plain silly, no other word describes it so well.


EDIT: After thinking for a couple seconds, I realized "stupid" is as good as a description as "silly" but I try not to use that term as it's got a lot more of a negative connotation. I'm a peacenik.

06-14-2007, 07:22 PM
Comparing Ron Paul to Al Sharpton? Silly.

Probably. Comparing their relative impacts on elections, however, completely accurate.

Sorry. I'd like to live in a world where politician's ideas mattered more than their packaging, but I don't and neither do you.

06-15-2007, 12:31 AM
but if he would just shut up about dismantling the entire government.

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Wow that sucks. So I have to build and maintain my own road to get to work? Not to mention generating my own water source. The things I do for poker.

06-15-2007, 12:58 AM
but if he would just shut up about dismantling the entire government.

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Wow that sucks. So I have to build and maintain my own road to get to work? Not to mention generating my own water source. The things I do for poker.

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Yep, that's what people had to do back in the old days when a conservative republican won the presidency. Your grandpa was right when he said it was rough.

06-15-2007, 01:02 AM
but if he would just shut up about dismantling the entire government.

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Wow that sucks. So I have to build and maintain my own road to get to work? Not to mention generating my own water source. The things I do for poker.

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It's really not that bad.

You can find most of the supplies, tar, concrete, gravel, etc; at Home Depot and stores such as that. That's the hardest part. Digging a well and adding a pump is pretty simple too.

Once you've got it all up and running, it's smooth sailing........and you'll vote conservative for the rest of your life.

06-15-2007, 03:00 PM
Ok,Im by no means political oriented, and would never claim to know how our government runs. But whats wrong with doing away with the IRS and taxes in general? Even if they do that, wouldnt they add a federal sales tax to tax us that way. That way we get to bring home our whole paycheck and decide how we want to spend it. Then be taxed on what we spend it on. Like I said, I really know little about how this works, but I would like it better than paying taxes out of my check. Makes you feel like you working for something then when you see a bigger paycheck.

06-15-2007, 03:35 PM
I really know little about how this works

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Passing your high school civics/government/history/whatever class should have taught you why this idea is bad. I'll give you a hint. Some taxes are progressive and some regressive. You can read all about it here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regressive_tax) The key part is where it says "Regressive taxes reduce the tax incidence of people with higher incomes, as they shift the incidence disproportionately to those with smaller incomes."

06-15-2007, 08:53 PM
In case anyone missed it (http://youtube.com/watch?v=7ErBROBgERs)

06-15-2007, 10:07 PM
I think Ron Paul, well,,, I liked Patrick Henry as well.

A great speech by PH went something like this (it has beed since the 4th grade, many years ago but...)

Gentlemen may cry peace, peace
But there is no peace
Why stand we here idle
Is peace so sweet or life so dear
As to be threatened with chains and slavery
Forbid It Almighty God
I know not what course others may take
But as for me
Give Liberty or Give me Death

There is more to it but I have long since forgotten.

I almost expect him to give that speech one day.

Personally, I like Fred Thompson.


06-15-2007, 10:26 PM
even if they do that, wouldnt they add a federal sales tax to tax us that way. That way we get to bring home our whole paycheck and decide how we want to spend it.

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yes they could but that would work alot better and politicians would loose power... so they dont want it.

read about a national retail sales tax (http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer)

06-15-2007, 10:29 PM
I really know little about how this works

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Passing your high school civics/government/history/whatever class should have taught you why this idea is bad. I'll give you a hint. Some taxes are progressive and some regressive. You can read all about it here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regressive_tax) The key part is where it says "Regressive taxes reduce the tax incidence of people with higher incomes, as they shift the incidence disproportionately to those with smaller incomes."

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a flat or sales tax idea is not necessarily regressive. see my post above.

06-16-2007, 03:17 PM
I think Ron Paul, well,,, I liked Patrick Henry as well.

A great speech by PH went something like this (it has beed since the 4th grade, many years ago but...)

Gentlemen may cry peace, peace
But there is no peace
Why stand we here idle
Is peace so sweet or life so dear
As to be threatened with chains and slavery
Forbid It Almighty God
I know not what course others may take
But as for me
Give Liberty or Give me Death

There is more to it but I have long since forgotten.

I almost expect him to give that speech one day.

Personally, I like Fred Thompson.


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Yeah, but Patrick Henry was a religous nutjob who would march in lockstep with Dobson, provided Dobson converted to being a good Anglican.

06-16-2007, 03:57 PM
Yeah, but Patrick Henry was a religous nutjob who would march in lockstep with Dobson, provided Dobson converted to being a good Anglican.

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I think you misunderstand Henry. Paul is much in his mould.

From a brief Bio of Henry; "He was in favor of the strongest possible government for the individual states, and a weak federal government. He was also very critical of the fact that the convention was conducted in secret.'

read it at:


06-16-2007, 04:08 PM
He also fought with Jefferson in Virginia to establish a state church.

06-16-2007, 04:39 PM

An Also-Ran in the GOP Polls, Ron Paul Is Huge on the Web

By Jose Antonio Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 16, 2007; A01

On Technorati, which offers a real-time glimpse of the blogosphere, the most frequently searched term this week was "YouTube."

Then comes "Ron Paul."

The presence of the obscure Republican congressman from Texas on a list that includes terms such as "Sopranos," "Paris Hilton" and "iPhone" is a sign of the online buzz building around the long-shot Republican presidential hopeful -- even as mainstream political pundits have written him off.

Rep. Ron Paul is more popular on Facebook than Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). He's got more friends on MySpace than former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. His MeetUp groups, with 11,924 members in 279 cities, are the biggest in the Republican field. And his official YouTube videos, including clips of his three debate appearances, have been viewed nearly 1.1 million times -- more than those of any other candidate, Republican or Democrat, except Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)......

06-16-2007, 04:40 PM
I really know little about how this works

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Passing your high school civics/government/history/whatever class should have taught you why this idea is bad.

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I passed college government last semester with a B and still didnt learn about taxes.