View Full Version : OOP Play, Keeping the pot small

06-10-2007, 02:44 PM
I've been having a dilemma recently. Many people agree to 3bet a wide range of hands preflop OOP. Now I realize that it may be good for taking down a nice sized pot on the flop, as well as isolating weaker preflop callers in an attempt to make a HU or 3way pot. But what about the concept of keeping the pot small OOP in order to let the postflop skills come into play. what are the pros and cons of smoothcalling button stealers or cutoff stealers + 1 caller when you are OOP with hands that might warrant a 3bet? how beneficial can it be to rely more on postflop skills w/ strong holdings to outplay our opponents ?

Simple examples might be loose cutoff/button raises, u are in BB/SB w/ 1010+ AQ+, do we 3bet? or do we smoothcall.

sbrugby encourages 3betting a wider range to disquise your big pairs + AK, but I can see how u can get in trouble doing this OOP.


06-10-2007, 02:47 PM
Why wouldn't you 3bet? You get more money in the pot when you're ahead. That simple. Just because you're scared to play OOP / can't play OOP doesn't mean you adjust your play. Learn how to be +EV OOP and it won't be a problem. You don't give up +EV PF as a result of sucking OOP...

06-10-2007, 02:50 PM
I'd say if anything, 3bet more and flat call less OOP than in position. In position, you can just call more because even if you have a better hand preflop, the benefit of position allows you disguise it, draw well, play more optimally, and extract a lot of money if you hit.

06-10-2007, 02:52 PM
Generally you want to 3bet for value as well as to make the hand play out easier. That said against calling stations I'd rather 3bet with made hands like TT than with unmade ones like AQ.

06-10-2007, 03:00 PM
What about when you get into HU situations out of the SB/BB against cutoff/button stealers who are raising weak? I find myself 3betting them and them folding when I have strong hands. What would be wrong with smooth calling them and letting them make mistakes postflop rather then shutting them out right away preflop?

06-10-2007, 03:35 PM
You create a more +ev spot in which you 3 bet and have the initiative while oop than smooth calling a lp position raise and battling against an unknown hand oop with no initiative.