View Full Version : For David Sklansky -- Sopranos

06-11-2007, 02:26 PM
Today, June 11, 2007.

Apparently, the entire country and the entire internet is analyzing the last episode of "The Sopranos".

Just curious as to what you think about it. Given the last episode, how does the Bayesian Theory apply?

Is Tony whacked? Arrested? Something else?

Honestly, I don't care about god or any of the crap about abortion or evolution....

What happened to Tony?

Ehhh? As Larry David would say....

06-11-2007, 02:45 PM
yeah i think we got two big data points here that point towards a wack.

a) tony is eating an orange at beginning of last episode
b) flashback to bobby's remark that when you get wacked you probably don't even know it in 2nd to last episode. maybe he even said "everything just goes black" I'm not sure.

can we bayes it?

06-11-2007, 08:28 PM

can we bayes it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah. Too many important questions to decide here.

The world revolves around this forum! Oh, and David S!

bye now

06-12-2007, 12:24 AM
plus the cat was orange, so I think with this new evidence it is clear he is dead.

06-12-2007, 02:02 AM
Wasn't the guy who went to the bathroom the same guy that wacked the guy who got his head crushed? If so, Tony must have him there as a bodyguard. Maybe those guys in the Cafe are all Tony's bodyguards just in case.

When asked about the ending being up in the air the Creator of the shoe said, "It's all there". So he thinks we're supposed to be able to tell what's what in the ending. I think it was just a way of showing what every Next Moment is like in Tony's life. He never knows if this is the Moment he gets Cut To Black.


06-12-2007, 05:27 AM
Wasn't the guy who went to the bathroom the same guy that wacked the guy who got his head crushed?

[/ QUOTE ]
no. but some people have claimed one guy was phil leotardos cousin or something and another guy was someone from season 1.

06-12-2007, 05:34 AM

good recap. you'd think if the guy who went into the bathroom was the same guy who played phil's nephew people would have talked about it and posted screen shots and stuff.

06-12-2007, 01:12 PM
i dont know if anyone else watched the final scene more than once, but the suspense element is almost completely missing upon a second viewing and im inclined to believe that he wasnt killed. (obviously i understand that since i knew what would happen, that reduces suspense. watch it for yourselves again. you'll see what i mean).

a post was made in bbv4life about the episode and i agree with the ideas put forth by one of the posters. he essentially argued that chase was just picking an arbitrary ending for the show. that while this moment in tony's life was incredibly significant for the viewers because it was our final glimpse of him, for tony himself, it was just another meal with the family.

when tony visits junior, he realizes that for aging members of the mafia, if they dont go down in a blaze of glory, they simply fade away and are generally forgotten (like the vast majority of the elderly). this is the fate that befalls tony soprano for the viewer. the show is over, the crime family itself is falling apart and it's very likely he will spend a large amount of time in jail. he, like every other formerly powerful man, will see his sphere of influence decrease and decrease until he's only really important to members of his immediate family. that's why we see some insignificant family dinner as the final scene of the show. the show wasnt some giant 7 season dramatic arc toward a final resolution, it was just a glimpse into his world. and it's a world that, like everything else, will eventually become unimportant. the cut to black was simply when chase decided that should happen.